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BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023, Last Date To Apply

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023

The Bihar Police Sub-ordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) released an official notification for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023 on its official website. The notification PDF has been released for 64 vacancies of Sub-Inspector Prohibition and Police Sub-Inspector Vigilance. If you also have a graduate degree and fall within the age brackets specified in the notification PDF, then today is the last chance for you to apply online for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023. Please note that no applications will be accepted after 04 December 2023.

BPSSC SI Prohibition Notification 2023 PDF

Those who are interested in BPSSC Sub Inspector Prohibition Recruitment 2023 can read the notification PDF. Candidates can download the BPSSC SI Prohibition Notification 2023 PDF from the direct link provided here in this article. The notification PDF comprises details such as eligibility criteria, important dates, how to apply and more.

Bihar Sub Inspector Recruitment 2023: Overview

BPSSC has released 64 vacancies for the post of Prohibition Sub-Inspector recently on its official website. Read the table below to get an overview of all the important details concerning BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023.

BPSSC Sub Inspector Prohibition Recruitment 2023: Overview
Recruitment Organization Bihar Police Sub-ordinate Services Commission (BPSSC)
Post Name Prohibition Sub-Inspector in Bihar Police
Advt No. 03/2023
Vacancies 64
Category Govt Jobs
Last Date To Apply Online 4 December 2023
Mode of Apply Online
Salary/ Pay Scale Rs. 35400- 112400/- (Level-6 Pay Matrix)
Job Location Bihar
Official Website bpssc.bih.nic.in

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023: Important Dates

Candidates should keep important dates in mind to stay updated and don’t miss the last date to apply online i.e. 4th December 2023. Important dates related to BPSSC Sub Inspector Prohibition Recruitment 2023 are mentioned in the table below:

Event Important Dates
Notification Release Date 01 November 2023
Apply Start Date 04 November 2023
Last Date to Apply 04 December 2023

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023 Vacancy Details

The vacancies under BPSSC SI Prohibition Recruitment 2023 are different for different posts. The post-wise vacancy details of BPSSC SI Prohibition recruitment 2023 is as follows:

Post Name Vacancy
SI (Prohibition) 63
SI (Vigilance) 1

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023: Eligibility Criteria

Those who want to fill out the application must fulfill a particular eligibility criteria, those who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be considered for the recruitment. The Eligibility Criteria based on age limit and educational qualification are provided below.

BPSSC SI Age Limit

Candidates who wish to apply for the BPSSC SI Prohibition Recruitment 2023 must have a minimum age limit of 20 years and a maximum of 37 years. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories will be eligible for age relaxation as per the government rule.

Category Minimum Age Maximum Age
General 20 years 37 years
Backward and Extremely backward 20 years 40 years
SC/ST 20 years 42 years

BPSSC SI Educational Qualification

The minimum educational qualification required to apply for Bihar Police Prohibition SI vacancy 2023 is a Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized university or college. The degree can be in any discipline or field of study.

Post Name Qualification
SI (Prohibition) Graduate
SI (Vigilance) Graduate

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023: Physical Standard

The candidates appearing for the Bihar Police Prohibition Sub Inspector Recruitment must fulfill the below listed minimum physical parameters.

Particulars General/OBC SC/ST
Height (Male) 165 cm 160 cm
Height (Female) 155 cm 155 cm
Chest (relaxed) 81 cm 79 cm
Chest (expanded) 86 cm 84 cm
Chest (female) NA NA

BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023: Apply Online Link

The online application window for Bihar SI Recruitment 2023 has been opened on 04 November 2023 on the official website. Interested individuals can use the link provided below to fill out their application forms. We advise candidates to fill out to apply within the time frame as mentioned in the notification PDF.


BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023 Fees

Those who will submit their online application for BPSSC Sub Inspector Prohibition Recruitment 2023 must pay an amount. The category-wise application fees are given in the table below:

Category Fees
Gen/ OBC/ EWS/females of other states Rs. 700/-
SC/ ST/ Female (Bihar Domicile) Rs. 400/-
Mode of Payment Online

How to Apply for Bihar SI Prohibition Recruitment 2023?

Candidates who are willing to fill the Bihar Sub Inspector Prohibition Online Form 2023 must know the right procedure. For the ease of candidates, the step-by-step process is mentioned below:

Step 1: Go to the official website i.e. bpssc.bih.nic.in or the direct link provided above.

Step 2: Go to the “Prohibition Dept.” tab and click on “Apply Online for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023”.

Step 3: Register yourself and then log in with the login credentials.

Step 4: Fill in the required details and upload a scanned photo and sign.

Step 5: Pay the required fees.

Step 6: Finally submit the form and download it in the form of a PDF, you can also print the application form.

Bihar Police Prohibition SI Vacancy 2023 Selection Process

The Selection Process for BPSSC Sub Inspector Prohibition Recruitment 2023 will decide the final selection of eligible candidates. The Bihar Police Prohibition SI Vacancy 2023 Selection Process is given below :

Stage 1: Written Exam (Pre and Mains)

Stage 2: Physical Test (PET/PST)

Stage 3: Document Verification

Stage 4: Medical Examination

BPSSC SI Prohibition Exam Pattern 2023

The candidates appearing for Bihar Police Prohibition SI Recruitment 2023 must be aware of the Exam Pattern. The written exam will be held in two stages i.e. Prelims/Mains examination. Candidates who qualify the Prelims and Mains exam with at least 30% marks in respective stages will be eligible for the PET round as given below.

BPSSC SI Prohibition Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can go through the table below for the BPSSC SI Prohibition Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern. Bihar Police Prohibition SI Prelims Exam consists of 100 Multiple Choice Questions.

  • It will be objective-type questions
  • A total of 100 MCQs will be asked.
  • Each question carries 2 marks.
  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours.
  • 0.2 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • 20 times the number of qualified candidates will be called for Mains.
Bihar Police Prohibition SI Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Paper No. of Questions Marks Duration
General Knowledge & Contemporary Issues 100 200 2 hours
Total 100 200 120 mins

BPSSC SI Prohibition Mains Exam Pattern 2023

To qualify for the Bihar Police Prohibition SI Mains Exam candidates need to score at least 30 % marks in each section. There are total of 100 MCQs will be asked from each paper.

  • It will be objective-type in nature
  • Candidates must qualify in both papers with at least 30% marks in each section.
  • A total of 100 MCQs will be asked from each paper.
  • 0.2 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • The marks obtained in Paper 1 will not be considered for merit.
  • The total duration of the exam is 2 hours for each paper.
  • 6 times the number of qualified candidates will be called for PET/PST.
Bihar Police Prohibition SI Mains Exam Pattern 2023
Paper Section No. of Questions Marks Duration
Paper 1 General Hindi 100 200 2 hours
Paper 2 General Studies, General Science, Civics, Indian History, Indian Geography, Maths & Mental Ability Test 100 200 2 hours
Total 200 400 4 hours

BPSSC SI Prohibition PET Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates who have successfully qualified the written exam will be eligible to appear for the PET/PST round. Let’s go through the official Bihar Police Prohibition SI Physical Efficiency Test exam pattern 2023 below.

Bihar Police Prohibition SI PET/PST Exam Pattern 2023
Activity Gender Distance Covered Total Duration/Weight
Running Test Male 1.6 km or 1 mile 6 mins and 30 secs
Female 1 km 6 mins
Long Jump Male 12ft
Female 9 ft
High Jump Male 4 ft
Female 3 ft
Shot Put Male 16 ft Shotput of 16 kgs
Female 10 ft Shotput of 12 kgs



BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023, Last Date To Apply_4.1


What is the last date to apply for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023?

The last date to apply for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023 is 04 December 2023. Candidates are advised to fill their form before the last date to avoid any technical issues.

How can I fill the Bihar Sub Inspector Prohibition Online Form 2023?

You can submit your application form through the official website i.e. bpssc.bih.nic.in or also from the direct link which is provided above in the article.

What fees do I need to pay while applying for BPSSC SI Prohibition Vacancy 2023?

The fees may vary depending on the candidate's category and state. The fees for Bihar Sub Inspector Prohibition Online Form 2023 is:
1. Gen/ OBC/ EWS/females of other states- Rs. 700/-
2. SC/ ST/ Female (Bihar Domicile)-Rs. 400/-