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SSC CHSL : Important Things to Keep in Mind While Going to the Exam Center

SSC CHSL exam is a golden opportunity for aspirants across the Indian sub-continent by conducting this exam annually to fulfill their dream of working in a prestigious Government organization. SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam will be conducted from 2nd August to 22nd August 2023. The exam will be conducted in online mode at different test centers across the country.

SSC CHSL consists of the following vacancy under its recruitment process Lower Division Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator posts. SSC will select and recommend candidates for Assistants / Clerks posts through a computer-based test, descriptive paper, and skill test, or typing test.

SSC CHSL 2023: Important Documents to Carry

Some of the important documents and things that candidates must carry at the allotted test center include:

  • Admit card: Candidates must not forget to carry the SSC CHSL admit card 2020  to the allotted test center
  • Photo: Candidates must carry two latest colored passport-size photos to the exam center
  • ID proof: Candidates must also carry a valid and original photo ID proof to the center. 

Following are the ID proofs that will be considered valid :

  1. Passport
  2. Aadhaar Card/print out of e-Aadhaar
  3. Service ID Card issued to employees by Central Govt./State Govt./ PSUs
  4. Driving License
  5. ID Card issued by university/college/school
  6. Voter’s Id card
  7. PAN Card
  8. Ex-Servicemen Discharge Book issued by the Ministry of Defence
  9. Any other photo identity proof issued by Central Govt./State Govt.)

Aspirants are also advised to take a look at the official notice by the Staff Selection Commission about the important thighs to carry at the time of examination. Click on the link below for the official notice:

SSC Official Notice: Important Documents to carry 

Examination Processes followed:

Following are some processes through which the aspirants will go through after entering the exam center in order to appear for the SSC JE Tier 1 Exam:

  • As you enter the exam lab your Admission Certificate and valid original ID proof are verified by the examination staff from a safe distance.
  • While entering the lab, aspirants will be guided to the registration desk for photograph capture. (Note: For the photo capture process, aspirants have to remove the mask, stand erect and maintain eye contact with the webcam for clear capture of the face.)
  • Once the aspirants have completed their registration the exam staff member will guide them to the allotted computer system number.
  • Aspirants will be provided with a rough sheet and a ballpoint pen at their desks before the commencement of the examination.
  • A staff member will take the sanitizer and ink pad to each candidate at their desk and will ask them for their thumb impressions on the attendance sheet and commission copy.
  • An aspirant, if found resorting to any unfair means including giving or receiving help from anyone during the exam, will be disqualified.
  • Usage of calculators, Bluetooth devices, Cell phones, or any other electronic device is strictly prohibited inside the exam lab.
  • Aspirants can leave the exam hall only after the exam staff member permits them to leave.
  • While leaving the exam lab, drop the Rough sheets in a drop box at the exit which is under CCTV’s surveillance.

Safety Measures to be followed :

Considering the global scenario some new safety measures are implemented on the exam day at each venue. Following are some safety measures that the aspirants are supposed to follow :


Safety Measures

1. To avoid crowding, the candidate must reach the venue as per the given entry time slot on their Admit Card.
2. Follow the rope queues or floor marks while standing in a queue outside the gate.
3. Your temperature will be checked using thermo guns at the time of entry.
4. Candidates are required to fill up the self-declaration form, which is a part of the admit card, and drop it in the drop box kept at the entry gate.
5. Bar Code Guns will be used to check valid admit cards and original ID proof by the exam staff from a safe distance.
6. Only belongings allowed inside the exam lab are :

  • Mask 
  • Gloves 
  • Personal hand sanitizer bottle 
  • Admit card and ID Proof
7. The allotted computer systems will follow proper social distancing 


Also, check the official Notice released by SSC on safety measures to be kept in mind, click on the link  below to download the notice :

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What is the date of SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam 2023?

The SSC CHSL Exam 2023 is scheduled to be held from 02nd August 2023 to 22nd August 2023.