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Visva Bharati Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

Visva Bharati Syllabus is releases along with the Recruitment every year by the Board. For the convenience of the candidates, we have shared the detailed Visva Bharati Non Teaching Syllabus in the article below. The Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus 2024 will help the candidates to plan and prepare well for the upcoming exams. We have covered topics wise syllabus in this article below.

Interested and eligible candidates must begin their preparation to grab this golden opportunity with having a huge number of vacancies for Non-Teaching posts. The candidates must pull up their socks and start looking for the Visva Bharati Non Teaching Syllabus.

Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus 2024

The scheme of Examination, components of Written Test (Paper-I & Paper-II), Skill Test, Interview /Personality Test (Wherever applicable) and the syllabus for examination for administrative/non-teaching /library cadres posts by direct recruitment is given below.

Visva Bharati Exam Pattern 2024

Paper-I (MCQ Type) for all Administrative /non-teaching/Library Cadre posts.

Paper-I (MCQ Type) Test Components Duration : 2 hours
  No. of Questions Marks
(i) General Awareness 30 60
(ii) Reasoning Ability 35 70
(iii) Mathematical Ability 35 70
(iv) Test of Language : English Or Hindi 30 60
(v) Computer Awareness 20 40
                                                   Total 150 300

Note:- Extra time will be given to the PwD candidates as per applicable rules/orders of the Govt. of India.

Visva Bharati Topic Wise Syllabus 2024

The detailed Visva-Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus is mentioned below.

Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus 2024
(i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the environment and its relevance to society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations/Institutions national and international events etc.
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series etc.
(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
(iv) Test of English or Hindi: In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, it’s Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested.
(v) Computer Awareness: The test will cover Computer Fundaments, Basic Applications of Computer, Components of Computer, Computer Hardware & Software, Operating systems, Word Processing, Internet and Security & Networking etc.

B. Paper-II(MCQ) for following posts:

Duration: 1 ½ Hours Question : 50 Marks : 100
SI. No. Name of Post Syllabus
















Deputy Registrar




Assistant Registrar




Section Officer







Assistant/Senior Assistant

1. Establishment/Financial Matters: Basics of FR&SR and constitutional provisions relating to service matters, Advances, Children Education Allowance, Compensatory Allowances, CCS (Conduct) Rules, Departmental Promotion Committee, MACP,

Deputation and Foreign Service, CCS(CCA)-Rules, House Allotment Rules, Income Tax, Joining Time, Leave Rules, Leave Travel Concession(LTC), CGHS, Medical Attendance Rules (CSMA Rules), Pay & Allowances, Pay Fixation, Provident Fund, Pension Rules, Reservations and Concession in appointments, Resignation, Removal and Dismissal, Retirement on Superannuation, Seniority and Promotion, Travelling Allowance, National Pension System and other Establishment matters. General Financial Rules-2017, Procurement of Goods and Services, works, PFMS, CAN Account, Treasury Single Account (TSA) (40 Questions)

2. University Administration: This section will contain questions on Visva-Bharati Act 1951, UGC Act 1956, University Administration, such as powers and functions of the University Authorities, framing of curricula and evaluation procedures, procedure for processing cases for the University Court, Executive Council, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Institute Board, Research Board, Building and Campus Committee etc. Procedure for making of Statues, Ordinances, Regulations of the Statutory Brody the University. For this purpose, the candidates may go through act, Statute, Ordnances, Regulations and orders of the University. The candidates are also expected to have an understanding of the history, heritage and achievement of Visva-Bharti. (10 Questions)

05 Senior System Analyst Questions will be designed to test the domain knowledge of the candidate of word processing, data analysis packages,
06. System Programmer Computer Applications, Components of Computer, Hardware & Software, Operating system, Word processing, Internet and Security & Networking, Website design & maintenance, Programming languages etc. and other related fields pertaining to the job. (50 Questions)




Assistant Engineer (Civil)


Junior Engineer (Civil)

Questions will be designed to test the domain knowledge of the candidates in Building Materials, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Hydraulics, Environmental, Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, RCC Designs (RCC Beams & Steel Design), Contract management / quality control /Project management, Safety management, knowledge of CAD & other engineering drawing software etc. and other related fields pertaining to the job. (50 Questions)





Assistant Engineer (Electrical)



Junior Engineer (Electrical)

Questions will be designed to test the domain knowledge of the candidates in Basic Electric Engineering, Electrical Machines & General Transmission & Distribution, Contract management / quality control / Project management, Safety management, knowledge of CAD & other engineering drawing software etc. and other related fields pertaining to the job. (50 Questions)




Senior Technical Assistant


Technical Assistant

Subject specific laboratory based practical questions and knowledge of Computers with special reference to word processing and data analysis packages etc, and other related fields pertaining to the job. (50 Questions)









Professional Assistant







Semi Professional Assistant

Library Aptitude, Operation Test: Knowledge and application of Library and Information Science Procedures, Rules and Regulations. Knowledge of computers with special reference to knowledge of Library Software packages of word processing, data analysis packages, Analog audio/video tapes/cassettes identification, arrangements, cataloguing and preservation of digital audio/video files identification and management through software. Basic knowledge of broadcast audio/video parameters. Virtual reference services, stock verification, digital library, website development and maintenance, cloud storage and server, remote access & discovery services, research tools, research data handling, Library networking & resource sharing, other spheres of library operation/services. (50 Questions)
15. Library Assistant Library Aptitude, Operation Test: The question will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s basic knowledge and awareness on library and information science and recent development on the following areas: Knowledge and application of procurement of resources including e-resources, technical processing, procedures, rules & regulations, various library operation and services. Knowledge of information communication technology (ICT), recent development in the field of ICT with special reference to library automation software, open source software, word processing software etc. Knowledge of National Digital Library, role of INFLIBNET, Institutional Repository, plagiarism, Information Retrieval, stock verification etc. (50 Questions)
16. Library Attendant Library Aptitude Test, Library Operation etc: Question will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library and Information Science and recent development in the field of library science, basic knowledge on computer. The question may be from all the spheres of library science in terms of current context. (50 Questions)

Skill Test for following posts (Qualifying)

SI. No. Name of the posts Syllabus
01. Private Secretary/PA Level B Stenography Skill Test (Qualifying) Duration of Dictation Transcription Time
10 Minutes @ 120 WPW in English 50 Minutes in English
Not more than 5% mistakes are permissible
02. Personal Assistant/PA Level C Stenography Skill Test (Qualifying) Duration of Dictation Transcription Time
10 Minutes

@ 100 WPW in English

40 Minutes in English
Not more than 5% mistakes are permissible
03. Stenographer Stenography Skill Test (Qualifying) Duration of Dictation Transcription Time
10 Minutes @ 80 WPW in English 50 Minutes in English
Not more than 5% mistakes are permissible




Upper Division Clerk/Office Assistant



Lower Division Clerk/Junior Office Assistant cum Typist


Skill Test-Typing (Qualifying)

Test Components


35 wpm in English

Visva Bharati Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024_3.1


What is the Exam Pattern for Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Exam?

Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Exam Pattern consists of five sections i.e. General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Mathematical Ability, Test of Language : English Or Hindi, Computer Awareness.

How to get the Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus 2024?

The detailed Visva Bharati Non-Teaching syllabus and exam pattern are provided in this post.

From where I can get the Visva-Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus PDF?

The Visva-Bharati Non-Teaching Syllabus PDF can be downloaded from the link given above.

What is the selection process of Visva Bharati Non-Teaching Recruitment 2024?

Written Test (Paper-I & Paper-II), Skill Test, Interview /Personality Test (Wherever applicable)