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Railway Minister Announces Bumper 248895 Vacancies Zone Wise

Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023

Aspiring for your dream job in the Indian Railways? The Railway zones have a collective total of 2,48,895 vacancies for Group C positions. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in a written response to Rajya Sabha informed that there are currently 2070 vacant positions in Group A and B posts. Up to June 30, 2023, a total of 1,28,349 candidates have been selected for Group ‘C’ posts, excluding Level-1, according to the notifications. Additionally, 1,47,280 candidates have been selected for Level-1 posts based on the notifications.

Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023: Zone-Wise

Check the number of vacancies for different zonal railways below.

Zonal Railway Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Posts Group ‘C’ Posts (including Level-1)
Central 103 25281
East Coast 94 8114
East Central 187 12812
Eastern 216 29869
Metro 37 993
North Central 135 15962
North Eastern 79 12830
Northeast Frontier 171 12365
Northern 168 32468
North Western 108 9813
South Central 77 10338
South East Central 83 7796
South Eastern 172 13432
Southern 121 15240
South Western 54 4843
West Central 73 11142
Western 192 25597
Total 2070 248895

Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023 PDF

Comprehensive details regarding the Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023 are consolidated in a PDF format. Tap the link provided below to initiate the download of the PDF file.

Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023: Recruitment Status

The details of Centralized Employment Notifications released from 2018-2023 are tabulated below.

CEN No. Name of Posts Date of Notification Number of Vacancies Present Status of Recruitment
03/2018 Junior Engineer (JE), Depot CMA, Material DMS 29.12.2018 13538 Recruitment Process Completed
02/2019 Para-medical categories 23.02.2019 1923 Recruitment Process completed
03/2019 Isolated & Ministerial categories 23.02.2019 1663 Recruitment Process completed
01/2019 Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) 28.02.2019 35281 Recruitment Process completed
RRC-01/2019 Level 1 23.02.2019 103769 Recruitment Process completed



Railway Bumper Vacancy 2023: Sanctioned Strength

As of July 01, 2023, the sanctioned strength details for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted positions are provided below.

Railway Units


Sanctioned On-roll Vacancy Sanctioned On-roll  Vacancy
Central 1170 1067 103 119372 94091 25281
East Coast 674 580 94 57311 49197 8114
East Central 1044 857 187 92324 79512 12812
Eastern 1170 954 216 128529 98660 29869
Metro 123 86 37 5130 4137 993
North Central 796 661 135 81868 65906 15962
North Eastern 716 637 79 59463 46633 12830
Northeast Frontier 1055 884 171 70064 57699 12365
Northern 1605 1437 168 163147 130679 32468
North Western 855 747 108 59076 49263 9813
South Central 1067 990 77 92828 82490 10338
South East Central 600 517 83 56119 48323 7796
South Eastern 949 777 172 95704 82272 13432
Southern 1173 1052 121 96313 81073 15240
South Western 591 537 54 41618 36775 4843
West Central 668 595 73 63841 52699 11142
Western 1298 1106 192 115324 89727 25597
Banaras Locomotive Works 177 143 34 6001 5475 526
Chittranjan Locomotive Works 222 159 63 12454 8865 3589
Integral Coach Factory 184 164 20 11091 8740 2351
Modern Coach Factory 161 123 38 2742 2197 545
Patiala Locomotive Works 107 91 16 3614 2654 960
Rail Coach Factory 162 138 24 7390 6192 1198
Rail Wheel Factory 101 89 12 2456 2219 237
Rail Wheel Plant 40 29 11 1006 931 75
Other Units 2140 1748 392 18501 15644 2857
Total 18848 16168 2680 1463286 1202053 261233



Check Other Links:
Eastern Railway Recruitment 2023 Northern Railway Recruitment 2023
RRC WR Recruitment 2023 Central Railway Recruitment 2023
Railway Minister Announces Bumper 248895 Vacancies Zone Wise_4.1


How many vacancies are released for North Eastern zone?

79 (Group 'A' & 'B' Posts) vacancies are released for North Eastern zone.

How many candidates have been selected for Group C posts?

1,28,349 candidates have been selected for Group C posts till 30th June 2023.

Where can I find details of various railway recruitments?

Candidates can check SSCADDA to find details of various railway recruitments.