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Typing Test for All SSC Exams, Check Complete Details

The Typing Test is an important part of many Staff Selection Commission (SSC) exams. It includes exams like Combined Graduate Level (CGL), Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL), and Stenographer Grades C & D. The following article will explain why the SSC Typing Test matters, the importance of the Typing Test, and also have helpful strategies to do well on exam day.

Importance of Typing Test

The Typing Test is an important factor in various SSC exams as it is necessary to assess a candidate’s typing speed and accuracy. Proficiency in typing is an essential component for most government posts, especially those involving data entry, clerical work, and stenography. A strong performance in the typing test enhances a candidate’s chances of securing a position in the government sector.

SSC Exams With Typing Test

1. Combined Graduate Level (CGL)

Candidates are recruited for various posts in ministries and departments of the Government of India in this exam. The Typing Test is necessary for certain positions, especially in the clerical category, which includes posts like Assistant Section Officer and Auditor. Additionally, the CGL exam consists of multiple tiers, and the typing test is conducted after the Tier-2 exam.

In this exam, candidates need to type at least 35 words/ minute in English and 30 words/minute in Hindi. It is a necessary step required to be selected for further selection process. In SSC CGL, the typing test lasts for 10 minutes, and candidates type a passage chosen randomly from a set of passages. The candidates are required to type accurately within the given time limit.

2. Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL)

In this exam, candidates are recruited into lower divisional clerk (LDC) and data entry operator (DEO) positions. A Typing Test is a crucial part for all LDC candidates, who need to achieve the prescribed typing speed to qualify for the later stages of the selection process. The SSC CHSL exam includes a Tier-1 (Computer-based Test), Tier-2 (Descriptive Test), and a Typing test.

For the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), the Typing speed is 35 words/ minute for English Language and 30 words/ minute for Hindi Language. The total time allotted for the test is 10 minutes.

Understanding the Typing Test Format

Candidates appearing for the exam need to understand the format of the Typing Test. This is a crucial factor for effective preparation. Below are some important points to keep in mind before appearing for the exam.

Passage Length and Content

In this, candidates are given a passage to type that usually consists of 300 to 400 words. The content usually consists of general topics or official language that reflects the nature of government work. Practicing different types of language can help candidates feel more comfortable during the actual test.

Time Limit

The Typing Test usually lasts for 10 minutes. For candidates, time management is necessary as practicing under timed conditions can build confidence and simulate the pressure of the actual exam.

Speed and Accuracy

Each SSC exam has a specific speed requirement that all the appearing candidates are supposed to meet. For English typing, a minimum speed of 35 words/ minute is required, for Hindi typing, the requirement is often 30 words/ minute. Both speed and accuracy play a crucial role as candidates must focus on typing the passage correctly within the given time limit.

Practice Materials

Candidates should practice with materials that resemble the test format to prepare for them effectively. They should engage in mock typing tests that reflect the timing and passage length of the actual exam can build a sense of familiarity and confidence in them. For better preparation, candidates must collect sample passages for practice as these can be sourced from books, articles or online resources.


In conclusion, the Typing Test plays an important role in the selection process for various SSC exams, such as CGL and CHSL. Candidates can prepare themselves for the better by understanding various components of the test’s format. When aspirants make themselves familiar with the content, time constraints, scoring criteria, and testing environment, they empower candidates to perform their best on exam day.  It’s a good idea for candidates to practice their typing regularly to improve speed and accuracy. There are many online typing tests and tutorials available to help with this preparation.

SSC Mahapack

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What is the SSC typing test process?

The SSC Typing test includes the following stages:
Stage 1 The candidate must type the paragraph in the "TEXT AREA".
Stage 2 The tool will give your the typing speed in the real time.
Stage 3 The candidate must posses a speed of 35 Word Per Minute in English to qualify in the typing test.

How much accuracy is required in typing test for SSC CGL?

In Typing test for SSC CGL, . The candidates have to maintain an accuracy of at least 80% in their typing.

What is the SSC CHSL Salary Structure 2024?

According to the SSC Salary Structure 2024, the starting Salary for SSC CHSL for the Lower Division Clerk / Junior Secretariat Assistant positions starts at Rs. 19,000, while the Data Entry Operator / Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant posts starts at Rs. 25,500.

About the Author

I'm Shobha from Uttar Pradesh, particularly from Varanasi. I have 3 yrs. of experience in Content Writing and hands on experience in SEO. To know more about me, you can visit my LinkedIn profile here: www.linkedin.com/in/shobhak20