ASRB NET 2022: The Notification for ASRB NET 2022 will be out soon. ASRB NET is a national-level examination that is conducted by the Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB). This exam is held once in a year at various centers all over India. Candidates will need to fill out the online application to appear in the ASRB NET 2022 exam. This exam is qualifying in nature which makes you eligible to apply for the post of assistant professor or lecturer in state agriculture universities whenever the vacancies are released. ASRB NET 2022 notification will be released in the PDF format containing all the key details. In this article we have covered all the details related to ASRB NET 2022.
The ASRB NET exam is also referred to as the ICAR NET, which is conducted by the Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) to ascertain a candidate’s eligibility for the position of Lecturer or Assistant Professor in State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). To appear in the ASRB NET exam, candidates must have the masters degree in the respected discipline and specialization. There will be only one paper in the ASRB NET exam. However candidates will need to choose one subject out of a list of 60 subjects. Keep reading this article to get more details about ASRB NET 2022 Notification.
ASRB NET 2022: Overview
To get a clear picture of the ASRB NET 2022 exam, candidates can check a complete overview from the table given below
Exam Name | ASRB NET (Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board National Eligibility Test) |
Organization | The Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board |
Exam Level | National |
Exam Mode | Online |
Exam Duration | 2 Hours |
Educational qualification | Master’s degree or equivalent in the respective discipline and specialization |
Age Limit | Candidate must have attained the age of 21 years |
Number of attempt | No restriction |
Exam Language | English and Hindi |
Number of subject | 60 |
Official Website | http://www.asrb.org.in |
ASRB NET 2022 Notification
ASRB NET 2022 Notification will be released by the Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) on its official website @https://www.asrb.org.in. All the important dates related to online registration will be revealed after the release of ASRB NET 2022 Notification. Candidates will get to know the eligibility criteria, application fees, exam centers, discipline wise educational qualification very soon. The direct link to download the official notification PDF of ASRB NET 2022 will be given here after the activation of download link on the official website of ASRB.
ASRB NET 2022: Important Dates
ASRB will announce all the important dates related to ASRB NET 2022 along with the release of official notification. We will update all the dates related to online registration once the ASRB NET 2022 notification is out.
ASRB NET Events | Important Dates |
ASRB NET 2022 Notification | To be notified |
Online applications starts | To be notified |
ASRB NET Admit Card | To be notified |
Online (CBT) examination | To be notified |
Provisional Answer Key | To be notified |
Result | To be notified |
Note:- NET Certificate would be issued to the qualified candidates through Digi Locker app only.
ASRB NET 2022 Apply Online
After the release of the official notification, the ASRB NET 2022 apply online link will be activated. In order to appear for the exam, applicants must submit their applications before the last date of doing the online registration. The steps in the application process are as follows:
- Registration
- Fill the application form
- Fee payment
ASRB NET 2022: Eligibility Criteria
The following are the basic requirements for ASRB NET eligibility:
- A master’s degree or its equivalent in the same discipline for which you are applying.
- Age: There is no maximum age limit for ASRB NET exam and a minimum age to apply is 21 years.
- There is no restriction on the maximum number of ASRB NET attempts.
ASRB NET 2022 Syllabus
The board itself decides the ASRB NET 2022 syllabus. Each of the 60 disciplines in the ASRB NET exam has a separate syllabus. When filling out the online application, candidates must select a discipline or subject. The 60 ASRB ICAR NET subjects are listed below with eligibility qualification.
ASRB NET 2022: Disciplines and Their Required Educational Qualification
Code No. | Discipline | Educational Qualification |
01 | Agricultural Biotechnology | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology & Bio-Technology/ Genetic Engineering/ Botany/ Plant Sciences/ Life Sciences/Plant Physiology with specialization in Plant Biotechnology. |
02 | Agricultural Entomology | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Entomology/ Zoology/ Sericulture/ Apiculture/ Plant Protection with specialization in Agricultural Entomology. |
03 | Agricultural Microbiology | Master’s degree in Agricultural Microbiology /Microbiology/Plant Physiology. |
04 | Economic Botany & Plant Genetic Resources | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Botany/ Horticulture/Plant Physiology with specialization in Agricultural Botany/ Economic Botany/ Plant Genetic Resources. |
05 | Genetics & Plant Breeding | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Agricultural Botany/ Plant Breeding or Genetics or Genetics and Plant Breeding/Plant Physiology/Plant Genetic Resources. |
06 | Nematology | Master’s degree in Agriculture /Nematology/ Entomology/ Plant Pathology/ Zoology/ Plant Protection with specialization in Nematology. |
07 | Plant Biochemistry | Master’s degree in Plant Biochemistry/ Agricultural Biochemistry/ Biochemistry with specialization in plants. |
08 | Plant Pathology | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Botany/ Life Sciences/ Plant Protection with specialization in Plant Pathology/ Mycology. |
09 | Plant Physiology | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Plant Physiology/ Botany with specialization in Plant Physiology. |
10 | Seed Science & Technology | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Seed Science/ Seed Technology or Seed Science and Technology/Plant Physiology. |
11 | Floriculture & Landscaping | Master’s degree in Floriculture/ Agriculture or Horticulture /Plant Genetic Resources with specialization in Floriculture and Landscaping/ Post Harvest Technology (Horticulture). |
12 | Fruit Science | Master’s degree in Pomology/ Agriculture or Horticulture/Plant Genetic Resources with specialization in Fruit Sciences/ Post Harvest Technology (Horticulture). |
13 | Spices, Plantation & Medicinal & Aromatic Plants | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Botany /Plant Genetic Resources with specialization in Spices/ Plantation Crops and/ or in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants/ Post Harvest Technology (Horticulture). |
14 | Vegetable Science | Master’s degree in Olericulture/ Vegetable Sciences/ Agriculture or Horticulture/Plant Genetic Resources with specialization in Vegetable Sciences/ Post Harvest Technology (Horticulture). |
15 | Animal Biochemistry | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences/ Dairy/ Fisheries Science with specialization in Biochemistry. |
16 | Animal Biotechnology | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal/ Fisheries Science with specialization in Biotechnology. |
17 | Animal Genetics & Breeding | Master’s degree in Veterinary/Animal Sciences with specialization in Animal Genetics and Breeding. |
18 | Animal Nutrition | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Animal Nutrition. |
19 | Animal Physiology | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Animal Physiology. |
20 | Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Animal Reproduction and Gynaecology |
21 | Dairy Chemistry | Master’s degree in Dairy Chemistry/ Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Dairy Chemistry. |
22 | Dairy Microbiology | Master’s degree in Dairy Microbiology/ Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Dairy Microbiology. |
23 | Dairy Technology | Master’s degree in Dairy Technology or Dairy Science/ Animal Products Technology/Food Technology with specialization in Dairy Technology. |
24 | Livestock Product Technology | Master’s degree in Veterinary/Animal Sciences with specialization in Livestock Products Technology |
25 | Livestock Production Management | Master’s degree in Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Livestock Production Management/ Animal Husbandry. |
26 | Poultry Science | Master’s degree in Poultry Sciences/ Veterinary/ Animal Sciences with specialization in Poultry Sciences. |
27 | Veterinary Medicine | Master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine/ Veterinary Preventive Medicine/ Veterinary Clinical Medicine. |
28 | Veterinary Microbiology | Master’s degree in Veterinary Sciences with specialization in Microbiology/ Bacteriology/ Virology/ Mycology/ Immunology. |
29 | Veterinary Parasitology | Master’s degree in Veterinary Parasitology |
30 | Veterinary Pathology | Master’s degree in Veterinary Pathology |
31 | Veterinary Pharmacology | Master’s degree in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology/Veterinary Pharmacology |
32 | Veterinary Public Health | Master’s degree in Veterinary Public Health/ Epidemiology. |
33 | Veterinary Surgery | Master’s degree in Veterinary Surgery/Veterinary Anatomy. |
34 | Aquaculture | Master’s degree in Aquaculture/ Fishery Sciences/ Marine Biology/ Aquatic Biology with specialization in Mariculture/ Aquatic Environmental Management/ Aquatic Ecology/ Inland Aquaculture. |
35 | Fisheries Resource Management | Master’s degree in Fishery Sciences/Fisheries Resource Management/ Marine Biology/Aquatic Environmental Management/ Aquatic Biology/Industrial Fisheries with specialization in Fisheries Resource Management/ Fish Population Dynamics/ Fishery Hydrography/ Ecosystem Management/ Aquatic Ecology. |
36 | Fish Processing Technology | Master’s degree in Fishery Sciences/ Fish Processing Technology/Post Harvest Technology/ Industrial Fisheries with specialization in Fish Harvest and Processing. |
37 | Fish Nutrition | Master’s degree in Fishery Sciences with specialization in Fish Nutrition and Fish Physiology/ Feed Technology/ Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry. |
38 | Fish Health | Master’s degree in Fishery Science/ Marine Biology with specialization in Fish Health/ Fish Pathology and Microbiology. |
39 | Fish Genetics & Breeding | Master’s degree in Fishery Science/ Marine Biology with specialization in Fish Genetics and Breeding/ Fish Biotechnology. |
40 | Agricultural Chemicals | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Agricultural Chemicals/ Organic Chemistry with specialization in Agricultural Chemicals. |
41 | Agricultural Meteorology | Master’s degree in Agricultural Meteorology/ Agricultural Physics with specialization in Agricultural Meteorology. |
42 | Agroforestry | Master’s degree in Agroforestry Or Master’s degree in Forestry or Agronomy or Horticulture or Botany with specialization in Agroforestry. |
43 | Agronomy | Master’s degree in Agriculture with specialization in Agronomy/Soil Water Management/ Conservation Agriculture/ Farming Systems Management/ Forage Production/ Water Science and Technology. |
44 | Environmental Science | Master’s degree in Environmental Science/Agroforestry/ Agriculture Physics/ Agriculture with specialization in Environmental Science. |
45 | Soil Sciences | Master’s degree in Agriculture/ Soil Sciences/ Agricultural Chemistry/ Agricultural Physics with specialization in Soil Physics and Soil and Water Conservation/ Soil Fertility/Soil Microbiology/ Soil Chemistry/ Water Science and Technology. |
46 | Agricultural Business Management | Master’s degree in Agricultural Business Management/ Agricultural Marketing/ Business Management with specialization in Agricultural Business/ Fisheries Business Management. |
47 | Agricultural Economics | Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics/ Dairy Economics/ Veterinary Economics/ Fisheries Economics / Economics with specialization in Agriculture |
48 | Agricultural Extension | Master’s degree in Agricultural Extension/ Veterinary Extension/ Dairy Extension/ Fisheries Extension/ Home Science Extension/ Agriculture Communication in Agricultural Sciences/ Rural Development/ Rural Management. |
49 | Agricultural Statistics | Master’s degree in Agricultural Statistics / Statistics / Mathematics with specialization in Statistics. |
50 | Home Science | Master’s degree in Home Science with specialization in Family Resource Management/ Textile and Clothing/Child Development/ Foods and Nutrition. |
51 | Farm Machinery & Power | Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Farm Machinery and Power. |
52 | Computer Applications & IT | Master’s degree in Computer Application / Information Technology / Information Technology & Communication / Computer Science. |
53 | Land & Water Management Engineering | Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering/ Civil Engineering with specialization in Soil and Water Conservation/ Irrigation and Drainage/ Water Resources/ Hydrology/ Aquatic Engineering/Water Science and Technology. |
54 | Bioinformatics | Master’s degree in Bioinformatics or in any basic science with specialization in Bioinformatics. |
55 | Food Technology | Master’s degree in Food Science/ Food Technology/ Food Science and Technology/ Post Harvest Technology. |
56 | Agricultural Structure and Process Engineering | Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Agricultural Structures / Aquaculture Engineering. Or Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Agricultural Process Engineering / Food Process Engineering / Dairy Engineering. |
57 | Veterinary Anatomy (only for NET) | Master’s degree in Veterinary Anatomy. |
58 | Agricultural Physics | Master’s degree in Agricultural Physics or Bio-physics or Remote Sensing & GIS or Agricultural Meteorology or Environmental Science or Geo-informatics. Or Master’s degree in Soil Science with specialization in Soil Physics and Soil & Water Conservation. |
59 | Electronics & Instrumentation | Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical & Electronics Engineering or Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering or Instrumentation Engineering |
60 | Textile Manufacture & Technology | Master’s degree in Textile Technology or Textile Engineering or Textile Chemistry or Technical Textiles or Textile Chemical Processing or Textile and Clothing or Fibre Science and Technology or Fashion Technology. |
ASRB NET 2022: Exam Pattern
Candidates who are aiming to clear ASRB NET 2022 exam must be aware of the ASRB NET exam pattern. The ASRB ICAR NET exam pattern will give you a complete idea about the number of questions, time allotted for the exam, and exam format. Here we have provided below the pattern of the exam
- One paper having the weightage of 150 marks will have 150 objective multiple-choice questions that must be answered in 2 hours
- One mark is assigned to each question.
- The 150 questions will be asked from the area of study that the individual has chosen to apply for.
- 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in the ASRB NET 2022 exam
ASRB NET 2022: Selection Process
- Applications for the ASRB NET must be submitted online via the ASRB’s official website after the release of the ASRB NET 2023 notification. The application process for ASRB NET consists of registration, completion of the necessary information, and online payment of the application fee.
- Successfully registered applicants must download their ASRB NET admit card from the website. The admit card is not sent via postal by the organization.
- The ASRB NET exam will be conducted in an online mode. During the time duration of two hours, candidates will be required to answer to 150 questions, each of which carries weightage of one mark. For each wrong answer, there is a negative marking of one third mark. The questions in the ASRB NET 2023 will be based on the subject that applicants selected while filling the application form. The ASRB NET question papers are set in two languages, English and Hindi, and the level of the exam is of master’s degree.
- Those who will get the cut off scores are considered as exam qualified. When vacancies for lecturers or assistant professors occur at various agricultural universities, ASRB NET qualified individuals are eligible to apply.
ASRB NET 2022 Exam Date
The ASRB NET 2022 exam date will be announced once the application process will be completed. Candidates who are preparing for ASRB NET 2022 must not worry about the exam dates as we will notify you once it is out.
ASRB NET 2022: Cut off
The ASRB NET 2023 cut off will be released alongside the result. The ASRB determines the cut off. The cut off marks differ from the minimum qualifying marks. Take a look at the ASRB NET 2022 qualifying marks listed below.
Category | Minimum Qualifying Percentage | Minimum Qualifying marks |
Un-reserved(UR)/ EWS | 50 % | 75 |
OBC | 45 % | 67.5 |
SC / ST/ PwBD | 40 % | 60 |
Know more Vacancies:-
- AIIMS Delhi Recruitment 2022
- RRB ALP Recruitment 2022
- Maharashtra Police Recruitment 2022
- RPF Constable Recruitment 2022
Q.1 When will the ASRB NET 2022 Notification be out?
Ans ASRB NET 2022 Notification will be out soon
Q.2 What is the maximum age for ASRB NET 2022?
Ans:- ASRB NET 2022 has no upper age limit. The minimum age is 21 years.
Q.3 How many times may a person apply for the ASRB NET or the ICAR NET?
Ans:- The ASRB NET didn’t have fixed number of attempts.
Q.4 What is the full form of ASRB NET?
Ans: The full form of ASRB NET is Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board National Eligibility Test
Q.5 How will I get my ASRB ICAR NET certificate?
Ans:- Candidates who pass the exam will receive notification when their ICAR NET certificate has been issued. NET Certificate would be issued to the qualified candidates through Digi Locker app only.
Q.6 What is the minimum percentage required to qualify for the ASRB NET?
Ans:- An OBC candidate must score 45% in the ASRB NET, while a SC/ST/PWD and Un-reserved (UR)/ EWS candidate must score 40% and 50 %, respectively.