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MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023: The MP Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) notification was announced to recruit 1978 candidates for different posts. Candidates willing to apply must thoroughly go through the MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 mentioned in the official notification. The MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Exam is scheduled for July 15th, 2023. Bookmark this article to know every detail about MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus and exam pattern.

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023:Overview

Interested candidates must keep themselves up to date regarding the MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 to score high in the competition. Kowing the syllabus in advance enables the applicant to focus their efforts most effectively. Below is a table that provides an overview of MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 :

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Syllabus 2023

Recruitment Board MP Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)
No. of Vacancies 1978
Starting date of online application 17 April 2023
Last date of online application 01 May 2023
Category Syllabus
Job Location Madhya Pradesh
Official Website https://esb.mp.gov.in/

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern in Hindi

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus

The MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 is slightly different for different posts. Typically, the syllabus is divided into two papers Paper I and Paper II.  The syllabus for Paper I is similar for all the posts while the syllabus for Paper II is different for different posts. Candidates applying for different posts can check the detailed syllabus according to the post they are applying for, below in this article

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023:Paper I

The detailed MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 for Paper I is listed below:

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023:Paper I

General Knowledge
  •  General knowledge of Madhya       Pradesh,
  • Major Wildlife Sanctuaries and   National Parks, major rivers,
  • Major Tourism (Forts, Palaces,   Ancient Remarkable and Natural Places,   Caves, Tombs, etc.)
  • Prominent personality (political)   player of Madhya Pradesh, artist,   Administration, Author, litterateur,   social worker, etc.
General English
  • Spellings
  • Use of sub-important conjunction
  • Preposition
  • Active/Passive Voice
  • One-word substitution
  • Synonyms/antonyms
  • Adjective
  • Direct/indirect Narration
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Article
  • Genders
  • Proverb Idioms and Phrases
General Hindi
  • व्यंजन
  • विलोम शब्द
  • स्वर
  • मुहावरा
  • पर्यावाची
  • शब्द प्रकार
  • प्रत्यय
  • वर्तनीलिंग
  • छंद
  • दोहा
  • विशेषण
  • वचन
  • कारक
  • क्रिया विश्लेषण
  • संज्ञा
  • अलंकार
  • व्याकरणिक अशुद्वियाँ
  • सर्वनाम
  • मुहावरा
  • समास संधि
General Mathematics
  • Roots
  • Average
  • Percentage
  •  Profit & loss
  • Clocks
  • Ratio
  • Arithmetic & Data Interpretation
  • Logarithms
  •  Permutation & combination
  • Line graphs & tabulation
  • Time & Work
  • Time and Distance
  • Volume & surface area
  • Height & distances
  • Simple & Compound interest and probability
General Reasoning Ability
  •  Question analogies,
  • Similarities and differences
  • Visual memory,
  • Discrimination,
  • Relationship concepts,
  • Arithmetic reasoning,
  • Verbal and figure classification,
  • Number series,
  • Non-verbal series,
  • Coding and decoding,
  • Statement conclusion, etc.
General Science
  •  The questions will generally be based on Physics of general standards like weight, Mass, volume, refraction,   refraction, transparency, the law of motion and gravitation, etc.
  • Chemical reactions such as chemicals,   various acids, alkalis, and gases,
  • Salt, metals, and non-metals,
  • Chemical formulas balance and their facts etc.
  • Biology such as human body structure,
  • Bacteria and diseases and their symptoms etc.
General Computer Knowledge
  •  Computer fundamentals,
  • Windows (MS Windows),
  • MS Office: Word Processing (MS   Word),
  • Spread Sheet (MS-Excel),
  • Presentation Knowledge (MS-   PowerPoint), etc.

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023:Paper II

The MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023 for Paper II is briefly mentioned below:

Syllabus based on the subject related to the post of Senior Agriculture Development Officer under Group-1 sub-group-1

1. Agriculture, its importance in the national economy, agro-climatic and agro-ecological zone, and the geographic distribution of crop plants. Agriculture heritage, Sustainable agriculture.

2. Important crop of India and M.P. Package of practices for cultivation of cereal, Pulses, oilseeds, Sugar, Fiber, and forage crops: Different cropping systems, Farming system, Crop rotations, multiple and relay cropping, intercropping, mixed cropping and sequence cropping. Integrated crop management, Geoinformatics, Nanotechnology, and precision farming

3. Crop weather relationship, floods, Cold waves and frosts, Meteorological services to agriculture. Climate change and climate resilient agriculture, Remote sensing, contingent crop planning.

4. Soil as a medium for plant growth and its Composition, minerals, and organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production, Soil types of India and M.P. Chemical, Physical and microbiological properties of soils, Essential plant nutrients, their functions, and deficiency symptoms. Occurrence and Cycling in soils. Straight, complex, and mixed fertilizers and bio-fertilizers manufactures and marketed in India, Integrated nutrient management for plants. Management of problem soils such as saline, alkali, and acid soils. Soil and water management Irrigation methods, soil erosion, its causes and control measures, Rain Water conservation; Watershed development, Rainfed farming principles, and practices.

5. Biochemistry/Physiology/Microbiology/Environmental Sciences: Fundamentals of Plant biochemistry and biotechnology, fundamentals of crop physiology. agricultural microbiology, environmental studies and Disaster management Introduction to forestry.

6. Elements of genetics and plant breeding as applied to the improvement of crops, development of plant hybrids and composites, and important hybrid and composites varieties of crops.

7. Important fruits and vegetable crops of M.P. and India, their package of practices Crop rotation. intercropping and companion crops. Role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. Post-harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables.

8. Integrated weed management( IWM), Serious weeds and their control.Principles of plant protection measures integrated control of pests and diseases. Pests and diseases affect major crops. Storage pests management, rodents management.

9. Principles and objectives of surveying. Contouring. Farm development, land capability classification, Farm machinery, and pieces of equipment. Bullock drew power-driven Farm implements, Mechanization, and its relevance and scope in India. Seedbed preparation land shaping, seeding, and intercultural tools or equipment, plant protection equipment, harvesting and threshing machines, post-harvest machinery, Care, and maintenance before and after use of farm implements and machinery. Protected cultivation and secondary agriculture.

10. Economics concerning agriculture Farm planning and management for enhanced production, Factors of Crop production and production relationships, marketing of agricultural produce and regulated markets in M.P. Price of agricultural produce and its role in agricultural development. Impact of economic reforms on agriculture business. Principle and objectives of agricultural extension. Extension organization at the district and block levels, their structure. functions and responsibilities. Methods of Communication Role of farm organizations in extension services. Women in agriculture, Women entrepreneur, Women empowerment, Opportunities for agriculture entrepreneurship, and Rural enterprise.

Syllabus based on the subject related to the post of Senior Horticulture Development Officer under Group-1 sub-group-1

  1. Tropical and Dry Land Fruit Production
  2. Biodiversity and Conservation of Fruit Crops
  3. Canopy Management
  4. Propagation and Nursery Management of Fruit Crops
  5. Breeding of Fruit Crops
  6. Growth and Development of Horticulture Crops
  7. Production Technology of Vegetable Crops
  8. Breeding of Vegetable Crops
  9. Growth and Development of Vegetable Crops
  10. Seed Production Technology of vegetable crops
  11. Organic Vegetable Production Technology
  12. Production of Plantation, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops.
  13. Production Technology of Spice Crops
  14. Production Technology of Spice, medicinal and aromatic Crops
  15. Breeding of Plantation Crops and spices
  16. Breeding of Medicinal and aromatic crops
  17. Processing of plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops
  18. Organic Spice and Plantation Crop Production Technology
  19. Breeding of flower crops and ornamental plants
  20. Land Scaping and Ornamental Gardening
  21. Protected Floriculture
  22. Value Addition in Flowers
  23. Turfing and Turf management

Group – 2 Sub Group – 1 Based on the concerned subject of the Combined Recruitment Examination

1. General Agriculture

  • Agriculture and its importance in the national economy.

2. Agronomy

  • Major Crops of MP, Agrotechniques of major field crops of MP.
  • Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Introductory Agro Meteorology, Agro-climatic, and Agroecological zones.

3. Soil Science

Soil and its composition and its role in crop production, physical, Chemical, and biological properties of soil. Essential plant nutrients, their function, and dynamics. Integrated nutrient management, Problem soils, and their management.

4. Soil and water conservation, Watershed management

5. Plant Physiology

Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of nutrients, Photosynthesis, and respiration, Growth, and development, and growth regulators.

6. Crop Improvement

Elements of genetics and plant breeding as applied to crop improvement.

7. Horticulture

Package of practices of important fruit vegetable Spices and economically important flowering plants, Nursery management, and propagation methods of horticultural crops. Problems (unfruitfulness, alternate bearing, fruit drops, etc.) and physiological disorders and their management. Post-harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables.

8. Plant Protection

Important insect pests and diseases affecting important crops and their management. Components of integrated pest and disease management. Spray equipment, their selection, and maintenance. Rodent management. Safety precautionary measures during pesticide usage.

9. Agricultural Economics

Meaning, principles of economics as applied to agriculture, Farm planning, and resource management for optimal production. Farming systems and their economic role. Marketing of agricultural produce and regulated markets in MP including initiatives like (e -chaupal) Price of agricultural produce and its role in agricultural production.

10. Agricultural Extension Education

Philosophy, objectives, and principles of extension. Extension Organizations of the state, district, and block levels, their structure, functions, and responsibilities. Methods of communication. Role of farmer’s organizations in extension services. Role and importance of training. Important rural development programs in India.



MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023: Exam Pattern

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023: Exam Pattern

Paper Subject Maximum Marks
Paper-I General Knowledge 100
General English
General Hindi
General Mathematics
General Science
General Computer Knowledge
General Reasoning Ability
Paper -II Related  subjects (as per the post) 100
Total marks 200


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MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari Syllabus 2023_4.1


When will the exam for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Recruitment 2023 be held?

The exam for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Recruitment 2023 will be held on 15th July 2023.

What is the total time allocated for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari exam 2023?

The total time allocated for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari exam 2023 is 3 hours.

Where can find detailed syllabus for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari exam 2023?

Candidates can refer to this article to check detailed syllabus for MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari exam 2023.

How many vacancies are released under MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Recruitment 2023?

1978 vacancies are released under MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Adhikari Recruitment 2023.

What is the salary of Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari in Madhya Pradesh?

MP Vyapam Gramin Krishi Vistar Adhikari's salary ranges from Rs. 36,200 to Rs. 1,14,800.

Which degree is best for agriculture officer?

This is an annual exam conducted by the government of India for selecting applicants for the position of agricultural field officer. The eligibility criteria to take this exam is to have a bachelor's degree in a relevant field like agriculture, veterinary science, animal husbandry and horticulture