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Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern, Complete Schedule PDF

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023: For all the candidates preparing for Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Exam 2023, The Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023 has been released along with the Delhi High Court Recruitment 2023 on the official website @www.delhihighcourt.nic.in for the recruitment of 127 vacancies of Senior Personal Assistant, and Personal Assistant (PA). By understanding the Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023, the candidates can create a study plan and focus on the most important topics. Read the article below to get detailed and updated Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023.

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus

For the benefit of all the aspirants who are preparing for the exam, we are providing the latest Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus and Exam Pattern. The syllabus of all the stages of this recruitment is mentioned in this article and appearing candidates can go through the detailed Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus and start their preparations now.

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023: Overview

The Selection procedure of Delhi High Court Recruitment 2023 for Senior Personal Assistant, and Personal Assistant (PA) includes 4 stages. Here we have tabulated the detailed information about Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus.

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023
Organization  Delhi High Court
Post Name Sr. PA/ PA
Vacancy 127
Job Location Delhi
Category Syllabus
Selection Process
  • Stage I- English Typing Test
  • Stage II-English Shorthand
  • Stage III-Main (Descriptive)
  • Stage IV- Interview
Mode of exam Offline
Official Website www.delhihighcourt.nic.in

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern in Hindi

Delhi High Court Selection Process

The selection process of Delhi High Court Recruitment is as follows:

  • Stage I- English Typing Test
  • Stage II– English Shorthand Tests
  • Stage III- Mains (Descriptive)
  • Stage IV- Interview

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Exam Pattern 2023

The Exam pattern for the post of Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant is mentioned below.

Stage Total Questions Marks Duration
Stage I English Typing Test Qualifying 10 minutes
Stage II English Shorthand Tests 100 Marks 5 Minutes for Dictation and
45 Minutes for
Stage III Main (Descriptive)
100 Marks 120 Minutes
Stage IV Interview 20 Marks

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023

Candidates can find the Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus below.

Stage I-English Typing Test

  • Typing Test of ten (10) minutes duration will be conducted on computers to assess candidates’ minimum speed of 40 words per minute in English Typing on a computer.
  • The criterion of “characters with space” for calculating the typing speed will be adopted and a total number of mistakes permissible would be 3% of the total words typed.
  • Only the successful/qualified candidates of Stage-I, i.e., the English Typing Test will be called for the next stage of Examination, i.e., Stage–II (English Shorthand Tests).

Stage II- English Shorthand Tests

  • 110 words per minute.
  • The passage of 550 words will be dictated in 5 minutes duration. Candidates will get 45 minutes duration to transcribe the dictated passage on computers. No extra time will be given for reading the passage.
  • The total number of mistakes permissible would be 3% of the total words dictated, i.e., Sixteen and a half (16.5). Six (6) marks will be deducted for committing one full mistake each and Three (3) marks will be deducted for committing every half (½) mistake. Candidates committing Sixteen and a half (16.5) mistakes will get one (1) mark. Candidates committing more than 16.5 mistakes will be disqualified.
  • Each candidate will be given the opportunity to appear in two shorthand dictation transcription tests and the best of the two will be considered. Out of the successful/qualified candidates of Stage-II (English Shorthand Tests), candidates to the extent of 06 (six) times the number of vacancies advertised in each category (i.e., Gen/EWS/OBC-NCL/SC/ST/PwD) only will be called for the next stage of Examination i.e., Stage-III ((Main – Descriptive Examination).

Stage III- Mains (Descriptive) Examination

  • Main (Descriptive) Examination of the English language would consist of Essay (250 words – 40 Marks), Letter Writing (15 Marks), Grammar & Comprehension Passage (25 Marks), and Translation (from Hindi to English – 10 Marks & English to Hindi – 10 Marks).
  • Minimum passing marks for General Category candidates will be 50% (i.e.,
    50 Marks out of 100 Marks) and for Reserved Category (including PwD) candidates will be 45% (i.e., 45 Marks out of 100 Marks).
  • Out of the successful/qualified candidates of Stage-III (Main {Descriptive} Examination), candidates to the extent of 03 (three) times the number of vacancies advertised in each category (i.e., Gen/EWS/OBCNCL/SC/ST/PwD) only will be called for the next stage of Examination i.e.,

Stage IV (Interview)

  • Minimum passing marks for General Category candidates will be 10 Marks and for Reserved Category (including PwD) candidates will be 09 Marks.

UPPSC Syllabus 2023

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus PDF

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus PDF download link will be provided here. The Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus PDF includes a detailed syllabus for all the stages. Candidates can download the Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus PDF from the direct link given below.

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus PDF

Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023 Schedule_3.1


Q. From where I can get Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023?

Ans. The Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Syllabus 2023 is mentioned above in this article.

Q. What is the selection procedure of the Delhi High Court Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The selection procedure of the Delhi High Court Recruitment 2023 includes 4 stages.

Q. What is the weightage of the Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Mains Exam?

Ans. The weightage of the Delhi High Court Personal Assistant Mains Exam is 100 Marks.

What is the qualification for Personal Assistant in Delhi High Court?

According to the Delhi High Court Senior Personal Assistant Eligibility Criteria, the candidate must be a Graduate from a recognized university

What are the powers of personal assistant?

Personal assistants perform a variety of administration-related tasks, including managing their employer's schedules, taking phone calls, arranging meetings, researching and preparing reports. Multitasking enables them to prioritize these tasks efficiently and fulfil their employer's requirements within deadlines.