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SSC JE Tier 2 Admit Card 2023 Out, Region-Wise Download Links

SSC JE Admit Card 2023 Out: SSC has started issuing the SSC JE Admit Card 2023 for the Tier 2 examinations on the official websites of the various regions. As of today, the SSC JE Tier 2 Admit Card has been released for the four regions including NER, ER, NWR and WR regions. Candidates who have registered themselves for the recruitment drive can expect the release of the JE Admit Card for the remaining regions shortly. We advise candidates to pay regular visits to the official websites of the regions they have applied for to get the latest updates regarding the release of the SSC JE Admit Card 2023.

SSC JE Tier 2 Admit Card 2023: Overview

SSC has released the SSC JE Admit Card for ER, NER, NWR and WR regions on their respective regional websites. The admit cards for the other regions will be released shortly. Read the table below to get an overview of all the crucial details related to SSC JE Admit Card 2023.

SSC JE 2023 Admit Card
Organization Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam Name SSC JE
Category Admit Card
SSC JE Admit Card 2023 Released for various regions
SSC JE 2023 Application Status Released for various regions
SSC JE Tier 2 Exam 2023 04 December 2023
Selection Process Paper 1, Paper 2, Document Verification
Details Required
  • Registered ID
  • Date of Birth
Details Mentioned on admit card
  • Name of applicant
  • Roll No.
  • DOB
  • Exam Centre details etc.
Official website www.ssc.nic.in

SSC JE Admit Card Download Links

SSC JE Admit Card 2023 has been released for four regions on their respective official websites. Candidates can download the SSC JE Admit Card 2023 directly from the links provided below in the table. We advise candidates to download their admit cards now to avoid inconvenience at the last moment.

Region Name SSC JE Admit Card 2023 State Names
SSC Western Region Click Here [OUT] Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa
SSC Madhya Pradesh Region Click Here[OUT] Madhya Pradesh (MP), and Chhattisgarh
SSC North Eastern Region Click Here[OUT] Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, and Nagaland
SSC North Western Region Click Here[OUT] J&K, Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh (HP)
SSC Central Region Click Here Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar
SSC Kerala Karnataka Region Click Here Karnataka and Kerala Region
SSC Eastern Region Click Here West Bengal (WB), Orrisa, Sikkim, and A&N Island
SSC North Region Click Here Delhi, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand
SSC Southern Region Click Here Andhra Pradesh (AP), Puducherry, and Tamil Nadu

SSC JE Application Status 2023 Out

SSC has generated the link to check the SSC JE Application Status 2023 for KKR,SR,ER, NER, NWR, MPR and WR regions. Candidates can check their application status by following the link provided below.

Region Name Application Status
Kerala Karnataka Region Click Here [OUT] 
Southern Region Click Here [OUT]
Eastern Region Click Here [OUT]
North Eastern Region Click Here[OUT]
North Western Region Click Here[OUT]
Madhya Pradesh Sub Region Click Here[OUT]
Central Region Click Here
North Region Click Here [OUT]
Western Region Click Here [OUT]

How can I download the SSC JE Admit Card 2023 at ssc.nic.in?

The steps to download SSC JE admit card 2023 are as follows:

Step 1: Go to the official website of the Staff Selection Commission, i.e. ssc.nic.in

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the “Admit Card” option.

SSC JE Admit Card

Step 3: Select the region you belong to (such as Eastern, Southern, etc.).

SSC JE Admit Card 2023

Step 4: The download link for the SSC Junior Engineer examination will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Click on the link.

Step 6: Next, enter the required candidate credentials, such as the Roll Number, Date of Birth, Username, and Password, and submit.

Step 7: In a separate window, the online SSC JE Admit Card 2023 exam will appear.

Step 8: Save and download the admit card for your use during the SSC JE examination.

Details Mentioned on SSC JE Admit Card 2023

The SSC JE Admit Card contains a lot of important information regarding the examination. Some of the important details that are mentioned on the SSC JE admit card are:

  1. Name of the examination
  2. Year of the examination
  3. Roll number of the candidate
  4. Date of the SSC JE exam
  5. Reporting time for the exam
  6. Details of the candidate
  7. The venue of the SSC JE exam
  8. Details of the SSC JE exam

Usually, candidates can find more information about the admit card by going to the website of the concerned Regional and Sub-Regional offices. The admit cards can be accessed on the official websites, which candidates must download and then take a printout of.

Important Details Mentioned On SSC JE Admit Card 2023

The following are some important reminders about the admit card for the SSC Junior Engineer examination:

  1. The facility of downloading and saving the SSC JE admit card 2023 becomes available at least a couple of weeks before the scheduled date of the examination. It becomes available on the website of the concerned Regional or Sub-Regional office.
  2. Candidates who are appearing for the SSC JE examination are advised to visit the concerned Regional office, along with the official SSC website, for any and all kinds of updates and important information about the examination.
  3. There may be instances when the candidate is not able to find their SSC JE online admit card and details on the website of the Staff Selection Commission. In that case, they must immediately contact the concerned Regional or Sub-Regional Office of the commission with proof of submission of their application.
  4. Any candidate who fails to do the above-mentioned process will not be considered for the examination.

SSC JE 2023 Exam: Documents To Carry

All candidates who appear for the SSC JE examination, are required to carry with them certain documents to the examination center. These documents act as proof of the identification of the candidates. They are:

  1. A printed copy of the SSC JE Admit Card 2023.
  2. A valid ID proof (could be anything, such as Aadhaar Card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID card/ Any other Government-issued ID proof)
  3. Passport size photograph


SSC JE Tier 2 Admit Card 2023, Application Status Out_6.1


IS SSC JE Admit Card 2023 released?

Yes, the SSC JE Tier 2 Admit Card 2023 has been released for various regions.

How can I download the SSC JE Admit Card 2023?

All candidates can download SSC JE admit card from the direct links provided above or from ssc.nic.in which is official website of Staff Selection Commission.

Which details you need to download the SSC JE admit card 2023?

You need details such as Registered ID/Roll No, Name, Father’s name, Mather’s name, and date of birth to download the admit card from the official website.

When will SSC JE Tier 2 Exam 2023 be held?

SSC JE Exam 2023 will be held on 04 December 2023.

Is SSC JE Application Status out?

Yes, SSC JE Application Status is out for almost all the regions except CR region which will be released soon..

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..