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Allahabad High Court Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern

The High Court of Judicature at Allahabad sets the syllabus and exam pattern for the Group C exam. Candidates planning to take the exam should familiarize themselves with these details to prepare effectively. The syllabus includes specific topics for each subject, while the exam pattern reveals the marking scheme, exam duration, and overall structure of the test. The selection process consists of two or three stages: an offline written exam followed by a Computer Type Test or any specific test according to post. For the convenience of candidates, we have provided detailed Allahabad High Court Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern on this page.

Allahabad High Court Syllabus 2024

Candidates getting ready for the Allahabad High Court Group C exam in 2024 should know the syllabus and exam pattern to prepare well. The syllabus PDF lists all the important topics to study, helping candidates focus on what they need to learn. The selection process includes two to three stages, starting with an offline written exam. Depending on the position, the next steps may involve a Technical Driving Test for Drivers, a Computer Type Test for Junior Assistants, and a Stenography Test for Stenographers.

In the written exam, candidates will answer 100 multiple-choice questions in 90 minutes, with a total of 100 marks available and no penalties for wrong answers. Understanding the syllabus and exam structure will greatly improve candidates’ chances of success in the recruitment process.

Allahabad High Court Exam Pattern 2024

The Allahabad High Court Group C exam will have a common offline written test for all Group C posts. Here’s a summary of the exam pattern:

  • Format: The exam will be offline (OMR-based).
  • Language: The question paper will be available in both English and Hindi.
  • Marking: There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Questions: A total of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will be asked for a maximum of 100 marks.
  • Duration: Candidates will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.
Subject Total Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Hindi 100 100 90 minutes
General Studies

Technical Driving Test (Driver Post)

For candidates applying for the Driver position, the Stage II exam consists of two parts:

  • Test A: Signage Test (Test of Road Signs)
  • Test B: Driving Test

Candidates must pass this stage to the satisfaction of the Selecting/Appointing authority. Those who perform well in the written exam will be shortlisted (three times the number of vacancies) for the Technical Driving Test.

Computer Type Test (Stenographer and Junior Assistant Posts)

Only candidates who pass the offline written exam will qualify for the Computer Type Test:

  • Hindi Computer Type Test: Candidates will type a 250-word passage in Mangal Font within 10 minutes for a total of 25 marks.
  • English Computer Type Test: Candidates will type a 300-word passage within 10 minutes, also for 25 marks.

Stenography Test (Stenographer Post)

For the Stenography Test:

  • Hindi Stenography: Candidates will receive a 400-word text dictated at 80 words per minute (w.p.m.) to transcribe at 30 w.p.m. within 30 minutes. This will be scored out of 50 marks.
  • English Stenography: Candidates will receive a 500-word text dictated at 100 w.p.m. to transcribe at 40 w.p.m. within 30 minutes, also for 50 marks.

Merit List

A combined merit list for the Stenographer post will be created based on the marks from the written exam, Computer Type Test, and Stenography Test.

Allahabad High Court Syllabus 2024 Detailed

To prepare effectively for the upcoming Allahabad High Court Group C Recruitment exam, it is essential to first review the syllabus. Understanding the syllabus helps identify the important topics for the exam, allowing candidates to focus their studies on relevant areas. Check the following table for more information on topics covered in Allahabad High Court Group C Syllabus:

Subject Topics
English Comprehension, Active & Passive Voice, Verbs, Synonyms and Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Idioms & Phrases, Vocabulary, Fill in the Blanks, Transformation of Sentences, Direct & Indirect Speech, etc.
Hindi संधि और संधि विच्छेद, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, सामासिक पदों की रचना और समास विग्रह, शब्द-शुद्धि, अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विपरीतार्थक शब्द, शब्द-युग्म, वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द, अनेकार्थक शब्द, संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ, कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान, सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण, वाक्य-शुद्धि, वाच्य प्रयोग, क्रिया।
General Studies Current Affairs (National & International), Geography (India & World), History (India & World), Indian Economy, Indian Polity, Environmental Issues, Indian Constitution, Science & Technology.
Mathematics Number Systems, Percentage, Ratio and Time, Averages, Time and Distance, Decimals and Fractions, Profit and Loss, Interest, Mensuration, Discount, Ratio and Proportion, Whole Numbers, Time and Work, Use of Tables and Graphs.


Allahabad High Court Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern_3.1


What is the format of the Allahabad High Court Group C exam?

The exam is offline and OMR-based.

In which languages will the question paper be available?

The question paper will be available in both English and Hindi.

Is there negative marking in the exam?

No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.

How many questions will be asked in the written exam?

A total of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will be asked.

What does the Technical Driving Test for Drivers include?

It consists of a Signage Test (Test of Road Signs) and a Driving Test.