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BPSC Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern for 69th Prelims Exam

BPSC Syllabus 2023

BPSC Syllabus 2023: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has announced the BPSC Syllabus 2023 along with the BPSC Notification 2023. Candidates applying for this recruitment must first review the BPSC Syllabus 2023. The BPSC Syllabus 2023 covers a wide range of topics, including General Hindi, General Studies, General Science, Civics, Indian History, Indian Geography, Mathematics, and Mental Ability Test. The BPSC Syllabus 2023 is available on the official BPSC website. Candidates are advised to go through the syllabus carefully and start preparing early.

BPSC Syllabus 2023: Overview

In the BPSC Notification 2023, a total of 346 vacancies are announced. Interested candidates keep reading the table below to get an overview of all the important details regarding BPSC Syllabus 2023.

BPSC Syllabus 2023
Organization Name Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
Name of Exam 69th BPSC Competitive Exam
Category Syllabus
Posts Various Posts
Total Vacancies 346
Job Location Bihar
BPSC Prelims Exam Date 2023 30th September 2023
Selection Process Prelims Test, Mains Exam, Interview
Official Site bpsc.bih.nic.in

BPSC Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern

The most recent BPSC curriculum and exam pattern were announced on June 27, 2023, along with the BPSC 69th announcement 2023. BPSC, like the other State Service Commissions and the UPSC, administers the Combined Competitive BPSC Exam in three phases. Candidates can review the phases listed below.

Prelims: One objective-type paper for 150 marks.

Mains: Four Papers

Interview: 120 marks

Stage of BPSC Exam Type of Exam Mode Total Marks Duration
Prelims Objective Offline 150 2 Hours
Mains Subjective Offline One qualifying paper (Hindi)

900 ( 3 Papers of 300 marks each)

3 hours for each Paper
Personal Interview Physically Present Offline 120 Not Defined

Candidates must pass each level in order to advance to the next. If they pass the prelims, they can take the mains, after which they will be called for the last stage, which is an interview for the BPSC Exam.

BPSC Syllabus 2023: Prelims Exam

The BPSC Syllabus 2023 for the prelims examination is provided below.

BPSC Prelims Exam Pattern
Name of Exam Combined Competitive Exam
Conducting Body Bihar Public Service Commission ( BPSC )
No of Papers 1 – General Studies (150 marks)
Duration 2 hours
BPSC Syllabus
  1. General Science
  2. Events of national and international importance
  3. History of Bihar and Indian History
  4. Geography(mainly Geography of Bihar)
  5. Indian Polity and Economy
  6. Changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence
  7. Indian National Movement and the Role of Bihar
  8. General Mental Ability.

Important Notes:

  • Paper marks will be used to qualify students for the mains test.
  • The 69th BPSC Prelims test has no negative marking.
  • The BPSC Prelims are screening tests.
  • To qualify for the mains test, candidates must get the minimum marks set by the commission.
  • Except for the questions aimed to evaluate the candidate’s mastery of English, all questions are set in English and Hindi.

BPSC Syllabus 2023 for Prelims Exam: Details

The BPSC syllabus 2023 for the BPSC 69th Prelims exam is the same as that of the previous exams of the BPSC. It covers the aspects of General Science, Polity, Economy, History and the National Movement. The candidates have to go through the syllabus and prepare themselves well because the exam will have questions of a good standard. Here is a detailed syllabus of the BPSC 69th Prelims exam:

  • General Science (General understanding of science, including matters of everyday observation and experience). The questions on Science and Tech will be such that they do not require subject specialization.
  • Current Affairs of National/International importance
  • History of India and Bihar (General understanding of the subject with the broad aspects of the history of Bihar)
  • Geography of India and Bihar (Questions will relate to the physical, social and economic geography of the country including the main features of Indian agricultural and natural resources)
  • General geography and geographical division of Bihar and its major river systems
  • Indian polity (Questions will test knowledge on the country’s political system, Panchayati raj, community development and planning in India and Bihar)
  • Indian economy and economy of Bihar post-independence
  • Indian Movements and Contribution of Bihar in it (Question will relate to the nature and character of the 19th century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence with special reference to Bihar)
  • Under Indian Economy and Polity, the questions will cover the following topics:
  1. Indian Political System
  2. Panchayati Raj
  3. Community Development
  4. Planning in India and Bihar
  • Under Indian National Movement, candidates have to focus on the resurgence in the 19th century, nature and growth of nationalism in India, and India’s independence. Also, the role of Bihar in the Indian National Movement is important from the BPSC exam point of view

BPSC Syllabus 2023: Mains Exam

Candidates are only invited to the BPSC main test if they pass the BPSC Prelims test with the requisite cut-off marks set by the Commission. It makes no difference what one scores on the BPSC Prelims Exam because it is a qualifying exam. The BPSC Main Exam includes a qualifying paper called General Hindi. Aside from that, there will be two 300-point papers: General Studies Paper 1 and General Studies Paper 2. There will be an Optional Paper, which the applicant choose when filling out the Application Form. The Optional Paper is worth 300 points. The following is a list of the 34 Optional Subjects.

Stage of Exam Name of Paper Total Marks Duration
Main Exam (Subjective) General Hindi (Qualifying) 100 3 Hours
General Studies Paper 1 300 3 Hours
General Studies Paper 2 300 3 Hours
Optional Paper 300 3 Hours

Important Notes:

  • The General Hindi Paper is qualifying in nature (30% marks necessary), however its marks will not be counted in the merit list computation.
  • General Studies questions are accessible in both Hindi and English.
  • The total of 900 marks in GS Paper 1, GS Paper 2, and Optional Paper will be used to calculate the score.
  • Candidates who are positioned appropriately in the merit are invited to an interview.
  • The descriptive question papers contain no negative marking.
  • To qualify for the interview phase, candidates must complete all of the papers.
  • This round is both a scoring and a qualifying round.

BPSC Syllabus 2023 for Mains Exam: Details

The subject-wise BPSC Syllabus 2023 is provided here. Candidates can prepare accordingly from the syllabus mentioned below.

General Hindi

The General Hindi paper will be qualifying in nature. The qualifying paper follows the syllabus of the Bihar School Education Board (BSEB). The paper will be worth 100 points and will be subjective in character, with the following mark distribution:

  • Grammar: 30 Marks
  • Essay: 30 Marks
  • Syntax: 25 Marks
  • Summarization: 15 Marks

Candidates must get the qualifying marks in the paper out of a total of 100 points. A solid book on school standards will suffice for this qualifying paper.

General Studies

Until recently, each paper in which the candidates have appeared has been of a qualifying type. The BPSC Preliminary Exam and the General Hindi paper are just qualifying exams. The grades for these papers are not included in the merit lists. The actual BPSC test is currently underway, beginning with the General Studies Papers and the Optional Paper. There are two General Studies Papers and one Optional Paper. Each paper is worth 300 points, for a total of 900 points from all of these papers.

General Studies 1 General Studies 2
  1. Indian Culture
  2. Modern History of India
  3. Contemporary events of national and international importance
  4. Statistical Analysis, diagrams and graphs
  1. Indian and Bihar Polity
  2. Indian and Bihar Economy
  3. Indian and Bihar Geography
  4. Role and impact of Science and Technology in the development of India (and Bihar)

Syllabus of GS Paper 1

  • Modern Indian History and Culture (History of the country with special reference to Bihar in the middle of the nineteenth century, the introduction and expansion of western and technical education, Bihar’s role in the Indian freedom struggle, the Santhal Uprising in Bihar, Birsa movement, Champaran Satyagrah, the Quit India Movement, main features of Mauryan and Pal art, Patna Qulam painting, roles of Gandhi, Tagore, and Nehru)
  1. Role of Bihar in the Indian National Movement
  2. Santhal uprising
  3. 1857 war of independence
  4. Champaran Satyagraha
  5. Quit India Movement 1942
  • Data analysis, graphs, and diagrams(Questions designed to assess the ability to derive inferences from statistical, graphical, or diagrammatical data and to identify flaws, limits, or contradictions)

Syllabus for GS Paper 2

  • Indian Polity ( Questions based on the political system in India including Bihar)
  • Indian economy and Geography of India (Questions on planning in India and the physical, economic and social geography of India and Bihar)
  • The role and impact of science and technology in the development of India (Questions to test awareness of the role and impact of science and technology in India and Bihar with special reference to applied science.

BPSC Optional Subjects

For the BPSC Mains, candidates have to select one optional subject out of 34 total subjects. The one optional subject exam is for 300 marks.

  1. Hindi Language and Literature
  2. English Language and Literature
  3. Urdu Language and Literature
  4. Persian Language and Literature
  5. Arabic Language and Literature
  6. Pali Language and Literature
  7. Maithili Language and Literature
  8. Bangla Language and Literature
  9. Sanskrit Language and Literature
  10. Chemistry
  11. Sociology
  12. Physics
  13. Agriculture
  14. Statistics
  15. Botany
  16. Zoology
  17. Philosophy
  18. Political Science and International Relations
  19. Psychology
  20. Public Administration
  21. Labour and Social Welfare
  22. Management
  23. Mathematics
  24. Mechanical Engineering
  25. Geography
  26. Geology
  27. History
  28. Law
  29. Civil Engineering
  30. Economics
  31. Commerce and Accountancy
  32. Electrical Engineering
  33. Anthropology
  34. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science

BPSC Interview Test

  • Candidates who passed the BPSC Mains Exam will be invited to the ‘Interview’ Round. Candidates are interviewed by a Commission-appointed Board. The primary areas examined by the interviewer are listed below.
  • The candidate will be interviewed by a board that will have a record of the candidate’s career and interests filled out in the Application Form in front of them.
  • The purpose of the interview is for a panel of competent and neutral observers to assess the candidate’s personal fitness for a career in the state services.
  • In the personality exam, applicants must be informed of events both within and outside their state, in addition to their academic studies.
  • The interview is more of a purposeful conversation designed to elicit the candidate’s mental traits and analytical skills.
BPSC Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern for 69th Prelims Exam_3.1


Is BPSC 69th Notification 2023 out?

Yes, BPSC 69th Notification 2023 is out on the official website.

What is the date of BPSC 69th exam 2023?

BPSC prelims exam 2023 will be held on 30th September 2023.

Where can I find detailed BPSC Syllabus 2023?

Candidates can refer to this article for detailed BPSC Syllabus 2023.

Is there any neagative marking in BPSC prelims exam 2023?

Yes, there is a neagative marking of 0.25 mark in BPSC prelims exam 2023.

How many papers are there in BPSC

BPSC Prelims exam is based on a single paper General Studies and BPSC Main exam consists of four papers i.e. General Hindi, General Studies Paper-1, General Studies Paper-2 and Optional Paper

What is the syllabus for BPSC?

The syllabus for the BPSC Prelims Exam covers Current Affairs, General Science, Polity, Economy, History and the National Movement and General Mental Ability.

Is there negative marking in BPSC Prelims?

Yes there will be negative marking in the upcoming 69th BPSC exam 2023.