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SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 2 Typing Instructions, Error Calculation

SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 2 Typing Instructions

The SSC has declared the SSC CHSL Tier 1 result on 17th October 2023 and the SSC CHSL Tier 2 exam is going to be conducted by SSC on 2nd November 2023. The candidates who have qualified the SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 1 exam have been called for the SSC CHSL 2023 TIER2 Typing test. The SSC CHSL tier 2 exam is conducted in two sessions which are further divided into three sections and two modules.

The skill test/typing falls in Module 2 of section III in 2nd session. Candidates must qualify all the sessions and modules separately to qualify tier 2. The SSC CHSL 2023 TIER2 typing instructions which can be followed to clear the typing is provided in the below article.

SSC CHSL Typing Test: Typing Speed

Candidates must have a typing speed in words per hour and it also depends on the post you have applied for. The typing speed required is as follows:

Post Expected Speed Duration
Data Entry Operator (DEO) English: 35 words per minute (w.p.m.)

Hindi: 30 words per minute (w.p.m.)

15 Mins
Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Sorting Assistant (SA) English: 35 words per minute (w.p.m.)

Hindi: 30 words per minute (w.p.m.)

10 minutes

Instructions to Follow in SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 2 Typing

The candidates who will appear in the typing test of SSC CHSL should follow the following instructions to qualify the test:

  • As soon as you login to the system, a mock test of 10 minutes will be provided to have an idea how it will work.
  • After the 5 minutes of break, the real typing test will be started, and the typing test will start depending on the language chosen by the candidates.
  • Candidates will be provided 10 minutes for CHSL 2023 Tier II LDC(Eng./Hindi) and 15 minutes for DEO Part A, and 15 minutes DEO Part B.
  • Candidates who have chosen Hindi Typing should choose the Typing Test Keyboard Layout as Hindi Inscript, Hindi Krutidev, Hindi Remington GAIL, and Hindi Remington CBI.
  • Candidates need to select the Keyboard Layout and can be moved to the side of the computer screen before they start the Test. However Keyboard layout can also be changed anytime during the Examination.
  • The backspace key can be used to correct any incorrect word and arrow keys can also be used to reach out to any word within the typed text.
  • Candidates eligible for a Scribe (Passage Reader), they will be provided with Compensatory time of 5 minutes extra in each Actual Typing Test .

SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023 Typing Instructions PDF

Candidates who are going to attempt the SSC CHSL Typing test need to follow a few instructions. The direct link to download the Typing instructions PDF is provided below:

Download the SSC CHSL Tier 2 Typing Instructions PDF

SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023 Typing: Error Calculation

The SSC CHSL typing test is concluded on the basis of the number of key depressions typed in a given time. Not only the number of typed words but deduction of error is also included to prepare the score. The error is counted as full mistakes and half mistakes. The words which will be considered as full or half mistakes is provided below:

Full Mistakes: 

  • Omission of full word/figure.
  • Substitution or replacement of a wrong word /figure.
  •  Any addition of word which is not available in the passage provided to type.

Half Mistakes:

  • Spacing Errors: Extra or unnecessary space between words or no space between them.

Example- “Iknow” is wrong whereas “I know” is correct.

  • Wrong spellings with repetition of an alphabet.

Example- “Sappling” is incorrect and “Sapling” is right.

  • Wrong Capitalisation: Using wrong capital letters for small letters and vice-versa.

Example- “English” is right as it is a subject and “english” is incorrect.

SSC CHSL Tier 2 2023 Typing: General Instructions

Candidates need to follow a few instructions at the time of typing test to clear with ease. The candidates can follow below instructions during their typing/skill test:

  • Stay calm during the test and take deep breaths if you feel anxious.
  • Try to focus during the mock typing and try to avoid the mistakes in the real typing test which was done in mock.
  • Do not get distracted due to the extra noise of keyboards of other candidates.


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SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2023 SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023
SSC CHSL 2023 TIER2 Typing Instructions, Error Calculation_4.1


When is the SSC CHSL Tier 2 Typing test scheduled?

The typing test will be conduted on 2nd November 2023.

What is the typing speed required in SSC CHSL Tier 2?

Candidates opting for English medium need to qualify 35 words per minute and for Hindi medium 30 words per minute.

Is the key depressions and words same?

The key depressions means number of times the keyboard button is pressed and the word means single word like "Typing" or "Speed".

What is the accuracy required in SSC CHSL tier 2 typing?

Candidates should type with 80% accuracy to qualify the typing test.

What type of errors are counted as mistakes in SSC CHSL skill test?

The errors are divided into half and full errors.
Full Mistakes: Omission of full word/figure, Substitution or replacement of a wrong word /figure, and using any word which is not available in the passage.
Half Mistakes: Spacing Errors, Wrong spellings, and Wrong Capitalisation