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SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023, Tier 1 Category Wise Cut off

SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023

SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023: Are you in search of SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023? Staff Selection Commission releases the SSC MTS Cut Off 2023 along with the result on the official website of SSC. Candidates who appeared for the MTS exam conducted earlier this year can expect the release of the SSC MTS Cut Off 2023 anytime now. Till then candidates can thoroughly read the article below to check the SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023. Keep reading the article to check detailed information.

SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023 Category Wise

SSC MTS Cut off is the minimum mark scored by a candidate to qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process. Staff Selection Commission releases the SSC MTS Cut off in PDF formats for all states and categories with an official result. The SSC MTS Expected Cut off for aspirants waiting eagerly to get selected for the next stage has been provided in this post. Check out the SSC MTS Expected Cut-off below. Stay tuned with SSCADDA for all the related information on SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023.

Category Minimum Cut Off Marks Maximum Cut Off Marks
UR 72 80
OBC 70 75
EWS 67 73
SC 70 75
ST 63 70

SSC MTS Previous Year Cut off

The state-wise SSC MTS Previous Year Cut off is provided below. Candidates can have an idea about the State Wise SSC MTS Cut off from the data mentioned below.

SSC MTS Cut Off 2021-22 (18-25 years)

Bihar 93.06 91.44
Uttar Pradesh 81.47 77.77 77.94 73.29 63.82 47.67 50.54 60.52 69.22
Jharkhand 82.75 81.01 78.91 73.86 74.58 54.05 58.98 70.68
Odisha 75.43 73.85 75.06 73.36 61.28 43.52 51.89 58.86 66.34
West Bengal 81.31 78.02 76.83 78.93 68.78 51.68 62.04 70.17
Karnataka 68.26 67.65 67.90 65.88 56.63 29.43 35.23 55.23 55.69
Kerala 79.50 78.65 68.09 71.42 58.33 57.57
Chhattisgarh 77.18 76.58 74.19 72.31 47.01 58.59
Madhya Pradesh 79.90 76.22 77.47 76.56 65.95 47.08
Assam 73.84 72.45 71.60 70.46 61.63 35.66 47.57
Meghalaya 73.72 72.29 71.50 69.14 33.66 57.97
Mizoram 73.78
Nagaland 72.38 71.95 70.60 67.93 61.13 32.58
Delhi 76.38 73.34 71.95 70.75 62.60 40.67 41.67 59.68 67.38
Rajasthan 78.74 77.11 73.16 69.24 70.91 39.13 40.46 59.34 65.18
Uttarakhand 81.21 78.97 77.57 76.10 53.45
Chandigarh 88.33 82.40 77.41
Jammu Kashmir 80.89 79.60
Haryana 78.25 76.26 77.07 45.03 71.74
Himachal Pradesh 76.55 75.98 75.79 72.29
Punjab 76.11 75.25 74.97 72.01 64.33 56.15
Andhra Pradesh 78.61 80.42 72.83 74.35 68.67
Tamil Nadu & Puducherry 77.96 76.89 73.97 75.84 59.77 52.87
Telangana 73.64 73.25 70.06 70.08 68.95 55.14 64.34
Goa 72.97 72.01 68.96 6073 38.07 39.92 58.30 64.22
Gujarat 70.82 69.98 68.11 66.96 60.22 31.07 37.46 58.36 59.03
Maharashtra 70.49 69.59 68.35 66.86 58.85 30.95 38.96 56.79 58.35

SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023, Tier 1 Category Wise Cut off, Read in Hindi

SSC MTS Cut Off 2021 (18-27 years)

Bihar 87.29 86.31 82.13 79.92 79.84
Uttar Pradesh 80.44 77.70 72.73 62.44 66.81
Jharkhand 82.96 80.97 73.59
Odisha 76.81 73.84 75 72.56 60.44 50.59 64.94
West Bengal 79.32 76.94 76.67 75.17 63.11 51.11 60.30
Andaman & Nicobar 75.03 73.91 60.39
Sikkim 78.91 76.41 61.32
Karnataka 71.87 70.96 69.93 29.36 34.60 55.29
Kerala 81.60 78.52 69.89 70.70 57.95
Lakshadweep 77.06 75.54 69.82 67.87
Chhattisgarh 78.72 71.46 63.86 45.51
Madhya Pradesh 78.84 75.53 75 47.39 66.14
Arunachal Pradesh 75.88 73.29 73.58 70.82
Assam 72.41 73.12 70.28
Manipur 74.94 71.40
Meghalaya 73.50 72.22 71.40 68.95 64.69 57.39
Mizoram 73.36 72.20 68.83 62.26
Nagaland 72.76 60.65
Tripura 74.90
Delhi 74.67 72.72 71.76 70.56 61.58 39.04 40.54 59.40
Rajasthan 78.63 76.51 75.66  38.82 58.96
Uttarakhand 79.48 78.24 73.81 60.39
Chandigarh 82.04 81.08 78.73 73.84 73.02
Jammu Kashmir 77.69 76.30 76.10 71.50 65.62
Haryana 79.32
Himachal Pradesh 75.79 75.28 75.27 68.55
Punjab 75.74 74.75 74.57 71.37 40.93
Andhra Pradesh 74.91 73.62 71.30 70.33 67.72
Tamil Nadu & Puducherry 76.55 75.70 70.75 59.18 51.72 58.11
Telangana 72.45 69.94 53.19
Goa 77.46 72.01
Gujarat 73.99 71.85 71.44 60.17
Maharashtra 72.05 69.62 70.84 67.91 58.60 30.66 36.64 56.62 57.72


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SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023, Tier 1 Category Wise Cut off_4.1


What is the exam date for SSC MTS Tier 1 2023?

The SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam was conducted from 02 May 2023 to 19 May 2023 & from 13 June 2023 to 20 June 2023.

Where I can get the SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023?

The SSC MTS Expected Cut off 2023 is provided in the article above.

Is SSC MTS Cut-Off 2023 released?

No, SSC MTC Cut-Off is not released yet.

Is SSC MTS Result 2023 out?

No, SSC MTS Result 2023 is not released yet.