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RPF Preparation Tips 2024, Exam Success Tricks

A combined 4660 vacancies for the posts of Sub Inspector and Constable in the Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force are out for the recruitment process for the year 2024 on the official website rpf.indianrailways.gov.in. The last date to apply online for both of these recruitments is 14th May 2024.

The candidates who are applying for these posts should start their preparations right away as the exam dates for the RPF Recruitment 2024 will be announced soon on the official website mentioned above. In this article, we have discussed some points to consider while preparing for the exam to stay ahead of the competition.

RPF Preparation Tips 2024

The pattern of the examination paper for the SI as well as the Constable exam is the same and the paper will consist of three subjects i.e. Arithmetic, General Intelligence & Reasoning and General Awareness. To prepare well for the exam the candidates need to be aware of some points.

These include a comprehensive understanding of the exam, a smart approach to the preparation and maximizing the score. In the sections below, let us discuss these one by one. The candidates should keep in mind that these are just suggestions and can be adapted according to their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Getting Acquainted with the Exam

The exam for the SI and Constable posts consists of 120 questions worth 120 marks across three subjects. The exam is conducted for a composite time of 90 minutes and features 1/3rd negative marking. The table below will provide the candidates with a detailed exam pattern which can help them start their preparations.

Subjects Total No. of Questions Total Marks
Arithmetic 35 35
General Intelligence & Reasoning 35 35
General Awareness 50 50
Total 120 120

After going through the exam pattern, the candidates need to understand the detailed syllabus of each subject. The table below will provide the candidates with the topics asked in the exam.

RPF Constable Syllabus 2024
Logical Reasoning Basic Arithmetic General Awareness
  • Arrangement (Matrix, Linear, Circular, Vertical)
  • Venn Diagram
  • Syllogisms
  • Blood Relation
  • Series Completion
  • Statement Inference
  • Venn Diagram
  • Direction Sense
  • Para Jumble
  • Error Correction
  • Algebra
  • Mensuration
  • Probability
  • Trigonometry
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Reasoning
  • Data Interpretation
  • Geometry
  • Current Affairs
  • General Knowledge
  • Sociology
  • Indian Arts and Culture
  • Indian History
  • Indian Geography
  • Polity

Preparation Tips & Tricks

The candidates who are aware of the structure of the examination should come up with a strategy that can help them score maximum in the exam. This strategy should contain components such as learning the concepts, practicing the questions and attempting mock tests. In the points below, let us take a look at some of the things that the candidates should consider during the preparation phase.

  • Have smaller targets and a plan to achieve them. The syllabus for the RPF Exam 2024 contains many different topics. These topics should be divided into small groups and the candidates should make the strategy to cover these in a fixed time. This can help them manage the entire syllabus.
  • Previous Year Papers are one of the most important resources for the preparation if the exam.  The candidates should analyze them to understand the latest trends and level of questions asked in various subjects.
  • Make handwritten notes of every subject. Even though there are many notes available for candidates online as well as offline, having handwritten notes for each topic mentioned in the syllabus makes the preparation more organic and effective.
  • Revision is the key to success in the RPF Exam 2024. As we have gone through the various topics asked in the exam, it is clear that merely learning the concepts will not be enough. The candidate should go through these concepts as many times as possible in order to be able to recall them in an instant in the examination hall.
  • Mock Tests should be used to give shape to the preparation. The sectional tests can help the candidates figure out the areas that require more work. The full-length tests can help them manage their time better, minimize negative marks and maximize their scores.
  • Maintain a ‘mistakes book’. While attempting mocks and solving questions, we tend to move on to the next one as soon as we are finished. However, it is advised to keep a separate notebook to maintain a record of the mistakes committed by us and go through it repeatedly. This ensures that we do not repeat our mistakes and helps the candidates perform well in the actual exam.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. The preparation for the RPF Exam 2024 is a long-term task and can take a toll on the minds and bodies of the candidates. This should be minimized by doing physical exercise and taking productive breaks on a regular basis.
  • Avoid too much social media during the preparation phase. This should be done in order to minimize distractions and help the candidates maintain focus on the preparation.
  • Stay away from speculations and predictions. The candidates should avoid getting involved in unnecessary discussions regarding the upcoming exam questions and cutoffs. Instead, they should keep their focus on the syllabus and their strategy.

The RPF Exam 2024 is a great opportunity for candidates to secure a prestigious government job. They should be aware of all the aspects of the winning strategy that can help them stay ahead of the competition. The points discussed above are some suggestions that they can implement in order to perform well in the exam. However, every candidate should have his/her own strategy and can take help from these points to fine-tune their preparations.

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What is the exam pattern for the RPF Exam 2024?

The question paper for the RPF Exam 2024 consists a total of 120 questions across three subjects i.e. Arithmetic, General Intelligence & Reasoning and General Awareness.

What is the date for the RPF Exam 2024?

The date for the RPF Exam 2024 will be announced soon on the official website rpf.indianrailways.gov.in.

Will there be negative marking in the RPF Exam 2024?

Yes, there will be 1/3rd negative marking in the RPF Exam 2024.