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RRB ALP Exam Analysis 25th November 2024, 3rd Shift Review

RRB ALP Exam Analysis 25th November 2024: The RRB ALP Exam 2024 for the 3rd shift on 25th November has been successfully conducted. Candidates who appeared for the exam have shared their feedback for RRB ALP Exam Analysis 2024, 25th November 3rd Shift that provides insights into the exam’s overall difficulty, key topics covered, and the types of questions that were asked. It will also highlight the expected questions, making it easier for candidates to prepare for upcoming shifts.

RRB ALP Exam Analysis 2024, 25th November 3rd Shift

This is the last shift of the day, and the Railway Recruitment Board has made an effort to keep the difficulty level consistent across all shifts conducted today. Candidates who appeared for this shift or are going to appear in upcoming shifts should check this analysis to understand the recent trends in the types of questions asked.

RRB ALP 3rd Shift Difficulty level and Good Attempts

Candidates who appeared for this shift have reported it to be of moderate difficulty. Based on their feedback, our experts have provided the section-wise good attempts, which are mentioned in the table below. If your score is around the suggested good attempts, start preparing for the next stage without delay, as the merit list will be based on the marks obtained in the RRB ALP CBT 2 exam.

Sections Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Mathematics Moderate 16-17
General Intelligence & Reasoning Moderate 22-23
General Science Easy to Moderate 17-18
General Awareness and Current Affairs Easy to Moderate 7-8

RRB ALP 3rd Shift Section wise Analysis

Mathematics Section – The Mathematics section was of moderate difficulty, covering topics like percentages, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, ratio and proportion, basic algebraic identities, equations, and basic geometric figures.

General Intelligence and Reasoning – This section was time consuming, questions were asked from topics like analogies, classification, series (number and alphabet), syllogisms, puzzles (seating arrangement, blood relations, coding-decoding), and data sufficiency.

General Science – This section was relatively easy, focusing on basic concepts from Physics (laws of motion, energy, electricity, magnetism), Chemistry (reactions, acids and bases, metals, non-metals, Periodic table), and Biology (human anatomy, cells, vitamins and deficiency). Candidates who studied NCERT books found this section easy.

General Awareness on Current Affairs – This section was moderate and included questions on current affairs (recent events, awards, sports), general knowledge (Indian history, geography, polity, economy), and static GK (Books and authors, festivals, important days).

RRB ALP Shift Timings 2024

RRB ALP Paper I Exam will be held in multiple shifts, so plan your schedule accordingly. Make sure to reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the reporting time to avoid any problems. The table below has details about the reporting time, gate closing time, and other important information.

Shift Reporting Time Gate Closing Time Exam Start Time
Shift 1 7:30 am 8:30 am 9:00 am
Shift 2 11:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm
Shift 3 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm

RRB ALP CBT 1 Exam Pattern 2024

The RRB ALP first-stage CBT exam has 75 multiple-choice questions from four subjects: Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science, and Current Affairs. Each question carries 1 mark. The exam is for 60 minutes, and ⅓ mark will be cut for every wrong answer.

Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
Mathematics 20 20 60 minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25
General Science 20 20
General Awareness and Current Affairs 10 10
Total 75 75

RRB ALP Exam Analysis 25th November 2024, 3rd Shift Review |_3.1

RRB ALP Exam Analysis 25th November 2024, 3rd Shift Review |_4.1


What was the difficulty level of the RRB ALP 3rd Shift exam on 25th November 2024?

The 3rd shift exam was reported to be of moderate difficulty. The Mathematics and General Science sections were manageable, while General Intelligence and Reasoning were more time-consuming.

How much time is allotted for the RRB ALP CBT 1 Exam, and what is the marking scheme?

The exam duration is 60 minutes with 75 multiple-choice questions. Each question carries 1 mark, and there is a negative marking of ⅓ mark for every wrong answer.