GK Questions
GK is important for all competitive exams because it helps you learn about a wide range of topics. Government exams often include questions related to current events and developments at both national and international levels. GK questions help evaluate a candidate’s awareness of ongoing issues, trends, and changes in society, governance, and the world at large. If you want to score well on these exams, you need to have a good understanding of GK. We can help you prepare for GK by providing you with detailed information on various GK topics.
What are the topics under General knowledge?
The General knowledge comprises of subjects namely; Static Gk of India with Geography, History, Polity, Economy of India etc. Current GK comprises current events and World GK. We have provided important topics useful for the GK section that will cover all the questions for the general knowledge section asked in the exam.
Static GK
Static Gk deals with the entire information comprising of main topics. It contains main topics and then sub-topics under it. Below is the list of main topics under static GK.
Geography | Indian Economy |
Indian Polity | Indian History, Indian Culture |
Famous Books & Authors | Indian Parliament |
Environment | Famous Days & Dates |
Sports | Art & Culture |
Government Schemes | Awards & Honours |
How to prepare for Static GK?
To prepare for static GK, you must learn from a particular book and make sure that the facts given in the book are correct. Solve quizzes daily that will help you memorize the topics. Improve your learning skills by revising the topics troubling you in the quizzes.
Current GK
The current GK covers all the International and national current affairs news and must be revised thoroughly to score good marks in this section. As per the current scenario, a major portion of questions in the exam is covered by the current affairs. Below is the list of topics asked in the exam related to the current GK.
International Current Affairs | National Affairs (i.e., Indian Affairs) |
Military Exercises | Latest Events/Festivals |
Awards and Honours | Summits & Conferences |
Sports Current Affairs | Latest Appointments |
Schemes and Committees | Ranks & Reports |
Books & Authors | Defence News |
Banking Current GK | Economy Latest Updates |
Latest Agreements | Latest Obituaries |
Science & Technology News | State News |
How to prepare for Current GK?
Revise current affairs daily and stay updated with the news. Current GK questions can be complicated to answer as they can be asked from any topic. You might not be able to revise all the current affairs as the section is vast. Try to read daily current affairs and then solve questions based on it.
World GK and How to prepare for it?
World GK covers information about countries all over the world. You need not cover all the information about countries. Make sure you revise important countries that have been in the news recently. Make notes on its static gk and distinguishing characteristics. Learn about the PM, President, national symbols, important places, cities, capital, currency etc. of the countries. Don’t forget to cover neighbouring countries.
Why is General Knowledge Important?
SSC GK Questions: General knowledge impacts the mental skills of a person and enhances them. There is no harm in acquiring knowledge. GK questions are asked in the exam to test your ability to remember and utilize it in the exam. We will keep providing you with the important General knowledge topics and questions to make sure you don’t lag in this subject.
GK Notes
SSC GA Questions are designed to test the knowledge of a student and the ability to perform well in the exams. The General knowledge topics are vast keeping in mind the diverse knowledge required to clear the examinations. Know about the state-wise and country-wise details to expand your gk. Expanding your knowledge will help you to answer correctly and accurately in various competitive examinations where general knowledge acts as a major barrier. Accuracy is the key to excel in any exam.
While attempting the questions, do not guess wrong answers and try to attempt the questions that you are sure of. This post contains the collection of General knowledge or SSC GK questions with GK notes and correct answers. Students having difficulty in remembering the general knowledge part of the exam can learn here and ease their difficulty level. The information provided in this post is timely updated with a special focus on exam-related topics.
Students must not stress themselves and study properly from the topics given above. We assure you that the post will help you gain basic knowledge about general awareness and General knowledge topics.