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MGNREGA Yojna objectives, benefits and other details, NRGEGA Job Card List

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a social security scheme launched by the government of India that attempts to provide employment and livelihood to rural laborers in the country. MGNREGA is the largest work guarantee program in the world. MGNREGA was enacted in 2005 with the primary objective of guaranteeing 100 days of wage employment per year to rural households. It is the only scheme in the world which guarantees Employment and in case of non-availability of the job the beneficiary can claim unemployment allowance with nrega job card. MGNREGA scheme was initially known as National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) at the time was launch in 2006 and was later renamed to MGNREGA. The official website is nrega nic with website address nrega.nic.in where you can detail about the download nrega job card and others details manrega yojna.

The government earlier allocated an additional amount of Rs 40,000 crore under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. The money has been allocated for the rural employment guarantee scheme to help provide jobs to migrant workers returning home. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman stated that the allocation for MGNREGS has been increased by Rs 40,000 crore over and above the Rs 61,000 cr budgeted earlier. It is mainly implemented by gram panchayats and does not involve any contractors.

MGNREGA Yojna: Objective

As per the MGNREGA scheme, the information collected from manrega nic com the following are the objectives of the scheme-

  • Its objective is to provide a minimum of 100 days of guaranteed non-skilled manual employment to rural workers every year, so that rural households are able to sustain themselves.
  • The core aim of the NREGA scheme is to ensure that there is a source of livelihood for the economically weaker section of the population.
  • Strengthening the livelihood and provide resources to the poor.
  • The NREGA also aims to proactively include the weaker section of society.
  • The scheme also aims at strengthening of  Panchayati Raj establishments across India.

MGNREGA Scheme: Goals

  1. The goal of MGNREGA is to provide social protection for the most vulnerable people living in rural India by guaranteeing wage employment opportunities.
  2. It aims at enhancing the livelihood security of the rural poor through the generation of wage employment opportunities in works leading to the creation of durable assets.
  3. The goal of MGNREGA is to rejuvenate the natural resource base of rural areas.
  4. MGNREGA aims at creating a durable and productive rural asset base.
  5. To strengthen decentralised, participatory planning through convergence of various anti-poverty and livelihoods initiatives.
  6. It aims at strengthening democracy at the grassroots level by strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.

MGNREGA Scheme: Achievements

Since it’s inception in 2006, MGNREGA has greatly helped the poverty stuck population of India by providing guaranteed employment for 100 days. Let’s look at few achievements of this scheme so far

  • It is the world’s largest social welfare scheme and 3.14 lakh crore rupees were spent in its first 10 years.
  • The scheme has noticeably reduced the poverty levels in India by a huge amount. It was, hence, called a stellar example of rural development by the World Development Report
  • It has helped many women in rural areas to make a livelihood as well as gain social security.
  • The unemployed youth in the age bracket of 18-30 got employment for 100 days a year.
  • The scheme helped employ the people effected by Demonetization and GST (Goods and Services Tax).
  • The scheme provides basic facilities like clean drinking water and first aid to all the labor.
  • It has helped in uplifting Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs).

MGNREGA Scheme: Job Card List

NREGA schemes provide the labour work to poor people for a hundred days in the financial year. Authority grants the chance to the poor people who want to earn money for their livelihood. NREGA job card keeps a record of every detail of work doing that person. To download the Job card click on the link of the in front of your state from the table given below. The list of the MGNREGA Job Card will appear.

S.no States Name Job Card List
1 Andhra Pradesh Click Here
2 Arunachal Pradesh Click Here
3 Assam Click Here
4 Bihar Click Here
5 Chhattisgarh Click Here
6 Goa Click Here
7 Gujarat Click Here
8 Haryana Click Here
9 Himachal Pradesh Click Here
10 Jharkhand Click Here
11 Karnataka Click Here
12 Kerala Click Here
13 Madhya Pradesh Click Here
14 Maharashtra Click Here
15 Manipur Click Here
16 Meghalaya Click Here
17 Mizoram Click Here
18 Nagaland Click Here
19 Odisha Click Here
20 Punjab Click Here
21 Rajasthan Click Here
22 Sikkim Click Here
23 Tamil Nadu Click Here
24 Telangana Click Here
25 Tripura Click Here
26 Uttar Pradesh Click Here
27 Uttarakhand Click Here
28 West Bengal Click Here
29 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Click Here
30 Dadra and Nagar Haveli Click Here
31 Daman & Diu Click Here
32 Lakshadweep Click Here
33 Puducherry Click Here
34 Chandigarh Click Here
35 Jammu and Kashmir Click Here

MGNREGA Scheme: Job Card List Benefits

  • One can easily check details related to NREGA scheme jobs
  • MGNREGA job card gives the 100-day of employment to the minor people who don’t have any source of income.
  • Poor people of the state can take advantage of this scheme.
  • If govt. cant provide 100 day of employment applicant will be paid allowance by the govt.

How To Download Job Card List

  1. Open the web browser on your system, go to the official website of NREGA or click on the link in front of your state from the table above.
  2. Enter all the requred information.
  3.  Click on the submit button and complete the process.
  4. You will be redirected to new page. Click on the job card number.
  5. The job card will appear on your screen.
  6. Download the card from the website.
  7. Get a hard copy of the NREGA job card and keep it safe for the future.

MGNREGA Scheme: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the Mandate of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)?

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a social security scheme launched by the government of India that attempts to provide employment and livelihood to rural labourers in the country.

Q. Who can apply for employment under the Act?

Ans. All adult members of a rural household who have a nrega Job Card has right to demand employment as an unskilled manual worker under MGNREGA.

Q. Who will get the benefits of the NREGA job card?

Ans. Minor and Poor citizens of the country will get the advantage of this scheme. by the help of job card people can fulfill their every day need.

Q. What are the benefits of the MGNREGA job card?

Ans. All the needy people can take the advantage of this scheme living in different states and union territory of India, MGNREGA scheme increases the employment rate of the country and provides a better life to poor citizens of India.

Q. When was the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Notified?

A. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was launched on February 2, 2006 in 200 districts.

MGNREGA Yojna objectives, benefits and other details, Nrega job card list_3.1


Q. What is the Mandate of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)?

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a social security scheme launched by the government of India that attempts to provide employment and livelihood to rural labourers in the country.

Q. Who can apply for employment under the Act?

Ans. All adult members of a rural household who have a nrega Job Card has right to demand employment as an unskilled manual worker under MGNREGA.

Q. Who will get the benefits of the NREGA job card?

Ans. Minor and Poor citizens of the country will get the advantage of this scheme. by the help of job card people can fulfill their every day need.

Q. What are the benefits of the MGNREGA job card?

Ans. All the needy people can take the advantage of this scheme living in different states and union territory of India, MGNREGA scheme increases the employment rate of the country and provides a better life to poor citizens of India.

Q. When was the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Notified?

A. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was launched on February 2, 2006 in 200 districts.