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Top 10 Tips to score full marks in English in SSC CHSL 2023 Exam

Top 10 Tips to score full marks in English in SSC CHSL 2023 Exam

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is the most well-known governmental organization in India. Every year, it conducts exam to recruit a large number of individuals for various positions. Lower Division Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator positions are available in the SSC CHSL.

The SSC CHSL TIER I test consists of four sections at 200 points each and lasts 60 minutes. Nowadays, competition is so fierce that it is critical for a candidate to arrange themselves distinctively in order to succeed. The English language is the most essential portion of the test, with 25 questions for 50 points. For this area, revise all grammatical rules and skim regularly to strengthen your vocabulary. Practice more and more of this subject with sectional exams and hence free quizzes accessible on our Adda247 App.

Tips to score more in the English Language:

  1. Understand the Syllabus:

One of the most important things that should be kept in mind while preparing for any exam is the topics and questions asked from English Sections in previous years. This will be helpful for the candidates to get an idea of the topics and plan their study according to them. These are some topics that are frequently asked in the SSC CHSL and the previous year’s analysis.

S.No. Topics No. Of Questions Level
1 Fill in the Blanks 2 Easy
2 Sentence Improvement 1 Easy-moderate
3 Error Detection 2 Easy
4 Sentence Rearrangement 2 Easy-moderate
5 Idioms and Phrases 2 Easy
6 Synonyms 2 Easy
7 Antonyms 2 Easy
8 Active Passive 2 Easy
9 Direct Indirect 1 Easy
10 Phrase Substitution 2 Easy-moderate
11 Spelling Correction 2 Easy
12 Cloze Test Passage 5 Easy-moderate
Total 25 Easy

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023

2. Exam Strategy:

It is very important to calculate your preparation level. Always analyze your preparation on your own. While preparing attempt some mock tests, topic-wise, and section-wise to increase your knowledge and confidence day by day. Make notes of all the important rules of grammar. Get all the grammar rules done properly. Focus on the important and scoring topics such as Error detectionfill in the blanksAntonyms/ Synonyms/ Spellings, idioms and phrases, one-word substitutions, and Reading comprehension. You should work on your weak areas and study accordingly.

3. Practice And Revise:

Now the exam is at your doorstep, it is time to revise all the tips, and tricks of all the topics. Before going for the exam candidate must practice every topic. Solve previous year’s papers and check out to find out the pattern of questions asked. Practice will increase your speed and accuracy. This will give you the perfect idea of your preparation.

SSC CHSL Previous Year Question Papers

4. Increase your Vocabulary:

This section is very interesting because you can easily score maximum marks in the Vocab section. READ as much as you can. Be it from English Newspapers, magazines, articles written in standard English, or from fiction books. Read a good English newspaper such as The Times of India, this will increase your vocab and will help you to understand new words, their meaning, and their use. For scoring better in English the only key is practice, the more you practice more you will familiar with the new words and new phrases. Try to use those things in your daily life which will help you to remind those words during exams.

5. Learn Grammar Rules

Once you remember and understand all the important rules, this part can be cracked very easily. Again, revision is the key here also. Most of the grammatical part is made of Parts of speech. You need to once go through all the parts of the speech. Make notes of all the important rules of grammar. Get all the grammar rules done properly.
Now that the exam is at your doorstep, it is time to revise all the tips, and tricks of all the topics.

6. Reading Comprehension:

Start reading for pleasure. Get to understand what are you reading. Practice as much as RCs as you can. Give mock tests and make yourself comfortable in English so that you can read and understand them properly.

7. Increase your learning of words:

Always start reading from the simpler topics, find out the new words, and their meaning, and try to use those words in your daily routine. This will increase your knowledge of words and during exam time you will be there with a huge word bank in your mind.

8. Attempt Mocks Continuously: 

Try to attempt mocks every second day of your preparation, Choose topics wise mock test, and then go for the full-length mock. Topic-wise mocking will help you to understand what is made in the preparation and ultimately you will get the knowledge of your strength and weakness.

9. Always rely on One Source:

Always try to rely on only one source not more than that, this will lead to full and confident exam preparation. Too many sources will confuse you and in the end, you will have a mess in your mind. Everyone has different tips and tricks for learning. This will confuse you, so use one source for your preparation.

10. Previous Year Paper:

Try to solve all the previous year’s question papers related to the exam. This will give you a brief idea of the exam pattern and syllabus. Also, you will get to know what pattern is being followed by the paper setters and you can plan your strategy according to that.

We hope these tips will help you to score better in the English Section of the examination. All the Best!


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How can I get full marks in English in SSC CHSL?

The tips and tricks are mentioned in the above article.

How can I increase my English marks?

Follow some of the tips mentioned here:
Expand your vocabulary, Read regularly, and Improve your grammar, Practice more

How can I strategize my preparation for the English section?

You can calculate your preparation level by attempting mock tests, both topic-wise and section-wise. Make notes of important grammar rules and focus on scoring topics like error detection, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, idioms and phrases, and reading comprehension.

How can I master grammar rules for the English section?

Once you understand the important grammar rules, revise them regularly. Make notes of all the rules and focus on parts of speech. Practice will help you grasp the grammatical concepts more effectively.

How can solving previous year's question papers help in the SSC CHSL exam?

Solving previous year's question papers gives you an understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. It also familiarizes you with the question-setting trends, allowing you to plan your exam strategy accordingly.

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..