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DFCCIL Cut Off 2023-24 Out,Check Category-Wise Cut off

DFCCIL CBAT Cutoff 2023-24

The DFCCIL has released the category-wise cutoff along with the detailed result for the CBAT stage. The final merit list is drawn only from amongst the candidates qualified in the CBAT, with 70 % weightage for the marks obtained in the 2nd Stage CBT and 30% weightage for the marks obtained in the CBAT. The candidates can download the PDF for the result and cutoff from the link provided below.

DFCCIL CBAT Cutoff 2023-24 PDF – Click Here to Download 

The candidates who have cleared this cutoff and whose roll numbers appear in the given list shall report at the 3rd Floor, DFCCIL Corporate Office, Supreme Court Metro Station Building Complex, Netv Delhi ll000l by O9:30 AM positively for the purpose of Document Verification on scheduled dates mentioned below and in their e-admit card.

Category Cutoff
UR 75.1547
SC 70.3477
ST 68.3872
OBC 74.2054
EWS 74.1161
Ex-Servicemen 56.0143
PwBD 64.9122

An e-mail and SMS are also being sent to provisionally empaneled candidates on their registered e-mail ID and mobile number to download e-admit card for Document Verification (DV) wherein complete details of date & time of DV, Medical Examination and detailed instructions will be mentioned.

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL), a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of the Government of India (Ministry of Railways), has released the DFCCIL Recruitment 2023 on the official website for 535 vacancies. The recruitment will be going for the post of Junior Executives and Executives through their official website, i.e. dfccil.com.

It is a golden opportunity to grab. The candidates who are going to fill out the registration form must be searching for the details regarding the Recruitment process. We are here to provide you with the details regarding the DFCCIL Cut-Off 2023.

DFCCIL Answer Key 2023 Link


DFCCIL Previous Year Cut Off

We are providing you with the DFCCIL Previous Year Cut-Off for the exam held in 2018 and 2021. The interested candidates who are going to appear for the examination should be known with the cut-off marks. The previous year’s cut-off helps the candidates to plan their studies according to that. What are the questions? This is the most frequent question that is asked by the candidates. When we go through the previous year’s cut-off we know the level of examination. The category-wise and post-wise cutoff will help the candidates to prepare themselves according to the marks.

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023: Overview

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023 is provided here for Executive and Junior Executive for previous exams. Check the DFCCIL Cut Off 2023 overview tabulated below.

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023-24:Overview
Recruitment Organization Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL)
Post Name Executive/ Junior Executive
Advt No. 01/DR/2023
Vacancies 535
Job Location All India
Status Released on 7th June 2024
Mode of Apply Online
Job Location All India
Category Cut Off
Official Website dfccil.com
Help Desk +91-7353014447 from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023 Selection Process

The Selection process includes 5 Stages:

  1. Written Exam (CBT) Stage 1
  2. Computer-Based Test (CBT) Stage 2
  3. Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)- Only for Executive (Op. & BD) Post
  4. Document Verification
  5. Medical Test

Selection process

Factors Affecting the DFCCIL Cut-off 2023:

The cutoff marks are released by the DFCCIL. The marks are calculated on these factors:

  • The number of vacancies released by DFCCIL.
  • The difficulty level of the examination
  • The number of candidates who appeared for the examination.

DFCCIL Previous Year Cut-Off for 2020

The exam was conducted on 29th October 2020. We are providing you with the detailed cutoff of the different posts and the number of candidates who appeared for the examination.

Post: Assistant Manager (Finance)

Number of candidates Registered= 475
The number of candidates who appeared was 264

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 90.00 78.25
Scheduled Caste (SC) 77.75 68.25
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 60.25 40.00
Other Backward Class (OBC) 90.00 74.00
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 90.00 62.00
Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWD) 73.00 60.25

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/Authorized CCNA or CCNP

Numbers of candidates Registered= 44
The number of candidates who appeared= 28

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 80.50 76.00
Other Backward Class (OBC) 63.75 57.50

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/OCP & Java SE8 Programmer

Numbers of candidates Registered= 17
The numbers of candidates who appeared= was 10

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 61.25 49.50
No EWS candidate obtained a minimum qualifying mark.

“Join Closed Study Group for DFCCIL Non-Technical Vacancies”

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/SAP-ABAP

Numbers of candidates Registered= 09
Numbers of candidates appeared= 05

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 70.25 49.75

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/SAP-BASIS

Numbers of candidates Registered= 04
Numbers of candidates appeared= 03

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 79.50 52.00

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/SAP-FI

Numbers of candidates Registered= 05
Numbers of candidates appeared= 02

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 52.50 52.50

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/SAP-HCM

  • Number of candidates Registered= 02
    Numbers of candidates appeared= 01
  • No candidate obtained a minimum qualifying mark.

Post: Assistant Manager (IT)/SAP-SD

  • Number of candidates Registered= 07
    Numbers of candidates appeared= 01
  • No candidate obtained a minimum qualifying mark.

Post: Jr. Manager (HR)

Number of candidates Registered= 1068
The number of candidates who appeared= was 515

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 104.00 96.00
Other Backward Class (OBC) 100.50 95.25
Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWD) 73.50 69.00

Click here to download the Official DFCCIL Cut-Off 2020 PDF 


Post: Executive (Finance)

Number of candidates Registered= 3518
Number of candidates who appeared= 1522

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 81.50 78.00
Scheduled Caste (SC) 73.75 71.00
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 59.50 59.50
Other Backward Class (OBC) 78.00 71.00
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 79.50 77.50
Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWD) 58.75 58.75

Post: Executive (IT)

Number of candidates Registered= 2797
The numbers of candidates appeared= 802

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 90.00 90.00
Persons with Disability (PWD) 65.25 65.25

Post: Executive (HR)

Number of candidates Registered= 502
The numbers of candidates appeared= 212

Category Highest Marks Lowest (Cut-off) Marks
Unreserved (UR) 81.75 66.00
Other Backward Class (OBC) 64.00 64.00

DFCCIL Previous Year Cut-Off for 2018

The below table shows the cut-off of the examination held on 10th November 2018 for 120 marks.

Name of the Post UR SC ST OBC PWD Ex. Serviceman
Executive (Civil) 82.75 76 77.75 80.5 56.25 59.5
Executive (Electrical) 102.5 92.5 95.75 101.25 81.5 71
Executive (Signal & Telecommunication) 68.25 56.75 51.25 65.25 34.5 37.5
Junior Executive (Electrical) 58.75 53.5 48.75 56.25 37 38.75
Junior Executive (Signal & Telecommunication) 62.5 57.5 48.75 54.25 59.75
Junior Executive (Civil) 49 43.75 39.75 45.25 38 36.25



Are you looking for the best study to prepare for DFCCIL for 535 Vacancies? Click Here

DFCCIL Cut Off 2023-24 Out,Check Category-Wise Cut off_5.1


What is the use of DFCCIL cut-off 2023-24?

The cutoff marks of various categories will help the candidate to evaluate their preparation according to the previous year's cut-off. This will help to get an idea about the current year's cutoff marks.

Where can I find the official DFCCIL cut-off 2023-24?

The official category-wise DFCCIL cut-off 2023-24 has been released on the official website dfccil.com.

What is the selection Process of DFCCIL Recruitment 2023-24?

The Selection Process includes the following Stages:

Written Exam (CBT)
Computer-Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)- Only for Executive (Op. & BD) Post
Document Verification
Medical Examination

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..