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EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 Out, Download Link

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 Out

National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) has released the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 on the official website @emrs.tribal.gov.in. The admit card has been issued for the EMRS Hostel Warden 2023 exam which is going to be held on 17th December 2023 at various centers from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The candidates can download the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 from the official website or use the direct link mentioned below. Candidates are advised to download the admit card timely and avoid last minute technical glitch. Read complete article and get all the details regarding EMRS admit card 2023.

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023: Overview

The admit card for the EMRS Hostel Warden 2023 Exam has been released on the official website @emrs.tribal.gov.in. EMRS Admit Card 2023 for Hostel Warden post contains all the important details of the venue of the exam, the date of the examination, shift timings, and reporting time. Candidates must check the details mentioned in the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 Overview table below:

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023
Name of the Organization Eklavya Model Residential School
Exam Conducting Body National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS)
Post Name Hostel Warden
Vacancies 669
Category Admit Card
Status Released
EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card Release Date 14 December 2023 
EMRS Hostel Warden Exam Date 2023 17 December 2023
Mode of Examination OMR Based (Pen-Paper)
Selection Process Written Test and Interview
Official Website emrs.tribal.gov.in

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 Download Link

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 download link has been activated by Eklavya Model Residential School on 14th December 2023. Candidates can download the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 from the direct link shared below. The admit card can also be obtained from the official website at emrs.tribal.gov.in. To access the admit card for the EMRS Hostel Warden Exam 2023, candidates will need their Registration Number and Password.

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023

How to Download EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023?

Candidates can download their EMRS (Eklavya Model Residential School) Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 by visiting the official website and also from the direct link which is mentioned above by providing their registration number and password.

Step 1: Visit the official website at www.emrs.tribal.gov.in

Step 2: Go to the Candidate Login section on the website.

Step 3: Then enter your Application number or Registration number and Password or Date of Birth.

Step 4: After that, you will find the link to download your EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023.

Step 5: Download the admit card and take a printout of it.

Step 6: Now check all the details mentioned in the admit card.

Step 7: If you find any mistakes in the admit card then contact the exam authorities or the organization responsible for conducting the EMRS exam.

EMRS Hostel Warden Exam Schedule 2023

EMRS Admit Card 2023 has been released for the Non-Teaching posts for which the Written Exam will be conducted on 17th December 2023. All the details regarding the shift timing, shift number, etc. are tabulated below:

EMRS Hostel Warden Exam Schedule 2023
Date Day Shift Shift Timing
17 December 2023 Sunday First 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Details Mentioned in the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card

Candidates must check the details mentioned in the admit card. If there is any discrepancy in the details they must report it to the authorities or the organization responsible for conducting the EMRS Hostel Warden exam as soon as possible. The details mentioned in the EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 are as follows:

  1. Candidate’s Name: The full name of the candidate who will be appearing for the EMRS Hostel Warden Examination.
  2. Roll Number: A Roll Number is a unique identification number assigned to the candidate for this examination.
  3. Date, Shift and Time of Examination: The exact date, shift and time slot of the examination are also mentioned in the admit card.
  4. Exam Venue/Center: The complete address of the examination center where the candidate is required to report for the exam.
  5. Photograph and Signature: The admit card usually includes the candidate’s photograph and a scanned copy of their signature for identification purposes.
  6. Instructions for Exam: Important instructions and guidelines for the candidates to follow on the day of the examination.
  7. Contact Details: Contact details of the department for any assistance or queries related to the examination.
  8. Address of the Candidates: Candidates’ permanent or postal addresses also be mentioned in the admit card.

EMRS Hostel Warden Exam Pattern 2023

The examination for the post of Hostel Warden will consist of 120 questions covering subjects such as General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, ICT knowledge, understanding of POCSO and child safety laws, Administrative Aptitude, and Language Competency. Each question is worth 1 mark, and you have a total of 2.5 hours to finish the exam. Keep in mind that there’s a penalty of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer.

EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 Out, Download Link_4.1


EMRS Hostel Warden Admit Card 2023 has been released on 14 December 2023 at the official website.