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How Many Types Of SSC Exams Are There?

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is a recruiting body of the Government of India. It conducts recruitment for all Group “B” posts and non-technical Group “C” posts in various Ministries and Departments of the Indian Government, including their Attached and Subordinate Offices.

SSC recruits candidates at various stages of their careers, offering diverse vacancies. The eligibility criteria range from candidates who have passed their 10th-grade examination to those who have passed their graduation or any technical degrees.

This article will provide detailed information about the various examinations conducted by the SSC. We will explore each exam, its purpose, and its requirements to give a comprehensive overview of SSC’s recruitment process.

SSC CPO Examination

Purpose: To Recruits Sub-Inspector (General Duty) in CAPFs: These include roles in prominent forces such as BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, and SSB, Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted), Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police: Group ‘C’.
Age Limit: 20 to 25 years.
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
SSC CPO Examination Scheme:
Paper-I: 200 MCQs (50 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Comprehension), 2 hours, bilingual (Hindi and English), 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
PST/PET: Physical tests for male and female candidates.
Paper-II: 200 questions on English language and comprehension, 2 hours, 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
DME: Detailed medical examination.

SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination

Purpose: To recruit candidates for various Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts in ministries and departments of Government of India.
Age Limit: Varies from 27 years to 32 years, depending on the specific post.
Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent ( For all other posts Except Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) and Statistical Investigator Grade-II ) .
SSC CGL Examination Scheme:
Tier-I: 100 MCQs (25 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Comprehension), 1 hour, 0.50 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
Tier-II: Divided into multiple papers.
Paper-I: Consist of 2 Sessions (Compulsory for all posts)
Session I (2 hours and 15 Minutes):
Section-I: Mathematical Abilities, Reasoning and General Intelligence (60 questions (30 each), 180 marks, 1 hour)
Section-II: English Language and Comprehension (45 questions), General Awareness (25 questions) (70 questions, 210 marks, 1 hour)
Section-III: Computer Knowledge Module (20 questions, 60 marks, 15minutes)

Session II (15 Minutes): Data Entry Speed Test Module (typing speed approx 27 words per minute)

Paper-II: (For Junior Statistical Officer and Statistical Investigator Grade-II posts) Statistics (100 questions, 200 marks)
Note: There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Section-III of Paper-I and of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II.

SSC CHSL Examination

Purpose: To recruit candidates for Group C posts, including Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), and Data Entry Operators (DEO) in various government ministries, departments, and offices.
Educational Qualification: 12th standard or equivalent (for LDC/JSA). For DEO/DEO Grade ‘A’ in specific ministries: 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject.
Age Limit: 18 to 27 years.
SSC CHSL Examination Scheme:
Tier-I: 100 MCQs (25 each from English, General Intelligence, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness), 1 hour, 0.50 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
Tier-II: Consist of 2 Sessions (Compulsory for all posts)
Session I (2 hours and 15 Minutes):
Section-I: Mathematical Abilities, Reasoning and General Intelligence (60 questions (30 each), 180 marks, 1 hour)
Section-II: English Language and Comprehension (40 questions), General Awareness (20 question) (60 questions, 180 marks, 1 hour)
Section-III: Computer Knowledge Module (15 questions, 45 marks, 15minutes)

Session II (15 Minutes for DEO and 10 Minutes for LDC/JSA):  Data Entry Speed Test Module ( typing speed approx 35 words per minute).

SSC GD Constable Examination

Purpose: To Recruits Constables (GD) in CAPFs, SSF, and Assam Rifles. The recruitment process includes a Computer-Based Examination (CBE), Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Medical Examination, and Document Verification.
Educational Qualification: Matriculation or 10th pass.

Age Limit : 18 to 23 years.
SSC GD Examination Scheme: Computer Based Examination: 80 MCQs (20 each from General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Knowledge & General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, English/Hindi), 1 hour, 160 marks (2 marks for each question), 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
PET/PST: Physical Efficiency Test (Male: 5 Kms in 24 minutes & Female: 1.6 Kms in 8.5 minutes). Physical Standard Test : Height – Male (170 cm) & Female (157 cm); Chest – Male (80 cm without expansion and with expansion 85 cm & Chest measurement for female candidates will not be taken).

SSC Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) Examination

Purpose: Recruits Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) in government organizations.
Age Limit: Varies from 18 years to 32 years, depending on the specific post.
Educational Qualification: Degree/diploma in Engineering in Related Trade (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical).
SSC JE Examination Scheme:
Paper-I: 200 MCQs (50 General Intelligence & Reasoning, 50 General Awareness, 100 Engineering-specific), 2 hours,200 marks (1 for each question), 0.25 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
Paper-II: General Engineering-specific 100 questions (related to chosen Trade), 300 marks (3 marks for each question), 2 hours, 1 mark deducted for each incorrect answer.

SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination

Purpose: To Recruits Stenographers Grade ‘C’ (Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted) and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ (Group ‘C’) in various Ministries/Departments/Organizations of the Government of India.

Age Limit: Stenographer Grade ‘C’: 18 to 30 years; Stenographer Grade ‘D’: 18 to 27 years.
Educational Qualification: 12th standard pass or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
SSC Stenographer Examination Scheme:
Computer Based Examination: 200 MCQs (50 General Intelligence & Reasoning, 50 General Awareness, 100 English Language and Comprehension), 2 hours, 200 marks (1 mark for each question),1/3 marks deducted for each incorrect answer.
Skill Test: Stenography test – Candidates will receive a 10-minute dictation in English or Hindi at 100 w.p.m. for Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and 80 w.p.m. for Stenographer Grade ‘D’.

SSC MTS Examination

Purpose: Recruits Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and Havaldar (CBIC and CBN) for various Group C posts in ministries, departments, and organizations of the Government of India.
Age Limit: MTS : 18-25 years, Havaldar (CBIC) and Havaldar (CBN) some MTS posts: 18-27 years.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed the Matriculation Examination or equivalent from a recognized Board.
SSC MTS Examination Scheme:
The examination consists of two sessions:
Session-I (45 minutes): Numerical and Mathematical Ability & Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving: 40 questions (20 each), 120 marks (3 marks for each Question), no negative marking.
Session-II (45 minutes): General Awareness & English Language and Comprehension, 50 questions (25 each), 150 marks, 1 mark deducted for each incorrect answer.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for Havaldar: Male: Walking 1600 meters in 15 minutes & Female: Walking 1 km in 20 minutes.
Physical Standard Test (PST) for Havaldar: Height : Male – 157.5 cms & Female – 152 cms.

SSC Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator and Senior Hindi Translator Examination

Purpose: To recruit Junior Hindi Translator (JHT), Junior Translation Officer (JTO), Junior Translator (JT), Senior Hindi Translator (SHT) and Senior Translator (ST) for various Ministries/Departments/Organizations of the Government of India.
Age Limit: 18 to 30 years.
Educational Qualification: Master’s degree in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level, or vice versa. Or, Master’s degree in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level, or vice versa.
SSC JHT Examination Scheme: Consists of 2 Papers
Paper-I (Computer Based Examination): General Hindi & General English, 200 questions, 200 marks, 2 hours, negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
Paper-II (Descriptive): Translation and Essay: 200 marks, 2 hours.

These SSC examinations form a crucial pathway for individuals aspiring to build careers in various sectors of the Indian government, ensuring selection based on merit and suitability for the respective roles.

SSC JHT SSC MTS SSC Stenographer

How Many Types Of SSC Exams Are There?_3.1

How Many Types Of SSC Exams Are There?_4.1


Is there a typing test in SSC CPO?

No, the SSC CPO includes a computer-based examination and a physical efficiency test. In contrast, the SSC CGL has a Data Entry Speed Test module.

Which SSC job offers the highest salary?

Different SSC jobs have varying pay scales, but positions within SSC CGL can provide salaries with a grade pay of up to 4600.

Are there physical criteria for SSC exams, such as height, weight, or chest measurements?

Yes, certain SSC exams, including SSC GD, SSC CPO, Havaldar positions in SSC MTS, and some roles in SSC CGL, have specific physical requirements.

Is there a Tier II in the SSC Stenographer Grade C & D examination?

There is no Tier II for the SSC Stenographer examination; however, there is a skill test for candidates who qualify in Tier I.