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Best Strategy To Prepare for SSC JE 2024 Exam

SSC JE 2024 Exam Strategy

SSC JE 2024 is the exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to recruit Junior Engineers (JE) for various government departments. This exam is conducted every year and is a multi-stage examination process. It consists of 2 Computer Based Tests (CBT), Tier 1 and Tier 2. The final merit list of the selected candidates will be calculated based on the total marks obtained in Tier 1 and Tier 2. To be eligible for the Tier 2 exam, candidates must clear the cutoff for Tier 1.

SSC JE 2024 is different from other competitive exams as it is conducted specifically to sort out the best Engineers in our country.

However, this exam is designed to give every engineering graduate a level playing field to get selected.  The structure of Paper 1 tests the general awareness, logical thinking, and technical knowledge of the aspirants.

With the cutoff seeing an overall rising trend, we must plan our SSC JE 2024 Strategy in such a way that we can score much higher than the expected cutoff and take the lead in the competition.

SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 Overview

SSC JE 2024 preparation can start only when we have an overall idea of the structure of Paper 1. The following table shows the various subjects asked and their weightage in the exam. It has been based on the official notification for the 2023 exam.

Subject Number of Questions Marks
General Intelligence and Awareness 50 50
General Awareness 50 50
General Engineering(Civil/ Electrical/Mechanical) 100 100

SSC JE 2024 Exam Tier 1 Details

The SSC JE 2024 Exam Tier 1 is a computer-based objective-type bilingual exam and candidates can view the questions both in Hindi as well as in English.

The exam is conducted for 120 minutes (160 minutes for those opting for scribe) and carries a total of 200 marks.

There is a one-third negative marking which means that for every wrong answer, 1/3rd of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted from the candidate’s score.

SSC JE 2024 Exam Tier 1 Strategy

Now that we have gained a basic idea about the exam, let’s look at how we can approach the preparation for the same. The SSC JE 2024 Paper 1 has been divided into 3 main sections which are General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering(Civil/ Electrical/Mechanical).

However, as aspirants, we can divide the paper into 2 sections: Technical and Non-Technical each carrying 100 marks. So we have to give equal attention to both sections.

In the following points let’s try to look at the different aspects of how to prepare for both in one go.

SSC JE 2024 Paper 1 Non-Technical Section Strategy

The non-technical section of the Paper 1 consists of General Intelligence and Reasoning and General Awareness. This section may seem challenging at first but this section has a hidden advantage.

Reasons to focus on this section

The candidates who are strong in Reasoning and GA can maximize their scores and gain an advantage over those who have prepared only for the technical section of the paper. In the following points, we show why you should focus on this section also.

  • Being engineers, you are already good at reasoning and logical thinking, you just have to give shape to that skill according to the questions asked in the exam.
  • During engineering, we are taught how to approach a problem logically and find its solution in the most efficient way possible.
  • To apply this skill in the non-technical section of the paper you need to first analyze the previous year’s questions and filter out the most scoring topics in reasoning and GA.
  • Learning all the concepts of Reasoning and GA early in the preparation is very helpful as it gives the candidate plenty of time to practice and attempt mocks.

Now let’s look at a strategy for the upcoming 4 months for the preparation of the non-technical section of the SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 exam.

Month 1: Dedicate 3 hours every day of the first month to learn all the basic concepts of various topics. Out of these 3 hours keep 2 hours for learning and 1 hour for revision.

Subject Strategy
General Awareness Focus on core subjects i.e. History, Culture, Economics, Geography, Polity, and General Science
Reasoning Learn all the basic concepts and understand the logic behind the questions asked in the exam

Month 2: This is the time to apply the concepts learned. the time allotted for this section remains 3 Hours. However, now keep 2 hours for question practice and 1 hour for concept revision.

Subject Strategy
General Awareness learn various facts and figures related to the Static GK
Reasoning practicing as many questions as possible

Month 3: It is time to get familiar with the exam pattern. Enter PYQs….

Subject Strategy
General Awareness  Solve the PYQs. First attempt a question by yourself and then look at the answer/explanation
Reasoning Practice Previous Year Questions to apply the basic concepts in actual exam simulation with a stopwatch

While analyzing these questions, you will observe that many concepts are repeated again and again in the exam. Preparing these topics well will surely benefit you in the actual exam.

The aim of the candidate should be to practice the PYQs so many times that any new question asked in the actual exam does not surprise him/her at all.

Month 4: In this final month, the only thing left will be attempting mocks and revision. Mocks both sectional as well as full length are equally important as they help you to filter out the weak areas and work on the concepts.

Subject  Strategy
General Awareness Current Affairs of the past 6 months, Sectional and Full-Length mocks.
Reasoning Attempting Sectional And Full-Length Mocks, Revision of concepts and PYQs


This 4-month SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 strategy is intended to make the non-technical section more scoring for the candidate. Now let us take a look at the technical section strategy for the SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 exam.

SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 Exam Technical Section Strategy

Unlike the non-technical section, this section does not need a month-wise plan but requires a daily schedule. For the entirety of the preparation phase, you need to allot 6 hours each day for this section. The 6 hours can be structured as follows:

Activity Time Allotted
Learning the Concepts 3 Hours
Question/Mock Practice 2 Hours
Revision 1 Hour


Concepts: This exam tests a candidate on the concepts he/she has learned in 4 Years of Engineering and requires hard work and consistency on the part of the aspirants.

Your aim should be to have handwritten notes of all the basic concepts which you can revise efficiently.

Question Practice/Mock Tests: Solving Previous Year as well as new Questions and taking sectional as well as full-length mock tests is a way to help you solidify the concepts learned.

This should be done daily so that you can minimize the time spent on each question and negative marking in the actual paper.

Revision: Daily revision of the concepts learned and the questions attempted is a way to ensure that you can recall the concepts in an instant in the actual exam.

There is no substitute for revision as it is the key to success in every competitive exam.

This was our sincere attempt to present a comprehensive strategy to prepare for all the sections of the SSC JE 2024 Tier 1 exam equally well.

Note – These are just suggestions and candidates are encouraged to craft their own strategy and follow it according to their ease.

Best Strategy to Prepare for SSC JE 2024 Exam_3.1


There are 2 stages of the SSC JE 2024 Exam Tier 1 and Tier 2.