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BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025, Check Exam Pattern For Prelims and Mains

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission conducts a recruitment examination every year to select candidates for the posts of Secretariat Assistant, Planning Assistant, Malaria Inspector, Data Entry Operator Grade-C, and Auditor. Every exam preparation begins with a good understanding of the syllabus, which helps us in creating the preparation strategy. For the ease of candidates preparing for the upcoming examination, the SSCADDA team has curated the detailed BSSC CGL Syllabus for both stages of the exam i.e. Prelims and Mains examination. This article will help you easily familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus.

BSSC CGL Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025

Bihar Staff Selection Commission will soon be releasing a detailed notification for more than 5000 vacancies in various departments under BSSC. Being aware of the vast syllabus and detailed exam pattern for both papers can help you prepare your exam strategies and clear this highly competitive exam on the very 1st attempt.

BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025 Summary

The below article contains a detailed look at the syllabus and exam pattern for both levels of the selection process. The Bihar Staff Selection Commission will soon be releasing the official notification for the recruitment. Read the below outline to give you a good idea of the syllabus:

BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025
Organization Bihar Staff Selection Commission
Category Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Exam Name BSSC CGL 2025
Mode of Exam Online
Type of Questions Objective Type
Category Syllabus
Marking Scheme 4 marks
Negative Marking 1 mark
No. of Questions 150
Selection Process Prelims & Mains
Official website www.bssc.bihar.gov.in

BSSC CGL Selection Process 2025

One of the most important aspects of the recruitment process for the candidates is being aware of the process that the commission will follow to select suitable candidates for the various posts across different departments. It also helps the candidates understand the exam pattern and syllabus in a better way. The selection of candidates for BSSC CGL Recruitment is based on two stages:

  1. Prelims Exam
  2. Mains Exam

The candidates who will qualify for the prelims exam will have to apply separately for the mains examination. BSSC will release the main exam notification for which candidates have to apply again. BSSC will shortlist candidates for the BSSC Mains exam in a ratio of 1:5 concerning the total number of vacancies available.

BSSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025

Before going through the detailed syllabus, the candidates must know all the details regarding the BSSC CGL Exam Pattern 2025. It helps the candidates get an idea about the entire selection process and makes them aware of the weightage of different subjects and topics in the Prelims and Mains Exam.

BSSC CGL Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

  1. BSSC CGL Prelims will be objective-type exams and are qualifying in nature.
  2. The duration of the BSSC CGL Prelims Exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  3. The candidates clearing the BSSC CGL prelims exam will be eligible for the BSSC CGL mains exam.
  4. The prelims exam will have 3 sections with 50 questions in each section.
  5. There will be a total of 150 questions for 600 marks.
  6. There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect answer.
  7. The exam pattern for the prelims is given in the table below.
Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
General Studies 50 200 2 Hours 15 minutes
General Science and Mathematics 50 200
Comprehension/ Logical Reasoning/ Mental Ability 50 200
Total 150 600

BSSC CGL Mains Exam Pattern 2025

  1. The BSSC CGL Mains Exam is divided into 2 papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
  2. Paper 1 is a language paper (Hindi language) having 100 questions for a total of 400 marks.
  3. Candidates must score a minimum of 30% marks to be eligible for paper 2.
  4. There will be 3 sections in BSSC CGL Mains Paper-2 of the main exam. The pattern and syllabus for paper 2 are similar to that of the preliminary exam.
  5. The duration of each paper will be 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 Hindi Language 100 400 2 hours and 15 minutes
Paper 2 Section A-General Studies 50 200 2 hours and 15 minutes
Section B- General Science and Maths 50 200
Section C-Reasoning Ability 50 200

BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025

The detailed syllabus is very important for the preparation as this will help to understand the topics that may be asked in the BSSC CGL Prelims and Mains Exam. We are providing you the detailed BSSC CGL Syllabus 2023 for Prelims as well as the Mains examination.

BSSC CGL Syllabus: Prelims

As mentioned above the prelims exam will contain 150 questions worth 600 marks across three sections. Read the sections below to find the topic-wise BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025 for preliminary examination.

BSSC CGL Syllabus for General Studies

Current International & National Affairs 

Under this topic, the questions are asked regarding important current events which cover lot of topics such as:

  1. Important Summits & Events
  2. International Awards
  3. International Reports
  4. International committees and recommendations
  5. Important Sports Institutes, Sports Competitions and Awards of India and Madhya Pradesh.
  6. News related to the state of Bihar.

National and Regional Constitutional / Statutory Bodies

  1. Election Commission of India
  2. State Election Commission
  3. NITI Aayog
  4. Human Rights Commission
  5. Women Commission
  6. Backward class Commission
  7. Information Commission
  8. Vigilance Commission etc.

History Of India

The queations asked in this subject can be divided into three major categories i.e. Ancient, Medieval and Modern History. The topic-wise details of History subject is given below.

  1. Major features, Events and their administrative, Social and Economic Systems of Ancient and Medieval India
  2. Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th century
  3. Independence Struggle and the Indian National Movement for Freedom
  4. Integration and Reorganization of India After Independence

History of Bihar 

  1. Major events and Major dynasties
  2. Contribution of Bihar in the Freedom Movement
  3. Major arts and Sculpture
  4. Major Tribes and Dialects
  5. Major festivals, Folk music, Folk arts and Folk literature
  6. Important Literators and their literature etc.

BSSC CGL Syllabus for General Science

The subject of General Science is boroadly divided into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. However, there are other importan topics such as environmental studies, latest developments in science and technology and national and international schemes.

  1. Basic Principles of Science
  2. Ecological System
  3. Nutrition, Food, and Nutrient
  4. Human Body
  5. Health Policy and Programmes
  6. Pollution, Natural Disasters and Management, etc.

BSSC CGL Syllabus for Mathematics

The mathematics section in the prelims exam tests the candidates on theri grasp of concepts and their ability to put it in practice. It also tests theri time management skills as the questions are asked from a wide raange of topics which are listed here.

  1. Average
  2. Percentage
  3. Time & Work
  4. Area
  5. Profit & Loss
  6. Simple & Compound Interest
  7. Time & Distance
  8. HCF & LCM etc.

BSSC CGL Syllabus for Comprehension/ Logical Reasoning/ Mental Ability

The questions asked in this section utilises the candiates’ knowledge in the rest three subjects as the questions can be a combination of mathematics, language comprehension, General Awareness and logical thinking. The various topics asked in this section are as follows:

  1. Series
  2. Arithmetical Reasoning
  3. Venn Diagrams
  4. Number Series
  5. Coding And Decoding
  6. Arithmetic Reasoning
  7. Non-Verbal Series etc.

BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025 For Mains

BSSC CGL Syllabus for the mains examination is divided into two papers: Paper I involves General Hindi and Paper II involves General Science, General Studies, Mathematics, and Reasoning. Check the syllabus for each section below.

Paper Subject Topics
Paper-I Hindi
  • समास
  • संधि
  • अलंकार
  • वर्तनी
  • विलोम
  • पर्यायवाची
  • मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
  • वचन
  • वाक्य संशोधन, आदि
Paper-II General Awareness
  • History and Geography of India
  • Constitution of India & Political System
  • Awards and Honours
  • Independence Movement
  • Important Books & Authors
  • Economic Affairs and Community Development
  • Five-Year Plans and Sports
  • Science & Technology
  • Indian Agriculture & Natural Resources
  • Important Headquarters and their establishment
General Science
  • Biology – Topics like Plant and Animal Kingdom, Reproduction, Heredity, Evolution, Life Processes, Cells, etc.
  • Physics – Motion, Human Eye, Sound, Reflection and Refraction, Gravitation, Electricity, Energy, Magnetic Field, etc.
  • Chemistry – Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases and salts, Compounds, Atoms & Molecules, Matter, Periodic Table, Important Inventions and Discoveries by scientists, Application of Important Principles of Science.
  • Percentage
  • Time and Work
  • Average
  • Area
  • Profit & Loss
  • Simple & Compound Interest
  • Time & Distance
  • HCF & LCM etc.
  • Series
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Number Series
  • Inequality
  • Coding And Decoding
  • Problem-Solving Techniques
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Series
  • Syllogistic Reasoning
  • Seating Arrangement etc.

BSSC CGL Qualifying Marks 2025

To qualify for the BSSC CGL Exam candidates have to score the minimum percentage of marks which is different for candidates of different categories. Check the category-wise BSSC CGL Qualifying Marks from the table given below.

Category Qualifying Marks
General 40%
Backward Class 36.5%
OBC 34%
SC/ST 32%
Women 32%
PWBD 32%

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BSSC CGL Syllabus 2025, Check Exam Pattern For Prelims and Mains_4.1


What is the selection process for BSSC CGL Recruitment 2025?

The selection process comprises the Prelims and Mains exam.

What is the total number of marks for the BSSC CGL Prelims Exam?

The total number of marks for the BSSC CGL Prelims Exam is 600 for 150 questions.

What is the duration of the BSSC CGL Prelims Exam?

The total duration for BSSC CGL Prelims is 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Is there any negative marking in BSSC CGL Prelims Exam?

Yes. There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect answer.

What is the full form of BSSC?

The full form of BSSC is Bihar Staff Selection Commission.

About the Author

Aishwarya Bhandarkar is a content writer having experience of 3.5+ years in blogging of creating content for competitive entrance and government exams. She believes in delivering simplifying complex concepts into understandable and user-friendly content on time to the readers and helping aspirants for various exams..