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Nobel Prize Winners List 2023, Check Complete List

Nobel Prize 2023

The Nobel Prize ceremony is held every year in various fields. Basically Nobel Prize is given to those who does some special or outstanding work, it is a most honored award of the world. The various fields in which the Nobel Prize is awarded for the extraordinary achievements like in physics, chemistry, literature, peace, physiology, medicine and economics. The amount for the Nobel Prize 2023 is set at Swedish kronor (SEK) 11.0 million. Nobel Foundation awarded the Nobel Prizes every year on the memory of Alfred Nobel, who was a Swedish scientist. The first Nobel Prize Award ceremony was held in 1901. From the 1901 to till the Nobel Prize is has been awarded 615 times and given to 954 individuals and 27 organizations.

Nobel Prize 2023 Winners

The announcement for the Nobel Prize 2023 Winners started from 2nd October 2023 to 9th October 2023. Alfred Nobel was the founder of the Nobel Prize, which is the most prestigious award in the world. The Nobel prize 2023 Winners are awarded with a gold medal, a diploma and a monetary award. Nobel Prize winners are selected from the world on the basis of their outstanding work in different fields, which are mentioned above in this article. The winner’s achievement gives encouragement to the people that there is no work in this world which can’t be done by humans.

Nobel Prize Winners 2023

As we know, the Nobel Prize is the greatest award of the world. All the announcements for the Nobel Prize Winners 2023 will be streamed live at nobelprize.org. The names of Nobel Prize Winners 2023 are given below:

Nobel Prize Winners 2023 in Physics

Pierre Agostini (France physicist), Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier are the Nobel Prize winners of 2023 in Physics for introducing experimental techniques of producing attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter. Their extraordinary work was also exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules. They also show a method  to generate brief light pulses which can be used to measure the rapid process in which the electron moves or changes the energy.

Nobel Prize Winners 2023 in Physiology or Medicines

Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman have been awarded with the Nobel Prize 2023 in Physiology or Medicines. They worked on mRNA vaccines which helped many people to fight against COVID 19. With their invention, the whole world is able to treat and prevent this pandemic.

Nobel Prize Winners 2023 in Chemistry

In the year 2023 the Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Moungi G. Bawendi, Alexei I. Ekimov and Louis E. Brus for discovering and developing Quantum dots. The Quantum dots helped drive a revolution in nanotechnology. The nanoparticles are so tiny in size that determines their properties. These smallest particles of nanotechnology spread their light from LED bulbs and televisions and these particles also help the surgeons in removing tumor tissue.

Nobel Prize Winner 2023 in Literature

The Nobel Prize Winner 2023 in Literature has been awarded to Norwegian author Jon Olav Fosse. He is awarded the Nobel Prize 2023 for his innovative plays and prose which helps in giving voice to the unspeakable. His innovation expresses the most powerful emotions of anxiety in humans and powerlessness in the simplest terms.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2023

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2023, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to give the award for the Nobel Peace Prize 2023 to Narges Mohammadi “for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight is also to promote human rights and freedom for all”. She was awarded on 6th October 2023 witn Nobel Peace Prize.

Nobel Prize 2023 Winners List

Nobel Prize 2023 Winners have been announced for Physics, Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry, Literature and Peace and Nobel Prize winner 2023 in the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Sciences will be announced by the Swedish Academy on 9th October 2023. The given Nobel Prize 2023 Winners list shows the names and the Fields in which they are awarded with the Nobel Prize.

Category of Nobel Prize Winners of Nobel Prize Achievements of Winners Award Ceremony Date
Nobel Prize for Physics
  1. Pierre Agostini
  2. Ferenc Krausz
  3. Anne L’Huillier


  • for introducing experimental techniques of producing attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamic in matter
3rd October 2023
Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine
  1. Katalin Kariko
  2. Drew Weissman


  • They worked on mRNA vaccines which helps many people to fight against COVID 19.
2nd October 2023
Nobel Prize for Chemistry
  1. Moungi G. Bawendi
  2. Alexe I Ekimov
  3. Louis E. Brus
  • for discovering and developing of Quantum dots.
4th October 2023
Nobel Prize for Literature
  1. Jon Fosse
  • for his innovative plays and pros which helps in giving voice to the unspeakable.
5th October 2023
Nobel Peace Prize
  1. Narges Mohammadi
  • for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight is also to promote human rights and freedom for all
6th October 2023
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Science       To be announced            To be announced 9th October 2023

Nobel Prize Winners List 2023, Check Complete List_3.1


Who is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2023?

Narge Mohammadi is the Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2023.

When will be the Nobel Prize 2023 for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Science announced?

The Nobel Prize 2023 for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Science will be announced on 9th October 2023.

How much is the Nobel Prize Monetary Award in 2023?

The Nobel Prize Monetary Award in 2023 is set on Swedish kronor (SEK) 11.0 million.

When were the first Nobel Prizes awarded ?

The first Nobel Prizes awarded in 1901 on the memory of Alfred Nobel, a chemist, entreprenuer and inventor in chemistry.

Which fields are honored with Nobel Prizes?

Nobel Prizes are awarded in Medicine or Physiology, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace and Economics fields.