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NVS Salary 2024 Post Wise Pay Scale and Allowances

NVS Salary 2024

The Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has released the notification for recruitment of 1377 Non-Teaching Staff. The NVS Salary 2024 varies depending on the group post for Group B and Group C. There are five pay levels in NVS Salary 2024 ranging from Pay level 1 to Pay Level 7 for different posts. Female Staff Nurse will receive the highest salary in NVS with Pay Level 7. Read this article for all information regarding the NVS salary structure, in-hand salary, and other perks & allowances.

Note: According to the latest information, the Dearness Allowance (DA) for NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya SamitiĀ  salary has been increased to 50% from 01 January 2024.

What is NVS Salary 2024?

As there are different posts for which the NVS examination is conducted, there is a difference in pay grades for every other post. The gross NVS Salary 2024 of every post varies according to its pay grade level ranging between Rs. 30,600 to Rs. 84,420 which also includes different perks linked to HRA, DA, etc. Check the latest gross salary according to the 7th pay commission including the latest revision to the Dearness Allowance (DA) and estimate your in-hand salary according to your preferred NPS and CGHS deductions.

Pay Level of Posts Gross NVS Salary Range (Approx)
X Cities Y Cities Z Cities
Pay Level-7 84420 78130 73640
Pay Level-6 67320 61980 58440
Pay Level-4 49500 45150 42600
Pay Level-2 39420 35630 33640
Pay Level-1 36000 32400 30600

NVS Salary 2024: Total Gross & In-hand Salary after 7th Pay Commission

The NVS 2024 Salary Structure and gross salary is different for all posts with different pay levels ranging from level 1 to level 7. Also, besides the various perks and allowances, there will be small deductions towards CGHS, NPS, etc. which will cause your total in-hand salary to differ. The table provided below gives an estimate of the gross salary which candidates can expect to get once they are recruited in the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti or NVS. Please note that the city of posting and deductions to NPS can vary from person to person.

Check the NVS Salary 2024 Structure provided to the employees posted under Pay Level 7, Pay Level 6, Pay Level 4, Pay Level 2, and Pay Level 1.

Pay Level of Posts Pay Level-7 Pay Level-6 Pay Level-4 Pay Level-2 Pay Level-1
Payscale 44900 to 142400 35400 to 112400 25500 to 81100 19900-63200 18000-56900
Basic Pay Rs 44900 Rs 35400 Rs 25500 Rs 19900 Rs 18000
HRA X Cities (30%) 13470 10620 7650 5970 5400
Y Cities (20%) 8980 7080 5100 3980 3600
Z Cities (10%) 4490 3540 2550 1990 1800
DA (50%) 22450 17700 12750 9950 9000
Travel Allowance Cities- 3600, Other Places- 1800
Gross Salary
X Cities 84420 67320 49500 39420 36000
Y Cities 78130 61980 45150 35630 32400
Z Cities 73640 58440 42600 33640 30600


NVS Salary 2024: Post-wise NVS Pay Scale

Different posts under the NVS Recruitment 2024 are categorized according to the pay level. Check NVS Salary, Pay Level and Pay Scale for all the NVS Vacancies.

Post Pay Level Pay Scale (Rs.)
Female Staff Nurse 7 44900-142400
Assistant Section Officer 6 35400-112400
Audit Assistant 6 35400-112400
Junior Translation Officer 6 35400-112400
Legal Assistant 6 35400-112400
Stenographer 4 25500-81100
Computer Operator 4 25500-81100
Catering Supervisor 4 25500-81100
Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO) 2 19900-63200
Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV) 2 19900-63200
Electrician cum Plumber 2 19900-63200
Lab Attendant 1 18000-56900
Mess Helper 1 18000-56900
Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO) 1 18000-56900

NVS Salary 2024: Allowances and Benefits Provided to NVS Employees

House Rent Allowance(HRA)

HRA is provided to the employees to meet their house rental needs. House rent allowance varies according to the city and is classified into 3 categories. HRA shall not be less than Rs. 5400/- pm, Rs. 3600/- pm, and Rs.1800/- pm at X, Y & Z class cities respectively.

HRA According to Category
@ 30% of Basic pay for X category of cities
@ 20% of Basic Pay for Y category of cities
@ 10% of Basic Pay for Z category of cities

Dearness Allowance (DA)

The Dearness Allowance is a cost of living adjustment allowance and is currently 50% Of Basic Pay under the 7th Pay Commission. The union cabinet has increased the DA to 50% with effect from 1st January 2024 for all the employees working for the central government.

Transport Allowance (TA)

The rate of transport allowance per month varies according to the place you are living in as mentioned below:

  • Employees posted in the cities: Rs.3600
  • Employees posted at all other places: Rs.1800



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What is the current DA for NVS Employee Salary 2024?

The new employees to NVS would avail of the current DA which is 50% with effect from 01 January 2024.

What are the different Pay Levels in NVS Salary 2024?

The pay levels range from level 1 to level 7. Check the article above to read post wise levels and salaries.

What is the Gross and In Hand Salary for NVS Recruitment 2024?

The Gross and In Hand Salary would be different for each of the posts notified in NVS Recruitment 2024. The Gross Salary would range from Rs. 30,600 to Rs. 84,420 while In Hand salary would be different according to CGHS and NPS deductions decided by different candidates.

Where can I find the NVS Salary Structure 2024?

Detailed salary calculation is given in the article above for all the NVS posts.

What are the perks and allowances in NVS Recruitment 2024?

Selected candidates would be entitled to Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, CGHS, NPS and a lot more. Check the post above for clarification.