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RRB NTPC Ratio and Proportion Question with Solution PDF

The RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Question is a valuable resource for every candidate appearing for the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Non-technician Popular Categories (NTPC) exam in 2024. In the below article, we have provided a collection of 20 important questions of ratio and proportion that are frequently asked in previous exams. These questions with their solution PDF will provide candidates understanding of the concepts and problem-solving techniques. Candidates are required to refer to the below question along with their solutions to enhance preparation and ace their exams.

RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Questions

Q1. If x is subtracted from each of 61, 50, 91, and 74, the numbers so obtained in this order are in proportion. What is the mean proportional between (3x – 2) and (x + 3)?

(a) 15

(b) 10

(c) 12

(d) 14

Q2. Rs. 8000 is distributed among A, B, and C such that they receive notes of Rs. 500, Rs. 200, and Rs. 100 respectively. The amounts received by them are in the ratio 15:2:3. What was the ratio of the numbers of notes of Rs. 500, Rs 200, and Rs 100?

(a) 3:1:3

(b) 3:3:1

(c) 4:1:2

(d) 3:2:2

Q3. Three numbers are in the ratio  If the Sum of the first and third numbers is 644, then the value of the greatest number will be:

(a) 765

(b) 735

(c) 700

(d) 825

Q4. If a: b = 4 : 3 and c : d = 3a: 2b, then ac: bd is?

(a) 8 : 3

(b) 3: 8

(c) 4 : 3

(d) 3: 5

Q5. A sum of Rs. 1505 is divided among P, Q, and R such that P receives 24% less than Q and Q receives 20% less than R. The ratio of P’s amount and Q’s amount is.

(a) 19: 50

(b) 19: 25

(c) 4: 5

(d) 25: 21

Q6. When x is subtracted from each of the numbers 77, 137, 107, and 192, the numbers obtained in this order are in proportion. What is the value of x?

(a) 5
(b) 9
(c) 3
(d) 6

Q7. When x is subtracted from each of the numbers 132, 200, 146, and 222, the numbers so obtained are in the proportion. What is the value of x?

(a) 13
(b) 16
(c) 19
(d) 22

Q8. The numbers are in the ratio. If the difference between the greatest and smallest number is 64, then the value of the greatest number will be :

(a) 120

(b) 130

(c) 140

(d) 135

Q9. The ratio of two numbers will be 5: 4. If eight is added to the first number and seven is added to the second number, then the ratio becomes 4 : 3. What will be the ratio if six is added to each?

(a) 7: 5

(b) 5: 7

(c) 9: 5

(d) 4: 9

RRB NTPC Ratio and Proportion Question with Solution PDF_3.1

Q11. A sum of Rs. 15542 divided among Sachin, Ashish, and Vikrant such that if Rs. 3, Rs. 10, and Rs. 8 are diminished from their shares respectively, then their remaining sum shall be in the ratio 5: 4: 2. What would have been the ratio of their sums of Rs. 20, Rs. 30 and Rs. 40 respectively were added to their original shares.

(a) 7203 : 5764: 2782

(b) 7075: 5674: 2862

(c) 5764: 2782 : 2035

(d) 5421: 7857: 4285

Q12. A sum of Rs. 43350 is to be divided among A, B, and C in such a manner that for every rupee that A gets, B gets 90 Paise and for every rupee that B gets, C gets 110 paise. B’s share will be

(a) Rs. 13,500

(b) Rs. 15,000

(c) Rs. 20,000

(d) Rs. 40,000

Q13. If x is added to each of 22, 12, 32, and 18, the numbers so obtained in this order are in proportion. What is the mean proportion between (x -1 ) and (x + 15)?

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

Q14. The amount of Rs. 2613 is shared among A, B, and C in the ratio 3 : 5: 5. What will be the share of B?

(a) 1005

(b) 1050

(c) 1500

(d) 5100

Q15. The ratio of monthly incomes of A and B  is 2 : 3 and the ratio of their saving is 5: 6. If the income of B is equal to four times the savings of A, then what is the ratio of the expenditures of A and B?

(a) 25: 42

(b) 26: 47

(c) 29: 49

(d) 23: 51

Q16. The sum of the three numbers is 170. If the ratio of the first and second numbers is 7: 9 and the ratio of the second and third numbers is 1: 2, then find the sum of the squares of all three numbers.

(a) 11267
(b) 11350
(c) 11276
(d) 11201

Q17. What is the ratio of mean proportional between 7.2 and 0.8 and third proportional of 5 and 6?

(a) 3 : 1

(b) 3 : 2

(c) 1 : 3

(d) 2 : 3

Q18. A sum of Rs x is divided among A, B and C such that the ratio of shares of A and B is 5 : 12 and that of B and C is 8 : 7. If the difference in the shares of A and C is Rs 1650, then the value of x is:

(a) Rs.7250

(b) Rs.8250

(c) Rs.12000

(d) Rs.8500

Q19. 140 males and 200 females are working in a firm. During one mass recruitment drive, an equal number of males and females are recruited and their ratio becomes 3: 4. The total number of people working in the firm after recruitment is:

(a) 390

(b) 400

(c) 410

(d) 420

Q20. The sum of the three numbers is 341. The ratio of the second to the third is 7: 9 and the first to the third is 5 : 3. The third number is:

(a) 81

(b) 105

(c) 164

(d) 99

RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Questions Solution PDF

The RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Question and Solution PDF is one of the valuable resources for candidates for exam preparation. The RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Solution PDF link is provided below. Candidates must refer to the same and download it for better preparation and to strengthen their confidence and problem-solving skills.

Click Here to Download the RRB NTPC Ratio & Proportion Question Solution PDF

RRB NTPC Ratio and Proportion Question with Solution PDF_4.1

RRB NTPC Ratio and Proportion Question with Solution PDF_5.1


Why is it important to prepare question before the actual examination?

Trying and answering questions first helps the candidates see in what areas they struggle. This way, they can learn from their mistakes and improve problem- solving skills.

What are ratio and proportion questions in RRB NTPC?

Ratio and Proportion questions are an essential component of the aptitude section in the RRB NTPC (Railway Recruitment Board Non-Technical Popular Categories) exam.

How many stages are there in RRB NTPC exam?

RRB NTPC exam has 4 stages- CBT 1, CBT 2, Typing Skill Test/ Computer Based Aptitude Test and Document Verification.

What is mean proportional in RRB NTPC exam?

For the given numbers, mean proportional is given by, = 0.16 × 0.64 = 0.1024 = 0.32

About the Author

I'm Shobha from Uttar Pradesh, particularly from Varanasi. I have 3 yrs. of experience in Content Writing and hands on experience in SEO. To know more about me, you can visit my LinkedIn profile here: www.linkedin.com/in/shobhak20