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RPSC RAS Cut Off 2023 Out, Score Card Released for Prelims

RPSC RAS Score Card 2023

RPSC RAS Score Card 2023: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has released the RPSC RAS Prelims Score Card 2023 on 23rd October at their official website @rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. RPSC RAS Result and final Answer key were released previously, candidates can also check their result link from this article which is mentioned below. To download the score card candidates must visit the official website and also download by clicking on the direct link given below.

RPSC RAS Score Card 2023

Click Here to Download RPSC RAS Score Card 2023

RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2023

RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2023: Rajasthan Public Service Commission has been released the RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off along with the result of the particular stage on its official website @rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. The cut off is released for each stage of the selection process i.e. prelims, mains & final cut off separately. The cut off marks are the minimum mark that a candidate participating in the must score to proceed to the next stage of the recruitment process. Lakhs of candidates appear for the RPSC Combined Competitive Exam with the aim to get recruited for Administrative Services posts. Keep reading the article below to check the RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2023.

RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off

The recruitment board has released the category-wise RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off on its official website. The cut-off scores for each stage can fluctuate based on factors such as the exam’s level of difficulty and the total number of candidates who took the test, among other variables that impact the candidates’ overall performance. RPSC has announced 905 vacancies for RPSC RAS Recruitment 2023 for which the prelims exam has been conducted on 01st October 2023. RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2023 has been released along with RPSC RAS Pre Result 2023 on 20th October 2023.

RPSC RAS Prelims Cut-Off 2023

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has recently conducted the RAS (Rajasthan Administrative Services) Prelims Exam and lakhs of aspirants from across the states have attempted the exam. Now, all of you should get excited because RPSC RAS Cut Off 2023 has been released along with RPSC RAS Result 2023. You can visit @rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in your scorecard and aspirants securing above the 40% Marks for qualify the RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2023. Moreover, you should secure more than RPSC RAS Cut Off Marks 2023 to become eligible for rank in the merit list. As the category-wise gender-wise RPSC RAS Cut Off 2023 is released. RPSC RAS Prelims Cut Off marks for Males General and OBC categories is 100.69 and for females is 33.56. The table below includes the categories and gender-wise RPSC RAS Prelims Cut Off 2203.

RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2023
Category Males Females Widow Ex-Serviceman DV
General 100.69 97.01 33.56 68.51 78.16
General (SA) 100.69 91.03 30.34 11.49
EWS 100.69 97.01 33.56 68.51
SC 91.49 82.30 27.59 30.34 67.59
ST 94.25 91.49 25.75 35.86
ST (SA) 84.60 76.32 16.09
OBC 100.69 97.01 33.56 68.51
MBC 99.31 84.60 31.26 68.51 78.16

RRSC RAS Result 2023 Out, Click here to Check

RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2021

The RPSC RAS Pre Cut Off 2021 for General (Male) was 84.72, for General (Female) was 79.63 and for General (Widow) was 32.87. For your reference, we have tabulated the detailed RPSC RAS Pre 2021 Cut-Off below.

Category Males Females Widow
General 84.72 79.63 32.87
General (TSP) 80.56 72.22 31.48
EWS 84.72 79.63 32.87
SC 72.69 66.20 25.00
SC (TSP) 72.22
ST 76.85 72.22 17.59
ST (TSP) 58.80 50.00
OBC 84.72 79.63 32.87
MBC 84.72 79.63 25.93

RPSC RAS Mains Cut-Off 2021

RPSC RAS Mains Cut Off 2021 was released along with its result for all category separately. Check the below table to know what was the cut off marks for RPSC RAS Mains 2021 Exam.

Category Sub-Category RPSC RAS Cut Off
General General 314
General WE 314
General WD 218.5
General DV 302
General (TSP) General 304.75
General (TSP) WE
General (TSP) WD 160.5
EWS General 314
EWS WE 314
EWS WD 218.5
SC General 282.5
SC WE 280.75
SC WD 179
SC DV 232.75
SC (TSP) General 278.5
ST General 296.25
ST WD 169
ST DV 277
ST (TSP) General 249.5
ST (TSP) WE 230.25
OBC General 314
OBC WE 314
OBC WD 218.5
OBC DV 291
MBC General 305.25
MBC WD 178

RPSC RAS Prelims and Mains Cut Off 2018

The RPSC RAS Cut Off 2018 for both prelims and mains exam was released by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) and RPSC RAS Prelims and Mains Cut Off 2018 is tabulated below.

RPSC RAS Cut Off Prelims 2018
Category Cut Off Marks
General 78.54
General (TSP) 69.41
SC 71.69
ST 76.26
ST (TSP) 58.45
OBC 94.98


RPSC RAS Cut Off Mains 2018
Category Sub Category Cut Off Marks
General General 332.75
General WE 320.25
SC General 316.00
ST General 274.25
ST WE 274.25

RPSC RAS Cut Off 2017

RPSC RAS Cut Off 2017 is tabulated below.

Category Sub Category Cut off Marks
General Gen 78.54
General Fem 68.04
General WD 26.03
General DV 58.45
TSP (GEN) Gen 69.41
TSP (GEN) Fem 55.25
SC Gen 71.69
SC Fem 57.99
SC WD 19.18
SC DV 47.49
ST Gen 76.26
ST Fem 62.56
ST WD 20.09
TSP (ST) Gen 58.45
TSP (ST) Fem 41.10
OBC Gen 94.98
OBC Fem 78.08
OBC WD 41.55
OBC DV 69.41
SBC Gen 80.82
SBC Fem 56.16

Factors Affecting RPSC RAS Cut-Off

The RPSC RAS cut-off can fluctuate from year to year. It is very essential for every candidates to know about factors affecting RPSC RAS Cut Off. Here we discuss the various elements that affect the RPSC RAS cut-off, including the difficulty level of the exam, job vacancies and the number of applicants.

Number of Job Vacancies: The number of job vacancies available directly affects the cut-off. The cut-off for the RPSC RAS 2023 will increases if the job vacancies are limited and the cut-off will decreases if the job vacancies are more.

Difficulty Level of the Exam: If the exam is exceptionally difficult in a particular year, the cut-off marks could be lowered. If the exam level is easy than the cut-off will be high or increases.

Number of Applicants: The number of applicants also affects the cut-off marks. If there are more number of applicants the cut-off will increase and the number of candidates is less than the cut-off will decreases.


Check Related Links:
RPSC RAS Recruitment 2023 
 RPSC RAS Result 2023




RPSC RAS Cut Off 2023 and Score Card Released for Prelims_5.1


IS RPSC RAS Cut-Off 2023 out?

Yes, RPSC RAS Cut-Off 2023 has been out now.

When will RPSC RAS Cut-Off 2023 release?

RPSC RAS Cut-Off 2023 has been released on 20th October 2023.

When was RPSC RAS Exam 2023?

RPSC RAS Prelims Exam 2023 was conducted on 01 October 2023.

Is RPSC RAS Score Card 2023 released?

Yes, RPSC RAS Score Card 2023 released on 23rd October 2023.

What is the RPSC RAS Prelims Cut Off marks for Males General and OBC categories?

RPSC RAS Prelims Cut Off marks for Males General and OBC categories is 100.69.