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DRDO Full Form : What stands for?

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DRDO stands for the Defence Research and Development Organization. This works as a defense agency under the Ministry of Defence. DRDO is India’s largest research organization. The headquarter is situated in New Delhi and was formed in 1958. It has a huge network of research laboratories engaged in developing defense technologies covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, land combat engineering, life sciences, materials, missiles, and naval systems.

Every year DRDO takes exams to recruit various candidates in different fields through the recruitment process. DRDO offers the passionate engineers opportunity to work with them in research and development. For candidates who are curious and passionate about the field of research then this is the golden opportunity for them to work. Interested candidates can appear for the DRDO exam which has vacancies in the posts of Technicians, Scientists, and MTS, and also for getting a research fellowship.

There is mainly two Important recruitment process by which DRDO provides an opportunity to candidates to serve in the Defence of our country. These are the exams conducted by DRDO for recruitment purposes:


We are providing some details about the exams conducted through DRDO for recruitment:


The selection process for DRDO MTS Exam will consist of Tier–I and Tier II. Both the Tiers will be 100 marks and 90 minutes.

  1. Computer-Based Test (CBT), For Screening Purpose
  2. CBT (Final Selection)

The below table will show detailed information about the exam pattern.

TIER Mode of Examination Subjects No of questions Maximum Marks Duration of exam
Tier 1 CBT (Screening) General Intelligence &
Reasoning Ability
35 35 90 Minutes
General Awareness 30 30
Quantitative Aptitude &
Numerical Ability
35 35
Total 100 100
Tier 2 CBT (Final
General Science 40 40 90 Minutes
General Math 40 40
General English 20 20
Total 100 100


  1. Tier-I will consist of objective-type questions only.
  2. Candidates will be selected for the next stage based on their performance in the Tier-I examination whereas Tier-II (Skill/ Physical Fitness and Capability Test, wherever applicable) is qualifying in nature) For the post of Junior Translation Officer, Tier-II will be Descriptive in nature.
  3. The medium of examination will be Hindi and English.
  4.  No negative marking will be there.
  5. The minimum qualifying marks for UR/OBC/EWS candidates are 40% and 35% for SC/ST candidates.
  6. The document verification process of provisionally shortlisted candidates will be done at the time of joining by the concerned Laboratory/Establishment.
Type of Examination Subjects No. Of Questions Maximum Marks Duration of Exam 
CBT (Provisional Selection) General Hindi

General English

40 Questions for Each 80 60 minutes
Quantitative aptitude, Reasoning ability, General Awareness, and General English 75 Questions 75 60 minutes
Skill/Physical Fitness and Capability Test, wherever applicable (Qualifying in Nature2 ) All Postcodes (Except 0301) It is also mandatory for shortlisted candidates to pass the prescribed Skill/Physical Fitness and Capability Tests as per the norms, wherever applicable.
Descriptive 0301 Translation and Essay 200 120 minutes


Defence Research and Developement Organization (DRDO) Full Form : What stands for?_3.1


Q.What will be the exam date for DRDO CEPTAM 2023?

Ans: The exam date for DRDO CEPTAM 2023 will be released soon on the official website.

Q. What is the selection process for any recruitment of DRDO?

Ans: The selection process for any recruitment of DRDO will contain a Computer Based Test comprising of Tier I and Tier II.

Q. What is the full form of DRDO?

Ans: The full form of DRDO is Defense Research and Development Organization’.

Q.How can I go through the recruitment process of DRDO?

Ans: The candidate must visit the official website in the recruitment section you will get be notified about the recruitment process.

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..