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Last Week Strategy for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam, Complete Strategy

Last Week Strategy for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam

Staff Selection Commission has released the exam dates i.e. scheduled from 2nd March to 7th March 2023. The exam is just near the doorstep of all the candidates.

As you know that SSC has made some major change in the SSC CGL Exam Pattern this year. The SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern is modified and as per the new exam pattern, three subjects are introduced in the SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper 1: Reasoning, Computer Knowledge and General Awareness. The SSC CGL Tier-2 exam will be conducted in 3 phases- Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. The candidate must be looking for the perfect strategy for the SSC CGL exam. We are here with the last-minute preparation to grab this opportunity to get succeeded in the examination. Candidates must go through the below article.

Let’s have a look at the revised SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern (Revised)

SSC CGL Tier-2 exam will be conducted in 3 phases- Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. Paper I is compulsory for all posts, Paper II will be for the candidates who will apply for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and Paper III will be the for candidates who apply for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Paper 1 Exam Pattern
Sections Module Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
Section I Module-I Mathematical Abilities 30 90 1 hour
Module-II Reasoning and General Intelligence 30 90
Section II Module-I English Language and Comprehension 45 135 1 hour
Module-II General Awareness 25 75
Section III Module-I Computer Knowledge Test 20 60 15 minutes
Module-II Data Entry Speed Test One Data Entry Task 15 minutes

Last Week Strategy for SSC CGL Exam

Earlier candidates used to prepare Quantitaive Aptitude and English Language and Comprehension for SSC CGL Tier 2 but with the introduction of new exam pattern, candidates also have to study General Awareness and Computer Knowledge test. Now candidates have to focus on all these subjects. Here we are providing you with the subject wise Last Week Strategy for SSC CGL Exam. Candidates who are going to appear for the exam must check these before the exam.

Preparation Strategy for Mathematical Abilities

  • Avoid traditional approach to solve questions as this approach is time taking.
  • Try to apply short tricks to solve questions to increase your speed.
  • Read the questions carefully so that any mistake in understanding the question is avoided.
  • Solve SSC CGL Tier 2 Mock tests on a daily basis.
  • Analyze the wrong answers and identify the step where you commit the mistake.

Preparation Strategy for General Intelligence and Reasoning

  • Practice Previous Year Papers to understand the difficulty level of the exam.
  • Work on your speed and accuracy.
  • Revise basic concepts on a daily basis.
  • Practice Questions with short tricks to save your time in the exam hall.
  • Read the questions carefully so that any mistake in understanding the question is avoided.
  • Solve SSC CGL Tier 2 Mock tests on a daily basis.
  • Analyze the wrong answers and identify the step where you commit the mistake.

Preparation Strategy for General Awareness

  • Regularly revise the important topics for this section.
  • Revise the current affairs on a daily basis. Make notes for the important events held in the past 6 months.
  • Study notes on General Awareness proves to be very useful for this section. Keep reading your study notes to keep the knowledge fresh in your mind.

Preparation Strategy for English

  • Reading newspaper on a daily baisis will help improve your comprehension ability.
  • Know what works best for you. Think about what methods have been successful for you in the past and stick with them.
  • The questions on Voice and Narration are the most scoring. So practice questions from these two topics regularly.
  • Take English language quizzes on Adda247 app.
  • Practice mocks and identify the areas where you are lacking.

Preparation Strategy for Computer Proficiency

  • From this section, computer basics will be asked, so go through all the basic concepts like Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memory organization, back- up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts.
  • This is a scoring section as one can answer the questions with the basic knowledge of Computer.
  • Learn the short cut keys and have a basic knowledge of Windows Operating system.
Last Week Strategy for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Complete Strategy_3.1


What is the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Date?

The SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam is scheduled from 2nd March to 7th March 2023.