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SSC CHSL Exam Preparation Tips To Score Maximum Marks in SSC CHSL Exam

SSC CHSL Exam Preparation Tips To Score Maximum Marks in SSC CHSL Exam

SSC CHSL Exam Preparation 2024: The official notification for SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL, 10+2) Recruitment 2024 has been released by the Staff Selection Commission on the official website. The commission has released the exam dates for the Tier 1 examination. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam is scheduled to be held on various dates from 1st to 12th July 2024.

Candidates must note that the SSC CHSL Exam 2024 will now be held in 15 different languages. With the exam dates confirmed, it is crucial for candidates to intensify their preparation and focus on their studies to perform well in the upcoming SSC CHSL Exam. To support the candidates in their preparation journey, SSCADDA is providing valuable tips that are sure to help them score maximum marks in the SSC CHSL Exam 2024.

Analyze and Understand the SSC CHSL 2024 Exam Pattern

SSC will conduct the SSC CHSL 2024 recruitment examination in 2 Tiers for the selection of candidates. Have a glance at all the stages of the SSC CHSL exam along with the modes in which they will be conducted.




Tier – I Objective (Multiple Choice Questions ) Computer Based
Tier – II Objective (Multiple Choice Questions) + Skill Test(New Pattern) Computer Based

Now, let’s specifically discuss the SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 1 examination.

You must be aware that SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam Preparation is strictly objective (MCQ) in nature. The mode of the exam will be online. The Tier 1 question paper will comprise four sections:

  • Section 1- General Intelligence
  • Section 2 – English Language
  • Section 3- Quantitative Aptitude
  • Section 4- General Knowledge/ General Awareness

SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam will have 100 questions which all the aspirants will have to attempt in 60 minutes.  The table below shows each section with its allotted marks:

Parts Sections Number of Questions Maximum Marks
1 General Intelligence 25 50
2 English Language 25 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
4 General Awareness 25 50
Total 4 sections 100 Questions 200 Marks

The Tier 1 question paper will be set in both English and Hindi, for every section except the English Language section. There will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each incorrect answer.

Preparation Schedule

As the SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 1 exam date is notified, having a well-defined preparation schedule will make it easy for you to prepare and clear the exam. Having a well-structured plan will make it easier for you to prepare and pass the exam successfully. Make sure your daily schedule is balanced, allowing you enough time for studying and taking breaks.

Taking breaks and relaxing are essential for performing at your best. Keep your preparation approach simple and manageable to ensure you have time for yourself and maintain a healthy balance while preparing for the exam.

Prepare for Each Section Differently

As we have discussed earlier, the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam will consist of four sections namely: General Intelligence, English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness.

For SSC CHSL Exam Prep: We suggest you treat, prepare and revise each section differently. Some tips for each section are given below:

1. General Intelligence

  • Sharpen your logical skills for problems based on solving and thinking ability.
  • Don’t get stuck on a single question and remember that each question weighs equal marks.
  • Remember that all questions in this section are based on data. So, they must be solved using data, for which you need to think logically.

2. English Language

  • Work on your vocabulary by reading newspapers and thesaurus. Make sure you learn at least one new word each day.
  • Gain a proper understanding of at least basic grammar, especially for the questions from the ‘English Language and Comprehension section.

3. Quantitative Aptitude

  • Revise the basics first and then go for in-depth knowledge.
  • Solving problem-based questions takes time, so work on time management.
  • Learn a few short-cut methods to improve your speed and accuracy.

4. General Awareness

  • Make notes and read more newspapers
  • Keep yourself updated with current affairs.

Make time for Mock-tests and Previous year’s papers

We cannot emphasize enough how significant it is to have a glance at previous years’ SSC CHSL exam papers and attempt new mock tests. The previous year’s papers will help you analyze the level of difficulty of each section. Furthermore, you will get an idea of how the question from a certain section might be asked in the SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 1 exam.

Talking about the mock tests, we recommend those as they will help you test your knowledge and whatever you have prepared till now. Also, the exam pattern and important topics are updated each year, so the latest mock tests will help you identify those as well.

Lastly, attempting the previous year’s SSC CHSL papers and mock tests will be great for your time management in exams. You must not spend too much time on a particular section or topic. For example, ideally, you must only spend 30 seconds on each question of the General Awareness Section of the SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam.

Revision is the Key to Success

While preparing for a highly competitive exam like SSC CHSL, the candidates should always have a plan to stay ahead of their competition. One of the time-tested methods is to follow a well-thought-out plan for revising the concepts learned. The key role of revision is to enable the candidates to recall the concepts amidst mental pressure in the exam hall in an instant.

There are many ways to revise a concept. However, all of them have one thing in common, each one of them is designed to help the candidates revise the concepts as many times as possible. Let us look at a scenario-based revision plan.

Suppose a candidate learned the basic theories and formulae of Trigonometry on the first day of preparation. After learning, it is necessary to go through them again and again either in the form of question practice or through constant revision. It is common knowledge that practicing questions help the candidates clear all doubts regarding a concept. But here we have provided a revision plan that will inculcate the concept in the minds of the candidates without memorizing.

Revision plan Days of Preparation
Concept Learned Day 01
1st Revision Day 02
2nd Revision Day 07
3rd Revision Day 21
4th Revision Day 30

Making Handwritten Notes and Maintaining a Mistake Book

In this age of the internet, all the resources are available at the disposal of almost every candidate. It becomes necessary to give the preparation a personal touch. Making notes for each subject in one’s own handwriting makes the preparation. It is easier to revise the self-prepared notes and cover the syllabus in relatively less time.

Similarly, while practicing questions and attempting mock tests, the candidates make mistakes and may also have to skip some of the questions. The candidates should maintain a record of these mistakes and learn from them so as to avoid committing the same mistakes again and enhance their scores in the tests and eventually in the actual exam.

The candidates should keep in mind that these are mere suggestions and that these can be adapted by the candidates according to their strengths and weaknesses. We hope this article helps the candidates craft their winning strategy and help them enhance their chances of getting selected.

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SSC CHSL Exam-Related Links :

SSC CHSL Exam pattern SSC CHSL Admit Card
SSC CHSL Cut Off SSC CHSL Eligibility Criteria 2023
SSC CHSL Syllabus

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When was the SSC CHSL Notification 2024 released?

The official notification for SSC CHSL 2023 is released on 8th April 2024.

How can I score good marks in SSC CHSL Exam?

The tips to score maximum marks in SSC CHSL Exam are provided above.

Has the commission announced the dates for SSC CHSL Tier 1 examinations?

Yes, the commission has announced the dates for SSC CHSL Tier 1 examinations i.e. 1st to 12th July 2024.

When will commission conduct the SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 2 examination?

The dates for SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 2 examinations are yet to be announced.