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World Malaria Day: History, Theme, Treatment and Prevention

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that claims nearly 6 lakh lives annually. The disease is caused by the Plasmodium parasite which is spread through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria is a serious issue that affects people of all ages, especially children under five.

Every year, on the 25th of April, the World Health Organization observes World Malaria Day to spread awareness regarding the prevention, control and elimination of Malaria.

World Malaria Day: History

The World Health Assembly at its 60th session in May 2007 established the World Malaria Day. Its motive was to provide education and understanding on malaria to everyone and also conduct “year-long intensified implementation of national malaria-control strategies. Before the establishment of World Malaria Day, Africa Malaria Day was observed on April 25 to spread awareness about Malaria in Africa since 2001.

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World Malaria Day Theme 2024

This year’s World Malaria Day theme is “Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world”. The theme is coherent with the World Health Day theme “My Health, My Right”. Since malaria impacts most of the underdeveloped regions of Asia and Africa with poor healthcare systems, the financial burden of these countries increases further in combating the disease. The World Malaria Theme 2024 emphasizes fighting the disease and achieving global equality.

Previous Year’s Theme: “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement”

Malaria Treatment and Prevention

Antimalarial medications are used to treat the disease. Earlier patients could expect a full recovery after completing the treatment. Over time, the antimalarial drugs have become less effective as the parasites have developed resistance against the medications. WHO has recommended protection for all the people at risk of malaria with effective malaria vector control. Two forms of vector control: insecticide-treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying are effective in maximum cases.

Facts About World Malaria Day

  • Malaria is curable and preventable. Recently, Sri Lanka, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates are among the countries that have eliminated it. Despite this, every year more than 200 million new cases of malaria are reported.
  • Approximately 70% of the world’s malaria burden is concentrated in 11 countries. Ten of these countries are on the African continent, the other being India. 94% of all malaria cases are in the WHO African Region.
  • Malaria is an acute febrile illness. Its symptoms usually appear 10-15 days after the bite of an infected mosquito. At the starting stage, its symptoms include fever, headache and chills.
  • The main way to prevent and reduce malaria transmission is vector control such as insecticide-treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying.


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When is the World Malaria Day celebrated?

World Malaria Day is celebrated on 25th April 2024 this year.

What is the theme of World Malaria Day 2024?

This year’s World Malaria Day theme is “Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world”.