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ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification Out for 17710 Vacancies

ESIC Recruitment 2023

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has released the notification PDF for ESIC Recruitment on its official website at www.esic.nic.in. As per the notification PDF a total of 17710 Vacancies have been released for various posts under ESIC Recruitment 2023. Online registration dates for this recruitment will be announced soon by ESIC. Once the online registration link is officially activated, we will provide a direct link below to apply online for the ESIC Recruitment 2023. Re-visit SSCADDA for the most recent updates related to this recruitment drive.

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

This is a golden opportunity for all those aspirants who want to join ESIC as it is one of the two main statutory social security bodies under the ownership of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India. There are 17,710 vacancies for various posts which can be increased later. Candidates can also check the detailed notification PDF which can be downloaded from the link provided below. The ESIC Notification 2023 PDF contains details such as the number of vacancy, salary, how to apply and more.

Click Here To Download ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Overview

ESIC Recruitment 2023 notification has been released by the authority for 17,710 posts for the recruitment of Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Stenographer (Steno), Head Clerk, and Multitasking Staff (MTS). Candidates must have a detailed overview of the ESIC Recruitment 2023 provided in the below table:

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Overview
Organization Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Post Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Stenographer (Steno), Head Clerk, Social Security Officer, and Multitasking Staff (MTS)
Total Vacancies 17710
Category Govt Jobs
Starting Date Of Application Process To be Notified
Mode of application Online
Eligibility Age Limit: 18 to 30 Years
Education Qualification: Varies as per the post
Selection Process Prelims, Mains and Skill Test (if required)
Job Location All Over India
Official Website www.esic.nic.in
Join WhatsApp Channel Click Here
Join Telegram Channel Click Here

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Important Dates

 Candidates must check all the important dates regarding recruitment given here. Keeping track of deadlines for application submission, examination dates, and result announcements is crucial for a smooth and successful application process.

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
Activity Dates
ESIC Notice Release Date 19th October 2023
ESIC Apply Online Starts  To be Notified
ESIC Apply Online Ends  To be Notified
ESIC Exam Date To be Notified
ESIC Admit Card Release Date To be Notified
ESIC Result Date To be Notified

ESIC Vacancy 2023

A total of 17710 vacancies will be filled under the ESIC Recruitment 2023 drive for which the notification has already been released by ESIC. The post-wise vacancy details are provided for the reference of the candidates. The candidates can take a look at the below table and know all the vacancy details:

Posts Names Total Vacancies
Multi-Tasking Staff 3341
Lower Division Clerk 1923
Upper Division Clerk/Upper Division Clerk Cashier 6435
Head Clerk/Assistant 3415
Social Security Officer/ Manager Grade II/ Superintendent 2596
Total 17710

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who are going to apply for the ESIC recruitment 2023 drive must check the eligibility criteria mentioned below. Candidates must fulfill all the necessary eligibility to fill the exam form and understand the educational qualifications before applying for any of the posts.

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Nationality

A candidate willing to apply for ESIC Recruitment must be one of the following as per the ESIC notification PDF:

  • a citizen of India, or
  • a subject of Nepal, or
  • a subject of Bhutan, or
  • a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 01st January 1962 to permanently settle in India, or
  • a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania.

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Age limit

The candidates who want to apply for any of the posts must be between a certain age to be eligible for the selection under ESIC Recruitment 2023. The candidate must be age between 18 and 30 years depending on the post they are applying for. The detailed age limit criteria is as follows:

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Age Limit
Post Minimum Age Maximum Age
Multi-Tasking Staff 18 years 25 years 
Lower Division Clerk Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam) Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam)
Upper Division Clerk or Upper Division Clerk Cashier 18 years 27 years 
Head Clerk/ Assistant Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam) Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam)
Social Security Officer/Manager Grade II/Superintendent 18 years 30 years

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification

The candidates will be selected on a merit basis, but there is a minimum educational qualification that needs to be fulfilled to apply. The educational qualification depends on the post, as mandatory education is different for all the posts. Check the post-wise educational qualification below:

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Educational Qualification
Post Minimum Qualification
Multi-Tasking Staff Matriculation or equivalent pass from a recognized Board.
Lower Division Clerk Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam)
Upper Division Clerk or Upper Division Clerk Cashier
  1. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.
  2. Working knowledge of computers including use of Office suites and databases.
Head Clerk/ Assistant Not Applicable (75% Recruited by Promotion and 25% by Departmental Exam)
Social Security Officer/Manager Grade II/Superintendent 1. Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University or Institute.

2. Working knowledge of Computers including use of office suites and databases.

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

The online application process for ESIC Recruitment 2023 will start on the official website @esic.nic.in for a total of 17,710 vacancies. We will mention a direct link to apply online for this recruitment once it is officially released by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). The candidates are advised to apply online for ESIC Recruitment 2023 before the last to avoid last-minute technical glitches. 

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online (Link Inactive)

How to Apply For ESIC Recruitment 2023?

Interested candidates can fill out the online application in the online mode. The step-by-step process is available for the candidates which can be followed to fill up the form:

Step 1: Visit the official website i.e. esic.nic.in

Step 2: Click on “Apply Online for Recruitment to the post of UDC/MTS/Steno in ESIC”

Step 3: Candidates will be redirected to the registration page, candidates need to register themselves.

Step 4: To validate the registration process an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number, you have to fill that OTP on the ESIC portal.

Step 5: After completion of the registration process, candidates need to fill in the required details in the application form.

Step 6: Candidates have to pay the required application fees.

Step 7: Upload all the documents required in the prescribed size.

Step 8: Save the application form or take the print for future use.

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Application Fee

Application Fees for the ESIC Recruitment 2023 is based on the category of the candidates. The following table shows the category-wise fee details for the ESIC Recruitment 2023. The application fee that an applicant has to pay to submit the application form is tabulated below.

Category Application Fee
SC/ST/PWD/Departmental Candidates/Female/Ex-serviceman Rs. 250/-
All Other Categories Rs. 500/-

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

Given below is the selection process under ESIC Recruitment 2023 for the various posts. The selection process includes the following stages:

Posts Prelims  Mains Skill Test
Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Yes Yes Yes
Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Yes Yes No

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for the ESIC Recruitment 2023 includes the number of questions in each subject, Maximum marks and time duration. The exam pattern for the different posts released under the ESIC Recruitment 2023 notification is mentioned below.

ESIC MTS Prelims Exam Pattern

  • Number of sections: 4
  • No. of questions: 100
  • Maximum Marks: 200
  • Duration of the examination: 01 Hour
  • Each question is worth 02 marks
S. No. Subject No. of Questions Max. Marks Duration
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50 1 hour
2 General Awareness 25 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
4 English Comprehension 25 50
Total 100 200

ESIC MTS Mains Exam Pattern

The exam pattern for the ESIC MTS Mains Exam is as follows:

  • Number of sections: 4
  • No. of questions: 200
  • Maximum Marks: 200
  • Duration of the examination: 02 Hours
  • Each question is worth 01 mark
S. No. Name of the Test  No. of questions. Max. Marks Duration
1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50  2 hours
2 General Awareness 50 50
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4 English Comprehension 50 50
Total 200 200

ESIC Steno Mains Exam Pattern

The Phase 1 examination will be objective and will consist of 3 subjects. The Phase 1 detailed exam pattern is mentioned below.

S. No. Name of the Test (Objective Tests) No. of Questions Max. Marks Time
1 English Language & Comprehension 100 50 70 minutes
2 Reasoning Ability 50 50 35 minutes
3 General Awareness 50 50 25 minutes
Total 200 200

Click Here to Check ESIC UDC Syllabus 2023

ESIC Steno Skill Test

Candidates who will qualify for the phase 1 examination will be eligible for the skill test.

Language Time Duration (for all categories) Time duration for PWD
English 50 minutes 70 minutes
Hindi 65 minutes 90 minutes

ESIC Recruitment 2023 Salary Structure

Candidates can know the salary for the post they are applying which will boost their confidence and motivate them to prepare better. Along with the salary, the selected candidates will also be eligible for various allowances and benefits. The salary and pay level for all the posts is different, and the detailed salary structure is as follows:

ESIC Recruitment 2023: Salary
Post Level Pay Matrix
Multi Tasking Staff Level 1 Rs. 18,000 – 56,900/-
Lower Division Clerk Level 2 Rs. 19,900 – 63,200/-
Upper Division Clerk or Upper Division Clerk Cashier Level 4 Rs. 25,500 – 81,100/-
Head Clerk/ Assistant Level 6 Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/-
Social Security Officer/Manager Grade II/Superintendent Level 7 Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/-


ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification Out for 17710 Vacancies_4.1


Is the ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification released?

The ESIC Recruitment 2023 Notification has been released for 17710 vacancies.

What is the starting date to apply for ESIC Recruitment 2023 ?

The apply online dates for ESIC Recruitment 2023 will be notified soon on the official Website.

What is the minimum age limit to apply for ESIC Recruitment 2023 ?

The minimum age limit to apply for ESIC Recruitment 2023 is 18 years. Candidates must fulfill the required age limit before applying for this recruitment.

What is the maximum age limit to apply for ESIC Recruitment 2023 ?

The candidate must be less than 30 years of age to apply for the posts under ESIC Recruitment 2023.

For which posts the notification has released by ESIC?

The posts under ESIC recruitment 2023 are Multi-Tasking Staff, Lower Division Clerk, Upper Division Clerk or Upper Division Clerk Cashier Head Clerk/ Assistant, Social Security Officer/Manager Grade II/Superintendent.