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SSC CGL 2024 Exam Day Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level Examination 2024 is scheduled to be conducted from 9 September 2024, so  it became important for candidates appearing for this examination to be well-informed about the do’s and don’ts on the exam day. Navigating the exam process smoothly can make huge difference in a candidate’s performance on the exam day and overall experience. This comprehensive guide will provide you with essential tips on what to do and what to avoid on the SSC CGL 2024 exam day.

What to Do on the SSC CGL Exam Day

Candidates appearing for the exam should ensure they are well-prepared, reach the exam center on time, and follow all guidelines. Staying calm and focused throughout the exam will help in achieving better results.

1. Arrive Early: One of the most important things to remember is to reach the exam center at least 60 minutes before the scheduled start time. This will give you ample time to complete the entry formalities without any last-minute rush.

2. Carry the Necessary Documents: Make sure you have all the required documents with you, including your admit card, a valid photo ID proof, and at least two recent passport-size photographs. Forgetting any of these documents can lead to your entry being denied, so double-check before leaving for the exam center.

3. Comply with the Invigilator’s Instructions: Once you enter the exam hall, it is crucial that you follow the instructions given by the invigilators or the exam staff. They are there to ensure the smooth conduct of the exam, so it is important to cooperate with them.

4. Remain Calm and Focused: Exam day can be a stressful experience, but it is important to stay calm and focused throughout the process. Take deep breaths, and try to maintain a positive mindset to perform your best.

5. Complete the Biometric Registration: Before entering the exam room, you will be required to complete the biometric registration process, which includes providing your left thumb impression and signature. Ensure that you complete this step as directed by the exam authorities.

6. Leave the Exam Hall Only After the Exam Ends: Once you have entered the exam hall, you will not be allowed to leave until the exam has concluded, regardless of how early you finish your paper. Plan your time accordingly and use the full duration of the exam to your advantage.

What to Avoid on the SSC CGL Exam Day

Candidates must avoid bringing restricted items or engaging in any behavior that could lead to disqualification. It’s crucial to adhere to the rules and avoid any activities that could disrupt the exam process.

1. Avoid Bringing Prohibited Items: The SSC CGL exam has a strict policy regarding the items that are allowed inside the exam hall. Avoid bringing any electronic devices, such as mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, calculators (unless specified), or any other banned items. These items will be confiscated, and you may face severe consequences, including the cancellation of your candidature.

2. Do Not Alter the Admit Card: Your admit card is a crucial document, and it should not be altered in any way. Ensure that the information on your admit card, such as your name, date of birth, and exam center, is accurate and matches your other identification documents.

3. Refrain from Arguing with Invigilators: If you have any issues or concerns during the exam, it is best to address them politely with the invigilators or exam staff. Engaging in arguments or confrontations can lead to your disqualification from the exam.

4. Avoid Discussing or Conversing with Other Candidates: During the exam, you should not engage in any discussions or conversations with other candidates. This can be considered a form of malpractice and may result in the cancellation of your exam.

5. Do Not Carry Any Stationery or Writing Materials: The items you are allowed to carry into the exam hall is admit card, photograph and transparent water bottle. Avoid bringing any other stationery, such as pencils, erasers, or correction fluid, as they are strictly prohibited.

General Tips for Candidates

Apart from the exam day tips candidate should also practice these tips before and during the exam, it will be helpful for candidates to maintain their focus during the exam day

  • Get enough sleep before your exam Sleep well for a few days before your test. This helps you focus better.
  • Eat and drink before your exam Have a good meal before your test. Don’t go in hungry or thirsty.
  • Wear comfortable clothes on exam day avoid wearing ornaments because these are prohibited items
  • Don’t try to cram right before the test Relax instead of trying to learn more just before the exam starts.
  • Focus on yourself in the exam room Don’t worry about other people. Just think about your own test.
  • Use all your time Even if you finish early, keep checking your work until time’s up.

SSC CGL 2024: Important Information

For the SSC CGL 2024 exam day, candidates must carry three essential documents: the SSC CGL admit card, a valid photo ID proof (such as a passport or voter ID), and at least two recent passport-size photographs. Failing to bring these items will result in disqualification from the exam. Additionally, a strict list of prohibited items includes electronic devices, bags, books, and any items that could facilitate cheating, such as papers or calculators. Candidates should also avoid wearing any metal accessories or full-sleeved clothing with large buttons to ensure compliance with security measures. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for a smooth exam experience.

By following these tips and avoiding the common mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and successful SSC CGL exam experience. Remember, the key to success is thorough preparation, attention to detail, and strict adherence to the exam guidelines. Good luck with your SSC CGL 2024 exam!

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SSC CGL 2024 Exam Day Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid |_3.1
SSC CGL 2024 Exam Day Tips: What to Do and What to Avoid |_4.1


What documents should I carry to the SSC CGL exam?

You must carry your admit card, a valid photo ID proof (such as an Aadhaar card, passport, or voter ID), and two recent passport-size photographs.

Can I bring a mobile phone to the exam hall?

No, mobile phones and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the exam hall.

What should I do if there is a mistake on my admit card?

If you notice an error, contact SSC authorities immediately to get it rectified before the exam day.

Is there any restrictions on what I can wear?

Yes, avoid wearing metal accessories, full-sleeved clothing with large buttons, and ornaments, as these are prohibited items.