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UKPSC RO/ARO Syllabus 2024 and Complete Exam Pattern PDF

Are you preparing for the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission RO ARO exam? Want relevant details for the UKPSC RO ARO 2024 Syllabus? Here we are providing you the detailed UKPSC RO/ARO Syllabus 2024. This will help you prepare for the exam efficiently and strategize for your study plan. Having detailed knowledge about the UKPSC RO/ARO Syllabus will help you to plan in the very right direction. In the article below candidates can find detailed Uttarakhand RO ARO Syllabus along with exam pattern for both preliminary and mains examination.

UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern 2024

Candidates must check the detailed UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern 2024 mentioned here. The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) conducts the Review Officer (RO)/Assistant Review Officer (ARO) examination. The exam will be conducted in two stages i,e, prelims examination and mains examination. Go through the exam pattern mentioned here and start your preparation.

UKPSC RO ARO Prelims Exam Pattern

  • The preliminary exam is objective type.
  • It contains multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
  • Subjects generally include General Studies and General Hindi.
  • The duration is typically around 2 hours.
  • The purpose is to shortlist candidates for the Main examination.
  • Each question carries 01 mark
  • Type of questions: Objective-type questions
  • There will a negative marking of 1/4 marks for every incorrect answer.
Subject No. of questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
General Studies and General Intelligence Test 150 150 120 Minutes

UKPSC RO ARO Mains Exam Pattern

Candidates qualifying for the Prelims examination will be called for the UKPSC RO ARO Mains examination. The general studies section will contain objective-type questions.

  • The main exam is descriptive type.
  • It contains long-answer questions.
  • Subjects typically include General Studies, General Hindi, and an optional subject.
  • The duration varies according to the subject.
  • This stage evaluates candidates’ in-depth knowledge.
Subject No. of questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
General Studies 200 200 03 Hours
Hindi Composition 05 100 03 Hours
Essay 03 100 03 Hours

UKPSC RO ARO Practical Test Exam Pattern

Check out the UKPSC RO ARO Practical Test Exam Pattern provided below in the table:

S. No. Question Paper Type of Exam Marks Duration
1 Computer Basic Knowledge Test Qualifying Nature 100 1 Hour
2 Typing Test Qualifying Nature 10 mins.
  • Negative marking system for objective-type exams.
  • Wrong answers or multiple answers to a question result in a penalty.
  • There is a negative marking of one-fourth of the marks allocated for that question.
  • The sum of penalty marks is deducted from the total marks obtained by the candidate

UKPSC RO ARO Prelims Syllabus 2024

The UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus for prelims involves two major subjects i.e. General Studies and General Intelligence Test. Candidates must refer to the topics mentioned below and start studying them to crack the exam in one kick to qualify for the mains examination.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus For General Studies

The General Studies syllabus for the UKPSC RO/ARO (Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer) exam typically covers various subjects related to general awareness and understanding of diverse fields. These are the topics included for the General Studies for the prelims exam.

  1. General Science and Knowledge of Computer Operation
  2. History of India and the Indian National Movement
  3. Indian polity and Economy
  4. Geography and Demography of India
  5. Current Events
  6. History of Uttarakand
  7. Culture of Uttarakhand
  8. Geography and Demography of Uttarakhand
  9. Economic, Political, and Administrative Background of Uttarakhand
  10. Economic and Natural Resources

UKPSC RO/ARO Syllabus For General Intelligence Test

The General Intelligence Test syllabus for the UKPSC RO/ARO (Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer) exam typically covers topics related to logical and analytical reasoning, as well as problem-solving abilities. Here’s a general outline of the topics usually included:

  1. Analogies
  2. Similarities and Differences
  3. Problem-Solving
  4. Decision Making
  5. Analysis
  6. Visual Memory
  7. Distinction
  8. Relationship Concept
  9. Observation
  10. Logical Arithmetic
  11. Arithmetic Number Series

UKPSC RO ARO Mains Syllabus 2024

The UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus for the main examination includes three subjects namely: General Studies, Hindi Composition, and Essay Writing. Check the detailed mains syllabus topic-wise mentioned here and start your preparation now. The mains exam for UKPSC RO/ARO is typically subjective, requiring candidates to write detailed answers. It assesses the candidates’ understanding and knowledge of the subjects mentioned below.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus For General Studies

  1. General Science and Technology: Questions on General Science and technology, Discoveries, Inventions, information, Biotechnology, Solar
    technology and space technology, Artificial Intelligence, Application of new technology for health and medicines, Environmental Awareness, Natural Bioresources, etc.
  2. Basic knowledge of computers and its application in the development
  3. History and Culture of India and Uttarakhand
  4. Indian National Movement, Relation with other Countries (Especially neighboring Countries) after Independence
  5. Geography and Population of India and Uttarakhand
  6. Disaster management and mitigation (ecosystem, environment and natural calamities)
  7. Indian Polity and Economy: Constitution, Panchayati Raj, and Community development, broad features of Indian economy and planning.
  8. The polity of Uttarakhand, Panchayati Raj Act: Governor, Legislation, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Public Services, Public Service Commission, High Court, and its Jurisdiction, Provision for minorities, Schedule Caste/Tribes, Special State Selection Criteria, Official Language, Political Parties and Election, Local Government and Panchayati Raj, etc.
  9. Economy of Uttarakhand: Local agriculture and animal husbandry, condition of land holdings and the need for consolidation of holdings, forest resources and horticulture, Major crops, and crop rotation, and Means of irrigation.
  10. Current events of National and International importance

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus For Hindi Composition

  1. रूपान्तरण
  2. शब्दावली
  3. पत्र
  4. गद्यांश

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus For Essay

This section is divided into three parts. Candidates have to choose any one topic from each section and write essays in both Hindi and English Language.

Part (A) 1. साहित्य और संस्कृति 2. सामाजिक क्षेत्र 3. राजनीतिक क्षेत्र

Part (B) 1. विज्ञान, पर्यावरण एवं प्रौद्योगिकी 2. आर्थिक क्षेत्र 3. कृषि एवं व्यापार

Part (C) 1. राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय घटना क्रम 2. प्राकृतिक आपदायें भू-स्खलन, चक्रवात भूकम्प, बाढ़, सूखा आदि 3. राष्ट्रीय विकास योजनायें

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2024 PDF

For the convenience of candidates preparing for the post of Review Officer and Assistant Review Officer, SSCADDA is providing you with the PDF of the UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2024. Click on the link below and begin your preparations with a bang.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2024 PDF


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Does the UKPSC RO/ARO Syllabus changes every year?

No. There are no major changes made to the syallabus every year. Candidates can go through the prelims and mains syllabus mentioned above.

What is UKPSC RO/ ARO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024?

Candidates can find detailed UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2024 above in this article. Understand the syllabus and exam apttern and start your study for upcoming examiantion

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..