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RPF Constable and SI Vacancy Trend, Year and Post Wise

RPF Constable & SI Vacancy Trend: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) employs thousands of candidates to ensure the security of the Indian Railways, its passengers and its infrastructure. The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts direct recruitment for RPF Constables and Sub-Inspectors (SIs). The RPF SI Constable and SI Recruitment 2024 have also been notified recently.

Candidates planning to be a part of this challenging and rewarding opportunity should start here with the analysis of the RPF Constable and SI Vacancy Trend over the past few years.

RPF Recruitment 2024

The RRB has released two advertisements i.e. CEN No. RPF 01/2024 and CEN No. RPF 02/2024 for RPF SI and RPF Constable Recruitment, respectively. There are 452 vacancies for SIs and 4208 vacancies for Constables. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to secure a government job in the Indian Railways. Candidates selected for these posts will not only safeguard the lives of millions of passengers but also build a suitable career for themselves.

Category-wise RPF Constable Vacancies

The RPF Constable Recruitment 2024 has released 4208 vacancies. Among these vacancies, 3577 are for males and 631 are for females. Across all the categories, 10% of all vacancies i.e. 420 seats have been reserved for Ex-Servicemen. Candidates can check the reserved and unreserved category-wise vacancies for both males and females in the table below:

RPF Constable Vacancies 2024
Category Male Female
UR 1450 256
EWS 357 63
OBC 966 170
SC 536 95
ST 268 47
Total 3577 631
ExSM (10%) 420

Category-wise RPF SI Vacancies

In 2024, the RPF SI Recruitment has notified 452 vacancies. Out of these, 384 vacancies are for males. As per the government norms, 15% of the total vacancies have been reserved for females i.e. 68 vacancies. Furthermore, 10% of the total vacancies are reserved for Ex-servicemen across all categories. Candidates can check category-wise vacancies for RPF SI below:

RPF Sub Inspector (SI) Vacancies 2024
Category Male Female
UR 157 28
EWS 38 7
OBC 104 18
SC 57 10
ST 28 5
Total 384 68
ExSM (10%) 45

RPF Vacancy Trend Analysis

The RPF had earlier released the recruitment notices in 2011 and 2018. We have given a comparison of vacancies in 2011, 2018 and 2024 for Constable and SI posts. Candidates can observe that the vacancies of RPF Constables have constantly decreased. On the other hand, Sub-Inspector vacancies have remained similar in 2011 and 2024. The maximum vacancies were 1121 in 2018.

Looking at this downward trend in the vacancies, candidates are advised to do their best in the RPF Recruitment 2024 and secure their dream job before the competition gets tougher.

RPF Constable and SI Vacancy Trend
Year/Post Constable Sub-Inspector (SI)
2024 4208 452
2018 8619 1121
2011 17087 511

Importance of RPF Vacancy

The candidates preparing for the RPF Constable and SI exams to be conducted in 2024 should be aware of the various trends of the previous years such as vacancies, cutoff and previous year question papers. These hold a very important place in the preparation process for the candidates. Out of these, the number of vacancies occupies a special place as the RPF recruitment exam comes at a gap of some years.

The number of vacancies is generally higher for the constable post in comparison to the sub-inspector post. It is also one of the factors that determine the overall category-wise cutoff for each post. The candidates should analyze the vacancy trend along with the cutoff trends to make a proper strategy for the RPF Constable and SI exam 2024.


RPF Constable and SI Vacancy Trend, Year and Post Wise_4.1


How many vacancies for RPF Constables have been announced in 2024?

The RPF Constable Recruitment 2024 has released a total of 4208 vacancies.

How many RPF SI vacancies are there in 2024?

The RPF SI Recruitment has notified 452 vacancies this year.