The SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis for Paper 1 is discussed in this post for aspirants appearing for SSC JE in the upcoming days or next year. The SSC JE Tier 1 Exam is being conducted throughout the country from 05th to 07th June 2024 to recruit eligible Junior Engineers. More than 4.83 lakh candidates have applied this year; so, candidates must do their best to get past the competition to appear in the Tier 2 Exam.
SSC JE Exam Analysis 2024: Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is one of the popular posts under SSC JE. The Tier 1 paper for Junior Civil Engineers will consist of three parts. There will be 50 questions each from General Intelligence and Reasoning, and General Awareness. There will also be 100 questions from Part A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural) to test candidates’ knowledge.
The SSC JE exam analysis given here will give you the possible list of questions asked in this exam.
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis: Difficulty Level
As per the feedback provided by the candidates who appeared in the exam today, the SSC JE Civil Exam appears to be of Easy to Moderate Level. Candidates who have attempted their exam with higher accuracy and are expecting to clear the previous year’s cut-off can safely start preparing for the SSC JE Tier 2 Exam without any delay.
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis for 7th June, Shift 1
Finally, the last shift of the SSC JE Civil Exam has been concluded. Candidates can now check the analysis of all the shifts and compare the difficulty level of each. Based on the difficulty level and the number of attempts, normalization will affect the final score and cut-off.
In this shift, GK and Reasoning were easy, while the Civil Engineering section was easy to moderate. Some of topics asked in the exam are mentioned in the following table.
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis – 7th June, Shift 1 |
General Awareness |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
General Engineering (Civil) |
- Economics: M1 M0, 5-6 questions
- Vitamin B1
- Lata Mangeshkar Award 2021
- Lok Sabha
- CM of Karnataka
- Governor
- Modern History – 2
- W/C Ratio
- Slenderness ratio
- Effective depth of Cantilever beam
- IS code
- Water content ratio
- Slope and deflection
- Detailed estimate
- PCC and RCC
- Sinking Fund formula
- Plith area
- Fluid mechanics- Reynolds number
- Reynolds friction factor
- Reynold number for soil
- Narrrow bridge sign
- Dynamic viscosity
- Diamond Intersection – reason
- Mid section formula numerican
- Trapezoidal formula
- Superelevation
- Pressure at bottom of the tank
- Irrigation
- Levis theory
- Least count of Theodolite
- Drip edge
- Dam
- Fineness of cement apparatus
- Plaster of pairs formula
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis for 6th June, Shift 3
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis – 6th June, Shift 3 |
General Awareness |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
General Engineering (Civil) |
- Article 19
- Carbohydrates
- Food Chain
- Atomic Number
- Census 2011
- Telangana Governor
- C2H5OH
- Vice President – minimum age
- Unit of Work
- Photosynthesis
- Cell Membrane
- Saturated unsaturated bond
- Mass Number
- Preamble
- Jal Mission
- Attorney General
- Acidic level
- Unit if Charge
- Lonar Lake location
- Ajit Pawar
- PM Gramin Yojana
- “Do or Die” quote by.
- Number of fundamental rights
- Music instruments from Assam
- Swaran Singh Committee
- Arunachal Pradesh Labor Scheme
- Indigo Revolt Year
- Where was the first Supreme Court established?
- FIFA world cup
- Vitamin B1 name
- P T Usha won a medal in which year Olympics?
Overall – Easy to Moderate
- Series of alphabets
- Blood relations
- Number Series
- Mirror Images
- Directions
- Coding Decoding
- Flow Index
- Foundation
- Refraction Factor
- Soil Classification
- Hydrology- 3 to 4 questions
- Water Efficiency
- Irrigation – 10 to 12 questions
- Theodolite
- Modular brick
- Types of Knots
- 45-degree hook
- Camber Road drainage
- Back side bearing
- Cantilever beam
- Grade compensation
- Dumpy Level
- BMC – Timber
- Pump
- Hazen Formula
- Sand Stone
- Kenedy Theory
- use of kerb
- Broad Gauge length
- Deep Foundation
- side slope most efficient channel
- specific gravity of stone
- Diagonal Scale
- Compression position
- Plinth area
- Fluoride in drinking water
- Deflection of Slope
- Soundness Test
- Bernoulli’s Equation
- Lee Chatelier Test
- Vortex flow
- Nominal Sheer Stress
- Chezy’s equation
- Sewage Treatment
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis for 6th June, Shift 1
Another shift of the SSC JE Civil Exam has concluded on 6th June, 11 AM. This shift is also said to be of easy-moderate level. The following memory-based questions will help candidates appearing in the upcoming shifts to prepare well.
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis – 6th June, Shift 1 |
General Awareness |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
General Engineering (Civil) |
- More questions from Science
- No parking sign
- Which party assumed charge in Maharashtra in 2023?
- First Attorney General of India
- Swaran Singh Committee
- Article 32
- Alauddin Khilji
- PH value
- Series of alphabets
- Blood relations – 3
- Number Series – 7
- Mirror Images – 4
- Directions – 3
- Coding Decoding
- Numerical 10-12
- Use of bioplastic glass
- Net positive suction formula
- More questions from irrigation
- Definition of fluid mechanics
- Solid waste management – egg-shaped sewer
- Which estimation is used for government approval
- IS code – 3-5
- Total Runoff
- Continuity equation
- Surveying – Leveling
- Soil mechanics – Shrinkage limit; Triaxial test
- Area of embankment
- Effective length of column
- Definition of absolute pressure
- Area of steel
- Inverted staff – Numerical
- Modular sign of a bridge
- Highest efficiency of irrigation
- Giveway sign
- Secondary air pollutant
- Defect of timber
- Strain in compression fiber
- SI unit of pressure
- Minor loss in pipe flow
- Sheer design stress of beams
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis for 5th June
The exam was conducted in the first shift successfully. Candidates found the questions to be of easy to moderate level. Questions were a little lengthy. Here are some of the questions that were asked in the first shift of the SSC JE Civil Exam.
SSC JE Civil Exam Analysis – 5th June 2024 |
General Awareness |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
General Engineering (Civil) |
- Article related to election of the President
- CEO of Indian Railways
- Head of Election Commission
- Jhijhiya Dance – Bihar
- Largest island of Lakshadweep
- 103rd Amendment Act
- 61st Amendment Act
- Chemical formula of Ammonia
- 1991 total population
- Attorney General related question
- Dam related question
- Series – 5
- Coding Decoding
- Seating arrangement
- Directions
- Blood relations – 5
- Sign change – 2
- Mirror image – 2
- Calendar-1
- Soil mechanics – difficult
- Coefficient of discharge,
- Maximum question from Highway – 5-7
- Minimum depth of foundations
- Cylinderness ratio of column formula
- Modular size of brick
- Water content in brick
- Hydration rate of cement- 2
- Strucural – Som and Tos
- Survey – 3-4
- BMC – 8-9
- Estimation – 5-6
- RCC – 5-7, columns
- SOM -9-10
- Irrigation Efficiency
- Degree of Accuracy
- Heat of Hydration
- Workability
- Ratio of Slopes
- Magnetic declination
- Nalgonda Method – defluoridation
- Nominal Cover of severe condition
- Compaction – 2
- Cantilever beam with UDL
- Cement test
What after SSC JE Tier 1 Exam?
Candidates who are expecting to clear the cut off must start preparing for the next stage now. Even those who have performed average in this exam should be ready to appear in the Tier 2 Exam. Candidates can check the SSC JE Tier 2 Exam Pattern and Syllabus and then attempt mock tests to complete their preparation.