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FCI Cut Off 2023, Post Wise Previous Year Cut off Marks

FCI Cut Off

FCI Cut off 2023: The candidates need to clear the FCI Cut off marks to qualify for the FCI examination. The FCI Cut off marks are the minimum qualifying marks to become eligible to get appear in the further stages of the FCI recruitment. The Cut off marks are released after the exam along with the result and the candidates need to score marks equal to or above the Cut off to appear in the next stages.



FCI Cut off 2023 for Assistant Grade 3 

Food Corporation of India will release the official FCI Cut-off 2023 on its official website @fci.gov.in. We have calculated the FCI AG3 Mains Cut Off 2023 according to the release of the FCI Result 2023. The zone-wise FCI AG3 Cut Off 2023 for the UR category is mentioned in the below table. The candidates interested in these vacancies are excited to know the Cut off marks. The Cut off depends on various factors and it varies every year.

FCI AG3 Cut Off 2023 ( UR Category)
Post Name North East West South North-East
AG-III (General) [Out of 120] 65 64.5 63.5 61.75 60.25
AG-III(Accounts) [Out of 240] 104.75 100.5 102.25 95.5 91.5
AG-III (Technical) [Out of 240] 83.5 93.5 89 102 77.75
AG-III (Depot) [Out of 120] 61.25 62 61.75 61.75 52.25
AG-III (Hindi) [Out of 240] 55.2 79.75 42 69.25 57.75

FCI Previous Year Cut off

The candidates must check the FCI previous year’s Cut off to get a detailed idea of the Cut off trends and to predict the expected Cut off. The FCI previous year’s Cut off will help students to make their preparation plan to score the highest marks as compared to the previous year’s Cut off marks. We are going here to discuss the FCI Previous Year Cut off for Assistant Grade 3 and Manager for the convenience of the aspirants.

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Previous Year Cut Off

FCI Assistant Grade 3 previous year’s Cut Off helps to analyze the variations in the Cut Off marks over the years. It gives a detailed idea to guess the minimum marks required to qualify for the exam. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 previous year Cut Off for all the posts is given here. So refer to these Cut Off marks to get an idea about the minimum marks required in the exam.

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut off 2018 for Prelims Exam

Refer to the below table for FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off 2018 for Prelims Exam (Paper I)

Category Cut Off 2018 (Paper I)
General 75
OBC 72
SC 65
ST 62
Ex. SM 72

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off 2019 for Prelims Exam (Paper I)

The FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off marks for 2019 for Paper I are given here.

Stream  Category Cut Off 2019 (Paper I)
AG-III General
AG-III Technical
AG-III Accounts
AG-III Depot
General 65
OBC 63
SC 56
ST 49
Ex-Servicemen 45

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off 2018 for Mains Exam (Paper II)

Candidates can check the FCI Assistant Grade 3 previous year Cut off 2019 for paper II in the below table.

Category Cut Off marks 2018 (Paper II)
General 206.3
OBC 192.5
SC 172.3
ST 166.5
Ex. SM 134

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off 2019 for Mains Exam (Paper II)

Candidates can check out the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Paper II Cut-off 2019. The FCI Assistant Grade 3 Cut Off 2019 for the mains exam is tabulated below for all four streams namely Technical, Depot, Accounts, and General.

Stream Category Cut Off 2019 (Paper II)
AG-III General
AG-III Depot
General 73
OBC 65
SC 63
ST 62
Ex-Servicemen 72
People with Disabilities 60
AG-III Technical
AG-III Accounts
General 206
OBC 192
SC 172
ST 166
Ex-Servicemen 134
People with Disabilities (PwD) 135

FCI Manager Previous Year Cut off: 2018

FCI Manager exam includes two stages namely Paper I and Paper II. The candidates need to clear both papers to get selected for further rounds. FCI Manager previous year Cut off marks will be helpful for the candidates who are preparing for this exam. The category-wise FCI Cut off marks for 2018 for both papers are tabulated below.

FCI Manager Cut-off Marks 2018: Paper I

Category Cut off 2018
General 75
OBC 72
SC 65
ST 62
Ex. SM 72

FCI Manager Cut-off Marks 2018: Paper II

Category Cut off 2018
General 206.3
OBC 192.5
SC 172.3
ST 166.5
Ex. SM 134

FCI Cut Off 2023 In Hindi

FCI Manager Previous Year Cut off: 2019

FCI Manager Previous year Cut-off marks 2019 for phase 1 and phase 2 exams are given below. So refer to the below table for the FCI 2019 Cut off.

FCI Manager Previous Year Cut off: 2019 (Paper I)

Stream Category Cut Off 2019 (Paper I)
AG-III General
AG-III Technical
AG-III Accounts
AG-III Depot
General 65 Marks
OBC 63 Marks
SC 56 Marks
ST 49 Marks
Ex-Servicemen 45 Marks

FCI Manager Previous Year Cut off: 2019 (Paper II)

Stream Category Cut Off 2019 (Paper II)
AG-III General
AG-III Depot
General 73 Marks
OBC 65 Marks
SC 63 Marks
ST 62 Marks
Ex-Servicemen 72 Marks
People with Disabilities 60 Marks
AG-III Technical
AG-III Accounts
General 206 Marks
OBC 192 Marks
SC 172 Marks
ST 166 Marks
Ex-Servicemen 134 Marks
People with Disabilities 136 Marks

Steps to Check FCI Manager Cut-off 2023

To check the final cut-off for FCI Manager 2023, candidates need to follow the steps listed below.

  • First, visit the official site of FCI @fci.gov.in
  • On the homepage of FCI, Go to the ‘’FCI Manager Recruitment” option.
  • Click the “FCI Manager Recruitment” option then select the post and check the cut-off for the particular post.
  •  The FCI zone-wise cut-off will be displayed along with the result.
  • Download the result pdf for future reference.

Factors Affecting the FCI Cut-off Marks

Many factors affect the FCI Cut off-mark 2023. The Cut off marks depend on many factors. Some of the important factors that are responsible to affect the FCI Cut off-mark 2023 are listed below.

  • Number of Candidates who appeared in the exam
  • Difficulty Level of the exam
  • Average marks scored by the candidates
  • Preparation level of candidates
  • Previous year Cut off trends
  • Changes in the pattern of question papers

FCI Manager Recruitment 2022 PDF Out for 113 Manager Posts_70.1

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FCI Cut Off 2023, Post Wise Previous Year Cut off Marks_4.1


When will FCI Cutoff 2023 be released?

FCI cutoff 2023 is out and mentioned above.

Is FCI Previous year cutoff helpful for the aspirants?

Ans - Yes, FCI's previous year's cutoff helps aspirants to analyze the cutoff trends and to predict the expected cutoff marks.

What is the pattern of FCI exam?

Candidates will have a duration of 60 minutes to complete the preliminary exam. There is sectional timing of 20 minutes each. It consists of 3 sections with a total of 100 questions and a maximum score of 100 marks.